why dont killers have second chance perks ?



  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283
    edited February 2020

    Or I pull their ######### ass out the locker take the ds don't give a ######### then proceed to boink them

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    BBQ and whispers are tracking perks.

    Make your choice isn't a second chance perk but i don't know what to call it.

    I could be wrong but i believe nemesis just makes the person who dropped a pallet on you obsession and removes your heart beat for them. Saying it is a second chance is implying you failed if you get a pallet dropped on you.

    Fire up isn't really a second chance perk as your bound to lose gens if the survivors are competent.

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Noed is the biggest second chance perk of all as its meant to allow you to easily down survivors when you fail to prevent the exit gates from being powered.

    Blood warden blocks the gates allowing you a second chance to get survivors.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    Unrelenting doesnt allow you to be more aggressive, it simply lessens the punishment when you miss. Perks like Save the best for last and infectious fright allow for aggressive plays.

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    No, killers don't have second chance perks, which can be considered unfair in the sense that, comparing the abundance to lack of second chance perks looking at Survivor v. Killer, that a single mistake can cost the killer the entire match while survs can mess up until they get into a patch they can't crawl out of..

    But the problem Is, if they were to create second chance perks to killers, how would this be implemented? What is the basis for the second chance perk? How does it work?

    There would be a few problems with balancing these perks, and I say this, because the survivor second chance perks have a various number of ways as to ensure a lesser likelihood of abuse. E.g. there would have to be something similar to an exhausted status, or have a limited use, like exhaustion on dead hard or the one use on decisive..

    I don't know.. sorry -_-'

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I suggested exactly this not too long ago, an idea for a great new 2nd-chance perk! Below is a snippet from a killer idea I posted. Feel free to check out โ€œThe Physicistโ€ from my profile if you like this idea and want to read more.

    โ€Hex: Equilibrium - While active, this hex has no effect. When the hex is cleansed before exit gates are powered, every generator explodes and all generator progress is spread evenly across all 7 generators. Completed generators (at 100%) will be reduced to the same level as the others, and will need to be completed again. (The more generator progress there is overall, the higher the equilibrium level will be). The killer kicks gens 5%/10%/15% faster than normal for the remainder of the match.

    This hex addresses the major killer concern of โ€œgen rushโ€ by allowing up to 4 generators to become โ€œunpoppedโ€. This can give slower killers a new lease on life! This perk also has good synergy with perks like Ruin (if you donโ€™t care about the bonus to kick speed) or Overcharge (if you want to go kick everything quickly.)โ€

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Almost half the killers already have an exhaustion like mechanic with their powers

    And that's rich, lesser likelihood of abuse like perks like DS, BT, MoM and OoO aren't straight up abuse perks. Hell, even the useless perks like that one that lets you pick up dropped pallets cannot be described as anything but a useless abuse perk.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Adrenaline basically counters NOED, and inner strength is a direct counter to it (as well as maps). The difference between supposed Second chance killer perks vs. Survivors are A. There are far less of them B. Most of the ones that arguably exist are useless C. Any that exist are countered in the most straightforward, simple ways that if gen rushing wasn't always the meta, they would almost never come into play.

    I say this because I remember a time when survivors still played well yet 7-8/10 they destroyed every totem and NOED wouldn't even spawn. It was pretty much a guaranteed slot waste against SWF (especially if you had the nerve to bring any hex perk, they would end your game pretty quick) and I was part several different SWF teams who made sure at least one person prioritized destroying totems.

    Now I get it, this was closer to the times when pallets were wormholes and EGC was me collapsing my controller in half over my knee when survivors were waiting to teabag me at exit gates for 30 mins or more (Yes, I'm one of the lucky ones that literally got those games) times are tough as survivor now-a-days with the ruin and nurse nerf and what not, but if you're gonna sit here and tell me that same type of play just isn't viable anymore, well at least add some sugar to that "Yellow kool-aid" if you're gonna ask me to drink it..

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Wrong. Like Lol what? A lot of times you cant find every totem or you're pressed for time and cant go bother to totem hunt for a perk that is not used all the time. I've never played with a swf that gets every totem every single game. Sometimes it happens but rarely do survs bother. And my friends have 1000s of hrs with me. I also use IS so I often am the one getting like 3 totems.

    And even if "good survs" typically do break 5 totems, as if surv sec chance perks cant be countered? Dont tunnel or slug for ds. Wait a sec more to bait dead hard.

    Perks like noed and make your choice cut survs health in half like dh and ds can add to your health states. Many killers have insta downs and sec chance abilities in their kit themselves.

    Let's get non bias now.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Can we define what a 'Second chance' perk would be on killer side?

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Can we define what a โ€œsecond chance perkโ€ is in general?

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2020

    Blood Warden, Rancor and possibly Noed-killer main by the way-

    All of those help you get a kill or extra hooks at an end or extend the game. Remember literally extends the gat progression for anyone not the obsession. Not by a lot...but still.

    I personally don't want more gens. They're boing for survivors and boring for killers. I don't want any more second chance perks for either side. I'd much prefer there was like an inbuilt minute or so where the gens are done survivors got hide and avoid the killer before the exit gates can be powered up.

    It would make the games less stressful as killer and that's a common complaint I've heard across the board from old, new and even survivors who switch about killers. It would also gives survivors some time to enjoy chases/ hide and seek without worrying if their team are potate grilling themselves instead of m1ing gens.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482


    Second chance perks donโ€™t exist and shouldnโ€™t be term.

    Same thing with โ€œgen rushโ€

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    So if survivor perks like DS and BT do their jobs just by the killer suspecting that they're in play even if they're not and taking precautionary measures to avoid activating them, then surely by the same logic, NOED would be coming into play just by the survivors cleansing totems as a precautionary measure instead of doing generators.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    unbreakable isn't a second chance perk? deliverance? dead hard ?

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I dont see how Remember Me is even close to a second chance perk. Hitting the Obsession isnt failing. Hell, its even succeeding your objective. And why does everyone assume "completing all gens" equals "win" for Survivors and "loss" for the Killer? Endgame is just another part of the match.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Not according to them. Guess we lost this argument. /thread

  • To be completely honest. Most of you are moaning about the meta. Remember when people use to think self care was op? Or when brand new part was op or insta heals. Well guess what. All extremely medioca perks and items now. BT isn't that bad. Just don't be a tunneling ######### or use your abilities to your advantage or simply chase the rescuer instead of the hooked survivor. Ds. Just take the hit and stop bitching or simply do what I said for BT, chase the rescuer. Dead hard requires skil to use, too early. You dead, too late. You dead. And it barely gives you any distance. Most of these perks have counter. Your just bitchin bout the cause they counter the way you play as killer.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Well 3 people upvoted his comment maybe they are willing to explain it to you.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174
    edited February 2020

    The only survivor "second chance perk" I have an issue with is DS because the meta is now to use it as 60 sec invulnerability and it's used by ~80% of the survivors I face and shows up in every trial. I just feel the timer needs to be reduced a little or needs to deactivate when they do certain actions. There have been so many times I've been DS'd in the endgame by the last survivor, or after I've already hooked another survivor. If I'm not chasing you right off the hook and moving on then I'm not tunneling, and it isn't "tunneling" when someone on death hook unhooks you, gets sacrificed, and leaves you as the only survivor left with literally a second chance to escape if hit. I've also used DS when not being tunneled as survivor because the timer is just too long.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Killers may, or may not have 2nd chance perks ( depends on how you look at it ). A good, skilled killer doesn't need perks like some that have been mentioned, because before the gates are powered, or before they can be opened everyone is dead. ( for the record, that's not me ). I'm mediocre at best. Sure survivors have 2nd chance perks, but they also have exhaustion perks. Killers do not. Getting stunned is probably the only thing that hinders, or slows a killer down, and even that can be reduced. It's a give and take kind of deal..

  • JarMa13
    JarMa13 Member Posts: 40

    Because killers are already so OP that it wouldn't be fair.

    Is there a survivor perk that allows only 4 gens to trigger exit gates?

    This game is designed so killers have such a huge advantage that killing survivors is inevitable. The goal then, is for survivors to fix gens and escape before that eventual, inevitable kill occurs.

    That is the game.

    When I hear killers complain I get so confused. Are we playing the same _? In addition to the game being absurdly killer advantaged, killers are almost always toxic jerks who use their advantage to bully other players, ruin everyone's fun, and just be all around dbags.

    I usually get 4k unless I let them go. I have had a few matches where survivors fix gens so fast I'm astonished, but they usually are absolutely massacred so badly that I feel guilty about being so OP.

    But I also wonder if killers have unrealistic expectations.

    How it SHOULD BE IS:

    Sometimes you get 4k. SOMETIMES, you get NONE. Sometimes 1,2, or 3 and you average out at 2 kills per match.

    THAT is a successful match.

    If 4k every time is your goal, you will feel it's unfair.

    Altho. That's possible, too if you practice. I always get 4k.

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Tunneling doesn't exist it's not even a word I don't get this so if killer give chase it's okay to call tunnel for the trying to do objective but if survivor call out for gen rush it doesn't exist we need to apply pressure git gud.

    As I have said before you can't slug for ds when survivors just run to the closest locker and then what are the choices?

    A. You grab and get hit anyway

    B. Wait and waste time

    C. Or C leave they go on gens then mock at exit

    Let's get real now.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Half of those can't even be classified as second chance perks. Whispers, really?

  • belief
    belief Member Posts: 6

    Lol how about you get real, you and everyone here knows that all you have to do is leave especially if you're a stealthy killer and come back even if you're revealed or if your stealth is blown just make it into a chase in your favor killers have abilities to make the game unfair in the first place hence the reason survivors have second chance perk (to make it balanced) and exhaustion perks to go a little faster than the killer because they are already way faster so how about you get real and stop tunneling the simple solution for a locker DS is to leave chase a different survivor when you finish with that come back and boom no more DS or BT and if it's endgame put yourself in a position where the survivors can't make a play based off of said perks and you'll be fine stop acting like a dut or the victim when you know the game is killer based every move you make determines the game especially if you have the knowledge and hours to understand

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Please learn how to type so people can read it I'm not reading some big wall of text that is not separated in paragraph you need get out of education before you talk to such a person as me my friend

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Nope, itโ€™s an extra effect youโ€™ve earned from getting a safe unhook, slugged, and not getting insta downed I guess.

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    He think any good survivor will fall for stealth there is still third person in locker ๐Ÿ˜‚ silly billy

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Lol you're joking right? I know people who've played since Beta that quit killer, not even because it's worse or something (infs are gone at least, but there also weren't stealth killers back then and nurse had 3 blinks at bad + regular movement speed, so...) But because killer is such a cucked role at this point. Don't go throwing around your hours like that means something, cuz you have no idea whose been here longer than you and disagrees

  • belief
    belief Member Posts: 6

    Lol don't get mad that I told you how to play the game if I wanted to I could have easily joked about how you couldn't even spell "get" but I don't do that I like to dish out the information and take it in if you don't have anything useful to tell me just don't say it at all๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm not here to right essays I'm here to teach baby killers how to be good

  • belief
    belief Member Posts: 6

    No I don't mean it like that I just don't want people complaining putting false thoughts into someone else saying that things such as DS and/or BT are OP because they don't understand how to counter it I understand that it was hard back then and playing killer was frustrating but it's not impossible to get a 4k if you're good enough not saying that I am especially now

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    No you couldn't considering English is not my main language. You out yourself only toxic will say baby killer or baby survivor please begone get life my friend

  • belief
    belief Member Posts: 6

    If English isn't your main language than you shouldn't try to call someone out on it if you're not that well yourself just a little piece of advice

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    I love the term โ€œsilly billyโ€ and the fact that you use it so much ๐Ÿ’€

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Are you okay in head? I call nobody out silly billy you try talk to me so don't get it twist this is very disgust to me you try make up lie about me karmicly bad

  • belief
    belief Member Posts: 6

    My comment without anyone tagged was for you by the way if you could be as kind as to reading it to let you know that I agree with what you said in a way

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Do not try drama with me you go do that somewhere other please and thank you my friend

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    Killers do have second chance perks. People just like to forget them for some reason. Killers and survivors alike just need their more useless perks overhauled so people are able to have more freedom with builds.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    We do have some 2nd chance perks. The problem is the survivors have ways to counter them that don't require any perks or items.

    NOED only works if they choose not to do totems.

    Blood Warden is hilarious when it goes off but they can just 99% a gate.

    Rancor can give you 1 kill for the end game but most obsessions hide until the gates are open.

  • Yes

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    New Killer Perk:

    If you are carrying a survivor and there is no other survivor in X amount of meters, and the survivors gets out (through wiggling or DS) the survivor immediatly goes down again.

    Second chance perk git.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I got a better idea.

    "Pretty good job so far"

    If 3 gens pop within 1 minute of each other the entity resets one of them :P

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
    edited February 2020
  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Well I do agree with you that they aren't really OP, I think most people are frustrated while looking at these things in a vacuum. Survivors do need to have perks that break up killer momentum and prolong the snowball, so to speak. It can just get overwhelming at times when they are stacked, but honestly I rarely if ever advocate for nerfs.

    I just wish killer wasn't as frustrating as it is at this current time, I can get my 4k's occasionally and I'm not heavily de-piping when I do, but it's kind of bonkers and not helped by the fact that my ELO was toward red rank before but after getting back into the game after months, I'm rank 10 and I'm only going against red rank survivors, so being that's my average level of play, of course now I can't get back so easily because I'm playing against folks who should be competitive for me to play against at red ranks.