[rant] had a lovely game of hook simulator

I just went against a nurse who hard camped and tunnelled me off hook. The frustrating part was she was actually good and landed all her blinks. I don't get why she subjected me to that when she obviously had the skill to destroy us all. Maybe the previous survivors were ######### or meta slaves, but I was running windows of opportunity / diversion / spine chill / calm spirit, I don't BM, I was downed with 5 gens still left... I don't see what I did to deserve it.

It's fine, it just sucks. It was incredibly frustrating and I wanted to vent while I wait 10 minutes for another game.


  • RickJames
    RickJames Member Posts: 85

    I just feel bad for people who do this as they must be in a pretty poor mindset to do these things. I usually try to be really kind to them at the end of the game and wish them luck. I'd like to think it makes them reflect on what they did and they change for the better.

  • miotas
    miotas Member Posts: 42

    I guess with the state of killer right now maybe they wanted to feel more in control (which the killer should feel in this game). It just sucks to be on the receiving end of it.

  • RickJames
    RickJames Member Posts: 85

    Yeah I agree it sucks but there are some things you can do to make it suck less. I tab out and just watch twitch or youtube, this really makes it funny because while the person is wasting 2 minutes baby sitting me I'm just chilling.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    This has nothing to do with the state of killer now or ever. People have facecamped since this game's inception. The fact that they did it with Nurse in a game where they got a down before a single gen popped shows this is an attitude problem, not a game problem.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Here, have your "part of the problem" badge. Wear it proudly.

  • miotas
    miotas Member Posts: 42

    Funny, I never said any of these things, but go on assuming.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Playing like that is just like playing immersed 100% of the time. You might cheese a lot of wins here and there but you'll never really get good at the game.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Not everyone here is a streamer, a lot of play just play the game to have fun. If one game wasn't fun for you, cool, get into a new one. Or take a break.

    By expecting free win's all the time and not learning to counter these easy to counter strategy's then you are limiting your own growth as a survivor.

    The amount of entitled survivors that expect to get 3 free hooks, and 3-4 immunity's from perks and granted a free win for being the last survivor is really the only and biggest problem in dead by daylight right now. If these survivors didn't exist in the first place then many of the Killer's wouldn't even be relying on these ######### tactics.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Hard camping/tunnelling.

    People who play like that will win quite a few times. Maybe even vs good survivors because they just get bored to death of holding M1 until the game is over. But these people will never be even somewhat good at the game so it's fine. Their choice.

    If their idea of fun is making their opponents miserable, then sure, go off I guess. Must be a sad existance.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    That's the job off the killer is to kill be it by hook or a mori after 1 hook not to play by survivors rules that you have to hook each person 3 time's, mori only after 2nd hook, move to other side off map when you hook someone etc.

    It might suck to some people how they get killed but in the end its the killers choice how they do it, you can be a top notch killer and still feel like having a game when you mori everyone after first hook. Killers aren't respected now by survivors and the devs so makes no difference if they were they would be the power role they should be and survivors wouldn't spend the whole match BM the killer like they do now.

    Streamers just DC as a survivor when things don't go the way they want to not all do but a fair few do, so tell me again where it says as a killer i can't play a match how i want to be it i bring a mori in and mori everyone after the first hook?

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No, i know not everyone is a streamer. I was just making the point that those that make a living doing it must be entertaining. No one would watch a guy camp and tunnel for six hours.

    I agree about limiting your growth as a survivor. I hate to be tunneled. But it has helped me practice my looping and improve exponentially . Different opinions don't mean we can't discuss these things as a community, which is what we are doing.

    I personally don't play a lot of meta perks, I'm still using windows of opportunity to continue to work on my looping. IMO, I think they can just get rid of the hatch. I guess they would have to power exit gates when there is one survivor left alive. Maybe just start the end game as soon as entity takes the third survivor. It would eliminate the slug for the 4k.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yes, the killer can play how they want. I am not disagreeing with you there. But there are killers that at the end of the game I am like "damn, respect, they were great killers." and there are those that you are like" low skill unfun tactics". Like you said it is up to you how you play, but you will not be viewed as a great killer. If they don't care about learning to be a great killer then that is up to them.

    There are a lot of survivors that have respect for the killer. In fact a lot of killer mains have switched and play survivor. I have 7 devotions as a killer on PS4 so I understand the stress and challenge of being a killer. I just prefer to take a loss than resort to tactics that I would find unfun when I play survivor.

    I don't know what streamers you watch, so I can' speak to this. I watch mainly Fungoose and I have never seen him DC. Thanks for the discussion.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Oh, I see. You are saying playing killer like this is like a survivor playing immersed all the time, correct? I agree. You would be limiting your growth.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    This is where things start to get interesting you say about killers learning to be great killers its up to them but yet devs took ruin and nerfed it stopping new survivors learning how to be good survivors and hit the great skill checks and still need toolboxes. when i play killer i play fair if not to fair but i enjoy the chase more then killing but sometimes i will put on a mori and go on a killing spree am i a bad kill because of that one match.

    It's a two way street yes there is just toxic killers and survivors that will play like that every match and not care about the other side, but then you have good players that after so many matches might say screw it and play it to make it unfun for the other side i.e mori, key, perks, items and addons.

    Just check some out like i do when i have nothing to do and they are proud they DC not all are big streamers but they are streamers with people watching them just like the one i watch TrUE3 he never DC and will take the loss.

    It is good to talk to someone about this stuff and have it be a civilized so thankyou for that.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Thank you as well.

    I agree with survivor side as well, needing to get good. Not many of us asked for this ruin nerf and I was just starting to get confident in hitting those greats myself. Looping was a weakness of mine, but I have worked on it and continue to improve. Because I wanted to get better and not be a detriment to my team.

    I hope discussions like this will help us all perceive the other sides point of view more and play with less toxicity. I will look at some other streamers as well.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    You can say that about so many problems in so many games or even in real life scenarios. Just be wise it's not against the rules doesnt mean the killers not being an #########.

    Like if you cheated on your partner for no apparent reason, your just a ######### and that's a problem, just because it's not against 'the rules' (law) doesn't mean it's acceptable...

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    1. Not the survivors job to make sure you have fun

    2. Not the survivors job to use fair perks

    3. Not the survivors job to not use infinites and safe pallets so u can get kills

    4. Not the survivors job to give u a chance to pressure gens

    5. Not the survivors job to not hook tech/window tech and other "exploits"

    I can keep going but theres no need. In my opinion both sides should play in a way that's fun for everyone

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    No one is expecting free wins dude. Everyone is expecting a good time. Change your "Survivors entitled to a 4K mentality" and head on out. This killer clearly has something going on in their life that they need to take out. Stop defending this unhealthy behavior.