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What's the weirdest game you've had?

I remember playing against Leatherface for the first time. I had never experienced a friendly killer before so when he refused to attack us I was very confused.

In the post-game chat he just said "frands".

Second weirdest one was when I got everyone in the lobby to play Pizza Dwight and we all crouched around in a line. However, that was probably a lot weirder for the killer than it was for me.

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  • Member Posts: 838

    My friends and I looping with friends at killer shack.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    No blink nurse. We were swf

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    I've gone against one of those after the rework. She was so convinced that she could catch me at the killer shack without breaking the pallet.

  • Member Posts: 295

    I did a head on the killer, thinking they'd be mad but next time I went in a locker, he saw me but just waited for the head on. He seemed to enjoy it...

    Think there was another 4 head ons that game, and killer was strangely happy

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    It was the time I tried Starbound and quickly realized it was a bad game. Not only was it a clone since the dev split off, but it was not the game the Dev's had promised us it was gonna be when they begged for people to preorder because of living situations.

    Oh wait I'm still not SALTY AF not at all. I want my monies back.

    Jokes aside

    Prolly the oddest game was the killer who wanted to "farm" and attempted to start killing people for real. Yep most intensive immersive game anyone prolly had played. Killer never saw another survivor, survivors never saw each other, and 5 gens got done. T-Bagging at both gates were followed by a killer DCing.

    PS: Red Rank Boosted Killer I wonder how hmm either way poor use of whispers MR. Billy.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    I love Starbound. Floran gang for life.

    Also, that Killer got what was coming to him.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    I have no issues with it just it wasn't what the community was promised so I was a little annoyed. Least you got the right race <3

    Everyone saw him DC and got out in time for points it was hilarious. I've seen him a few times on PSN on both sides same with my friends. He does not enjoy playing against me or my friends.

  • Member Posts: 102

    Probably the match where i played Spirit on a farm map over a year ago. There were 2 survivors sacrificed and 2 alive. They had 3 genned themselves and decided to go full immersion in the corn. That match lasted almost an hour.... I was not a happy Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 108

    as killer, all last hook survivors slugged with 3 gens left. let one get up to rescue his friends to get more BP (bloody party streamers, blood hunt). dropped em all after the gates opened, but carried each one out. got messages from all the survivors calling me names and talking about how EZ it was. should have known better.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    For me it was a billy that was straight up ignoring everyone in the game execpt for our friend (we was 4man swf) and she was playing kate. After he got her he facecamped her straight up and then tried to tunnel her instantly off the hook. We all 3 bodyblocked him and he still didnt try to even M1 us, he straight up tried to kill her. After we finished all gens and our kate was hiding all the game and we tried to run out of the gate he laggswitched (It was before the servers were on) and killed her and me because ye.. laggswitch we couldnt do anything. Then he wrote in the chat "Ez thats what you get".

    We all were like: ?????

  • Member Posts: 662

    i had a match as a survivor with a Michael just carrying around one survivor for nearly the entire game. The survivor didn't wiggle and Michael didnt kill her, and yet he tried to attack other survivors once in a while then just went away walking around lol that was very confusing

  • Member Posts: 138

    Recently I remember a very strange one, idk if the weirdest one, but close to it:

    I was playing Huntress on a Swamp version map and I double checked all 7 generators at the start of the game and none of them has been touched, I ask myself what is going on, then I spot 4 Bill's dressed the exact same way creating a chain, all of them moving on crouch... I genuinely laughed so hard when I spotted them, but didn't let them enjoy their trolling, they told me post-chat they wanted to open as many chests as possible(possibly for a mission), but I really needed some points and a pip at the moment, so, sadly for them, I spoiled their fun...

    But I had fun, though! xD

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Was that on PC? That might have been me. I will almost always do that if the survivor doesn't wiggle.

  • Member Posts: 454

    it was on Chapel with a Myers. we were 4 solos and all realised he was taking a while to tier up, so we all unanimously decided to feed him to t3 & give him the cheive

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    I was playing survivor, and we all spawned together. I crouched up to a guy, and started nodding. A third guy joins in and body blocks me into a corner. We are all nodding at each other.

    The fourth guy, joins then, then starts making lots of noise to attract the killer. By this time we all have 3 crows. The killer is huntress. She states are us for a while, then attacks us. Was pretty funny.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Last night ranks up there. Faced a 4 man running meta perks. I thought I was in for a sweaty game, but no. Hook one, they all bum rushed that hook like it was a million dollars. One guy spent a good three minutes just bouncing into lockers, while another vault spammed at the killer shack. I just had to stand there for a few seconds and figure out what was going on. Even had a few instances where they sandbagged eachother. I'd be in a chase, one would head for a pallet, and before they got there, somebody slapped it on them. It was odd.

    Post game, they said they were doing it for the memes.

  • Member Posts: 186

    A friend and myself went up against a Ghostface, who was basically just teabagging the entire game. He wasn't really trying to down us. We opened the exit gates and he joined us all in a teabag party for like a minute. One of the other survivors went back in and threw pallets down for him to break.

  • Member Posts: 283

    It is what you get must be bad if you have 20+ perks but can't beat on of the worst killers to lose

  • Member Posts: 283

    When was this because it was probably me I also do that with ghostface

  • Member Posts: 127

    Playing the Pig. Got all 4 slug he'd on death hook. One gem left. They were all by the last gen. I gave them all RBTs, picked one up, let them wiggle out, and do the gen. All Adrenaline up. Opened the exit gate.

    Ended with all 4 dying to RBTs, very unlucky group. They were happy for the 3rd attempt at life

  • Member Posts: 662

    uhh i can't remember exactly it's been a while since that match, maybe something like 5 or 6 moths ago

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    lol my friend and I used to do that all the time as Ghostface right after his release! That was fun. Hard on the finger, though, mashing the shoulder button like that.

  • Member Posts: 155

    Seeing the same survivors game after game, only to have one match end in them being taken by the EGC, but the match doesn't end. It felt odd, like they had somehow manipulated the end of the match in their favor, but i had no way of proving that was the case. I sat afk waiting for them to leave, while they sat with crows flying around them, impaled by the entity from the EGC. They eventually left, but said a bunch of angry stuff at the end.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I think it's weird when people play killers and never use their powers. It's most common with Billy and Legion. I went up against a Hillbilly that not only didn't use his chainsaw to down survivors but he also didn't use it to get around the map.

    I guess it's because they don't feel confident with their ability but you'll never learn it if you don't try.

  • Member Posts: 980

    Played against a Pig. She "found" each of the Survivors and we formed a conga line sneaking around the map to each generator. She would sometimes sit there and "help" us with it too. Had a good laugh in the post-game. Just one of those matches...

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    If u didn't notice I said both sides. I play solo, SwF, and Killer.

  • I was playing against chest guardian Leatherface , after we (3 of us were in swf and 1 random) finished all gens , we tried to rush the chest resulting in all 4 of us getting downed by 1 chainsaw charge .

  • WAIT. I remember playing as dwight and crouching around in a line together with the rest of the survivors? Makes me wonder if we were in the same game?

  • Member Posts: 392

    Piggy was crouching around the map for 5 gens and had one slit on my big butt. Noed totem lit up 1m away from me when gens were done, cleansed it and like 1 second after someone got hit. Piggy puts a trap on the first person they down despite the fact that all generators were now running. Propably new player who didn't understand how to play her yet but it was bit weird and funny.

  • Member Posts: 283
  • Member Posts: 3,047

    SWF isn't too bad pretty easy to deal with. Very rarely do you run into hardcore Survivor groups or Dedicated Depip Squads. Most happen to be casual friends playing who are having fun. So you say Disgusting it just makes me laugh at how outlandishly funny your comment is.

  • Member Posts: 583

    I spawned in a tree really high up.

    I pretended to be a squirrel

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    I once saw a group of megs just running in circles together. I joined.

    It was fun.

  • Member Posts: 47

    I once had a billy run mad grit agitation who was working together with the jeff on our team. He found and downed the jeff extremely early. He never wiggled and was likely telling the killer where we were. The only time the billy dropped him was to break pallets. He didnt down me but this was during rank reset so the other 2 ppl were downed frequently. When the gates were powered we let him down all of us and had a slug race out the exit. 10/10 would meme again.

  • Member Posts: 283

    Red rank on console it's four of them every game mimicking mr dud Mr myerino you think you can handle that? You think you can get out of it?

    Let me smell your breath

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Two of the dwights were in a SWF with me, but I had to tell the last person to go pizza dwight in the lobby chat. The killer was Huntress, and at the end we all starting crouching circles around her before leaving. Sound like the same game?

  • Member Posts: 918

    When the bug was in the game that made you get stuck in the hooked position even after you've been unhooked. I 'ran' around the map from a wraith, floating through the air with my teammates behind me trying to take a hit. Somehow I ended up floating out of the exit. Good times.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Probably way back when I ran into one of those Pizza Dwight "cult" squads.

    I had no idea it was a thing, so seeing 4 Dwights - 3 with full pizza Dwight gear and one with the Dweard head - just calmly look at me and walk towards me was an experience and a half.

    Fun times. They brought me with them to the basement where they had some sort of nodding ritual as they all got 2hooked, and then at the end they opened a gate in the classic "one pull on the lever each" way, left me their items and left. 😄

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Against a ghostface on Thomson house. He downed someone and just tbagged spinning in circles. Only time he moved was when someone else got to close.

    We finished gens and guy in floor bled out. Opened gates and left.

    Asked killer why?

    He said, he was asked to farm. He doesn't farm. I said ok.

    So strange

  • Member Posts: 360

    I picked Play as Killer, picked Huntress.

    Loaded into game, found one person almost instantly, downed them and hooked them in basement since it was nearby.

    Literally all 3 other survivors came down to the basement to try and rescue their teammate. I downed every single one of them and hooked them all next to each other.

    Game lasted like 2 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 32

    Back before Legion's rework, I got into a game on the game. I was chasing this Kate and I hit her with frenzy and she dropped a pallet on me. She went down the spiral staircase while I was breaking the pallet. As I was chasing her, deep wound timer runs out because feral frenzy was stupid back then. I felt bad and picked her up dropped her repeatedly. I didn't want it to look like I was teaming with her so I let her and the remaining Claudette go. Not really weird or awkward, just stupid and unfortunate.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    One game where I was queuing with a mate and a rank 16 meg joined our lobby (didn't join comms though) I was even more skeptical when the game started and she had no mither. I spawn with her and she sprint bursts off into the middle of the map, fast vaulting a few windows and getting the killer's attention, she lasted in chase a while. Every time I saw her she was doing something bizarre which somehow worked out.

    She survived until after the exit gates were open, at which point (remember no mither) she dies taking a protection hit for the 4th survivor, who was uninjured.

  • Member Posts: 352

    I was against a Ghostface. I was new to the game so it took me all game to figure out what was going on.

    He spent the entire match stalking and exposing me, however after exposing me he would sit there in stalk, I would run away but he would always be hot on my trail. Yet he never hit me once.

    Because he had ruin(old ruin) this dragged on for ages. But awhile in to the game I started trying to approach him. When I did this he would run away and hide.

    The funniest part was when another survivor tried to help me on a gen he would always attack them. Downing them and slugging them. (he was good in chases apparently.) Before going back to stalking me. Still not hurting me and running away when I spotted him.

    After the gens were done he downed my whole team in about 20 seconds. Yup, NOED. But here's the strangest part...

    He messageed me and asked me if I would be his "Flower" as a scared nooby Jake main I told him I would. GF then TBag'd and spun around happily. He let me farm my teammates but luckily he still let them all live. But I still remember a Meg who was REALLY annoyed by it.

    After exchangeing "fairwells until we met in the after life" I checked his perks... Rancor

    Chances are had I rejected him I would be on Roseville's front page. But yeah...that's my strangest ever far.

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