I miss old Freddy...

So I loved playing Freddy way back when he first came out. The challenge of learning him and his add-ons, his power, and honestly learning just how to play the game more fun. I got 3-4k's most games, and I still do usually. The problem I have with Freddy is now it's like anyone can just pick him and within 30 minutes ur decent enough to get 4k's. A killer should take time to learn. You should have to struggle a little bit at first with it and slowly get the hang of it. Then, if u really dedicate enough time to them, become a pro with them. Don't get me wrong, the fact I can use the teleportation to fake out survivors and that I can just hit them is nice, but there is something rewarding about taking the time to put the survivors to sleep and timing it just right so when they knock out, you land a hit. I just don't feel the same reward for hitting survivors and downing them as I once did since it's basically like he's an m1 killer. Again, new Freddy is fine. He's easy to play and easy to pick up, but I just miss old school lullaby Fred.


  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    We do not miss the Tunnel Monster

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited February 2020

    Why tunnel monster? His old basekit was quite bad for tunneling o.O

    Otz did a great video on him on how to use his information with the aura reading, short before the rework went live

  • TheMilitiaGamer
    TheMilitiaGamer Member Posts: 13

    I didn't need to tunnel. I used base perks, mostly cause I didn't really know what teachables were for a Long time, and just good strategy to get my wins. I'd only tunnel when someone was a douche and trolling.

  • TheMilitiaGamer
    TheMilitiaGamer Member Posts: 13

    Exactly he has an amazing basekit and even with just his perks and a few ordinary ones he was a monster to go against

  • NICK714
    NICK714 Member Posts: 173

    The old Freddy was too weak and that "A killer should take time to learn" is not always the case, if you are a casual player?

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2020

    It was exciting having to put someone to sleep and wait like 6 seconds before you could even hit them? Wow, yeah, that was really fun getting the timing right. That definitely didn't allow a survivor to easily get to a pallet and make your power irrelevant in many other ways. Lol

    I also miss being practically blind and barely able to see anything. I miss whiffing an attack on a sleeping survivor because my attack auto aims into a non sleeping survivor. While I admit it was fun to dance around the map putting people to sleep, as far as the strength of old Freddy, well, he was just garbage. He was fun garbage.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    if you are a casual player you probably wouldn't be playing against survivors that need a well trained killer (assuming matchmaking would be working properly, but that's a different thing). And casual players don't need to master 15 killers. At least they shouldnt expect to do so. I also don't expect to master all Overwatch heroes equally.

  • NICK714
    NICK714 Member Posts: 173

    I am diamond rank in overwatch, 3 xD roles, but in case of casual players it is good that they have a character that is efficient with little game,

  • TheMilitiaGamer
    TheMilitiaGamer Member Posts: 13

    I have to disagree with you on that one. It usually gave a free pallet away that would later on lessen a time around on a loop that would ultimately be in my own favor. While waiting 6 seconds did suck, it did have it benefits as in also not just letting you smack them like nowadays. It was different for the game and allowed Freddy to stand out and be unique a way no other killer had ever done (or even still does to this day). Timing your hit took the time learning when to do things. And running even one block made that time feel easier to deal with since you would get to hit them one-four (I could be wrong on the max time, apologies) which made it easier to deal with. I agree it sucked in one sense but having the time put into the killer to learn how to do it made it much more rewarding hitting that 4k.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,765

    Old freddy was fun but wasn't that good.

    New freddy is fun and is good.

    Please do not ever return old freddy.

    Sincerely a rank 1 old freddy main.

  • TheMilitiaGamer
    TheMilitiaGamer Member Posts: 13

    I disagree, even with only a few perks unlocked, I still continuously got 4ks and ran builds that didnt run blocks that still worked quite as well, if not better than some other killers that were available at times. To me it, it felt more like, easy to learn, hard to master. And if you are playing casual, it may be better to play a killer with a less peculiar power set than Freddy that would be easier to play instead of forcing yourself to play someone who is more difficult.

  • TheMilitiaGamer
    TheMilitiaGamer Member Posts: 13

    Pardon me for saying this, but even with basic perks, Freddy could shred easily. From doubled up block builds, to dress combos and other power range addons too, Freddy was a force to be reckoned with. Just had to be patient. New Freddy is fun, I like the aura reading, fake pallets and teleportation ability, but it just feels like its too easy honestly. He feels like any other M1 killer and honestly loses a bit of individuality that made him so unique. It felt so satisfying hitting someone at just the right time that they transitioned to dream state. It felt like a hit that was earned much more than nowadays to me. It's like getting a stalk off on ghostface and landing that hit while in stealth mode. It just felt so good. I don't know, its not that I don't like playing Freddy nowadays, I just feel like he didn't really need the rework he got. I never was at rank 1 (just didn't ever get there, nor did i want to be honestly so never really went for it) but playing against a rank 1 old freddy as a survivor just felt so much better to me than nowadays where hes got a terror radius normally and then in the dream state its now a lullaby. Just doesn't feel right in a sense. That's just me though, I can see where people come from with enjoying the changes since he is easier to pick up nowadays than he was before increasing the chances you see him roaming in a map when newcomers play or when old mains try him out after coming back. But I still wouldn't mind if there was an addon that gave me that old power back just for fun.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,765

    It was fun playing him but no, he was weak. His entire kit was countered by a skillcheck and this was in a time when self care was meta. You could double stack blocks to make him pretty good but that doesn't take away from the fact that he had nothing to deal with loops. In todays meta he would be demolished because of his lack of mobility and chase potential.

    If survivors could run the killer you were entirely perk dependant. Usually you'd need ruin, enduring, and Spirit fury to shut down loops quick enough, and if not spirit fury then Bamboozle. Barbecue being the last one but honestly that could be anything.

    Plus he was completely countered by stealth; sure sleeping survivors are revealed to you but you need to see them first.

    He was fun. He was quirky. But he was weak. Please don't ever make a killer like him again.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    You think you do. You dont. New Freddy is top tier. Old Freddy was the only killer in F tier.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    He’s been reincarnated in the form of Deathslinger.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    old freddy was actually a quite decent killers, its a shame they changed him