Can we please stop harassing people for trying to learn new Killers?


This is gonna be a bit of a rant because holy ######### I am getting sick and tired of this bullshit. Explicit ######### language warning by the way, just in case you're sensitive to any of that kinda #########.

Someone just bought me Stranger Things so I decided to hop on Demogorgon. My fatal ######### error was doing this at rank 5. I have dog ######### perks for Demogorgon, running off of just T1 Surge, Tremors, and Overcharge, but I didn't give a ######### because my objective was to have a good time, not ######### win. In almost every game I play so far, I'm getting ######### on, which is fine. I'm using a new Killer with ######### perks, so I'm not expecting to win. The issue is getting ######### on and then ######### harassed for not doing well or for being bad at the Killer. Here I am trying to go out of my way to use a new Killer so that Survivors don't have to deal with another Spirit, Nurse, Billy, or Doctor, and I'm getting ######### for it. Nothing makes me wanna hop onto Spirit with a Mori and tunnel more than this #########. Do Survivor mains at least understand why the ######### they only see Spirit, Nurse, and Billy at higher ranks? Do you get why queue times are so ######### high for Survivor right now? Nobody wants to try a new Killer just to get ######### on and then talked ######### to for not doing well enough. This happened to me when I played the Doctor for my first 10 games. This happened to me playing the Plague for my first 10 games. This has happened to me playing the ######### Demogorgon for my first 10 games. This happened to me playing basically any Killer I've not yet played. If I play any Killer that isn't Nurse, Spirit, or Billy, I'm going to get harassed for trying to learn a new Killer. Why is this kinda ######### just brushed off by the community? Like, I get told all the time to just disable the chat but that's just a band-aid on the issue. Instead of just telling people to disable chat, why isn't being a #########, toxic, unnecessarily rude ######### to someone trying to make it more fun for you just widely discouraged by the community? Even if you disable chat, it's still ######### knowing that people in the community of a game you love are spitting such ######### and vitriol towards you for literally just playing the game and nobody ######### cares except for the people whose job it is to deal with it. I applaud and give credit to whatever ######### staff at Behaviour are managing reports of this bullshit, but I'm more concerned with the community just embracing this bullshit culture. The more the community allows people to be ######### cuntbags to Killers, the more time you're going to spend in your ######### Survivor queue. So yeah, if you're one of these kinda people, do me a favor and work on your ######### personality.


  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Its pretty much why i dont learn Nurse and Huntress. Why fail at those killers when i can just relax and have fun with other killers.

  • JewelTK
    JewelTK Member Posts: 12

    I know you're joking and being sarcastic, but that's basically exactly what I'm talking about here. ######### like this happens almost 24/7 and the community just brushes it off. If I had a dollar for each time I've been called a racist or gay slur, I'd be able to buy all the DLC and cosmetics.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    I don’t understand why they can’t just add a practice mode like most games have. But I’m sure Behavior has some long elaborate explanation for why we can’t have it like they do for every reasonable idea.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    In my experience the douche bag wannabe troll youtubers have decreased while the number of generally either silent or non-douche players has increased. Maybe I just got lucky. I tried oni for the first time and they seemed friendly to me then.

    These kind of people have always been in DBD though because of its asymmetrical super sweat, competitive only nature. On top of several other issues...frankly. Alhough the super cool "troll" survivor tubers and gimmick hasn't died out yet though and a lot of people latch onto that crowd. At least the mentality they spread hasn't died out yet, I mean.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832
    edited February 2020

    No, how dare you! If I wanna learn to throw hatchets as Huntress, then it's only right I bore the crap out of dozens of survivors with terrible matches where I end up spending most of my time trying to figure out where the middle of my screen is by aiming at trees, and if the survivors don't appreciate having their time wasted like that then they can just disconnect (and some do). Having a practice range where I could get used to just the most basic of basics with Huntress? That would deprive survivors of these magical matches with few Bloodpoints and a guaranteed de-pip. Ugh, the nerve.