People say bubba is trash

Yetttttt any killer with a free 1shot doesnt really strike me as trash. Before I invest time into working on him..I'd like people to elaborate what makes him trash. If its "can be looped easily around corners" his momentum seems good enough to outpace survivors and still down them with little effort. And hes the king of camping as far as I'm aware. So why do people say hes not worth it? (I'm also aware most survivors hate him)
Camping will almost never allow you to pip, unless the Survivors misplay.
Bubba's chainsaw is a liability. It slows him down, locks him into an animation and is very punishing. Plus, the charge time is atrocious. Basically, you are better off M1 competent Survivors. I would recommend Bubba for his amazing perks, not his gameplay.
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Can you get addons to speed him up while charging? Not 100% familiar with him aside from his tantrum and chainsaw.
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Yes, they make it more manageable but not good enough for me to reccomend him.
In short, he has no map pressure (way to move around the map quickly) and he has no chase potential.
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Any killer is good if you know how to play him.
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To a degree. At a certain point, it becomes about how many mistakes the Survivors make and how perfect you can play. Basically, your skill doesn't factor into your ability to win anymore, it's up to the Survivors to screw up.
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The most effective way to play Bubba (I think) is with the Nemisis/Play With Your Food combo. PWYF (losing the obsession in a chase gives 5% movement speed up to 3 tokens. Lose a token for every attack) gives you movement speed stacks that Bubba can conserve easier because of his one shot. It also counters the slowdown he normally has while charging his chainsaw if you have even one stack. Nemesis (any survivor that stuns or blinds you makes them the obsession and give Oblivious status effect for 60 seconds) makes it easier to earn stacks because bad survivors will throw pallets early and you eat it, while good survivors will greed another loop, in which case you rev your chainsaw and force the drop or take the down if possible.
Obviously Oni is free with iridescent shards for Nemisis, but if you don't have auric cells for Myers for PWYF, it won't be worth it.
Best addons are his charge reduction and chainsaw speed (NOT acceleration) addons. But without that extra movement speed it's hard to 1) get the chainsaw or 2) apply proper map pressure.
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Bubba is one of my favorite killers in the game but honestly he's at least in the top 3 worst killers right now and that's pretty bad considering he has a one hit down.
- You cannot mind game with the Chainsaw like Hillbilly for example. When you cancel the power you get a stupidly long penalty where you are slowed down and cannot swing M1. This forces you to commit to a chainsaw or lose time cancelling it or in some cases hesitate to chainsaw when it may be risky but beneficial causing missed opportunities.
- To actually hit survivors you need to be right on top of them where they're essentially in M1 range already. The only time you'll be pulling off chainsaw sweeps is where you decide to just follow a survivor ignoring M1 opportunities and instead waiting for them to escort their own self out into the open. Otherwise if they're at a pallet or a window you're an M1 killer who can possibly force them to drop a pallet.
- Bubba is super addon dependent, he doesn't even have all addons and half his addons don't even do anything. Most of the games if you're not using at least one charge speed addon for his power you'll feel utterly weak.
- More of a nitpick but Bubba's charge meter can be deceptive and you can cancel his power by accident by trying to time it perfectly. Right now you have to wait for the power to 100% the meter and then release. It should automatically activate at 100% and it would stop the accidental cancellations
I could add more but I think that's a good start.
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Bubba is great for his perks and he's great for memes. I think Myers is slightly better for pure meming though. Or if you just want to take out your frustrations on one unfortunate survivor, he's the best in the game at camping them.
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what makes bubba weak is the fact that you have to be right on the back of their neck when using your chainsaw . if you use it too early you wont catch them and if you try to cancel it you wont catch them due to the crazy cooldown for cancelling it.
Another reason why people think he's not so good is because of the huge penalty you get when you bump into an object (I'm not sure how long it is but its enough for a survivor to make it 10 yards away from you)
and my final reason as to why I think he is a weak killer: he doesnt have any map pressure . dont get me wrong I love bubba , but when i have to run pop,corrupt, and thrilling to even stand a chance at 4king there is something wrong with him. plus on giant maps like ormond the first gen will definitely pop before you get a down.
Also this is really just my thing but his chainsaw is extremely loud while not being used , makes it hard to listen for survivors.
Dont get me wrong you can still 4k with him, just be prepared to get frustrated and wonder how the last 3 swings of your chainsaw have no hitbox.
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that and the fact that his last couple swings of his chainsaw have no hitbox. also the penalty for hitting something takes like 5 years
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The slow down at the start of his chainsaw is a huge bummer. They should remove it, and then I think he would be good to go.
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I thought the same thing as you but he becomes very slow while charging his chainsaw and its very easy to reach a pallet or window before he catches up he is only good at rank 20 and a few maps
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As I play Bubba as a secondary I'll go over why he's a garbage:
1) Chainsaw revving movement is 87.5%, a survivor running speed is a 100%. So unless your sniffing the survivors arse, you won't hit them
2) Chainsaw can not be used at loops because he's too slow and cannot curve alongside objects due to the buggy tantrum.
3) Bubba's only strength is camping, good survivors will do gens and escape.
4) Bubba is reliant on addons and PWYF to use his power in chase.
Bubba need's a Doctor type rework. I know Leatherbilly made a post last year with some great changes to make Leatherface viable.
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There is nothing unique about his power to me, Hillbilly and Cannibal are almost practically identical although Hillbilly is better.
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Would you reccomend billy over bubba by far?
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I think PWYF and beast marks and a charge time add on are pretty necessary to make him feel playable. Nemesis helps manage PWYF stacks and is really strong on him also. I think a STBFL build where you chainsaw the obsession is also underrated but not as strong
If you’re new to the game or learning bubba his chainsaw is going to lose you a lot more chases than it wins until you learn when to start to rev, when to try or when to take the m1. Especially when you’re judging window vaults. People will also try and run you around tight circles on objects to try and get you to bump into them. extra speed really helps with all those situations
oh but he’s not that good end of the day
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Billy is far better than Bubba and one of the top killers. Bubba can down more than one survivor at a time, but the survivors would have to make some really stupid mistakes for that happening.
Billy has great mobility when using the chainsaw and can sprint double the speed across the map and down a survivor if it hits although it can take a few matches to get used to steering.
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I think I'll try billy. Thank you. How often would you say bubba gets more than 1 down at a time? Like 1 out of 10 games?
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It's usually against low ranking players it happens due to massive altruistic mistakes, it won't happen against good survivors.
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Multi-instadowns are extremely rare and mostly luck dependant. Bubba's default chainsaw range is merely 15 meters and he covers those 15 meters with a speed DEFICIT (and slowly accelerates his way from there up to a movement speed slightly above his normal walking speed by default) which makes it relatively easy for survivors to split up last second even if you find them in the same place.
However if you run his speed addons it's more likely to catch up to multiple survivors. Here are some of my multi-instadowns so you get an idea what it looks like when it works out:
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The only thing in this game that's trash is that ugly ######### survivor from the Nightmare on Elm Street DLC~
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I'm still kinda new to the game, and gave LF a go a few times. I found his chainsaw slow and clunky. His tantrum is ridiculously long, compared to hillbilly hitting a wall. You basically have to be close enough to hit them with a normal attack for the chainsaw to work with no add-ons. I finally gave up and just used only his lunge attack for one game and managed to kill all 4 fellow lowbies.
Going forward, I think I'll just play other killers that I actually have fun playing, and transfer their bp over to LF to unlock BBQ. He's just not enjoyable to play as.