Can we focus on things that need to be fixed the most as a community? Make DBD great again

This is for both sides. I'm not a main. If we focused on the most important problems rather than fighting about small bs all day most of the other problems would get fixed on their own.

Maps, scoring system, bugs, SWF gen speed.

Maps: Big maps are generally survivor sided and gens are flying. Basically unwinnable as most killers. Small maps tend to get some terrible tile luck for survivors and can really ruin a game.

Scoring system: Absolute mess, idk if I have the solutions to any of it. But if it were fixed it would fix matchmaking brackets immensely.

Bugs: Things like survivors making no noise and so on. Hardcore players know most of the bugs by now and how long they stick around.

Lastly, SWF should have gen speeds take longer depending on how many people are qeued up together. 2 ppl adds maybe 3secs per gen, 3ppl adds 5secs, full 4 adds 8secs (numbers are just an example not exactly what it should be necessarily)

Can we please focus on the important stuff on both sides and make the game great again? It's supposed to be FUN. It's not an eSports game.
