Why do survivors insist on sending me hate messages every time I kill them? Or there friends

So I was playing nurse on Xbox rank 8 killer I brung a Ebony because I like nurse mori and I cane Across a swf when they saw that I was a nurse they immediately started t bagging as they thought I was a baby which I am but i do know how to play nurse. I got my first down pretty quickly and they all started hook bombing and she got off I got my blink and got her pretty soon after and they stayed in the same area body blocking and hook bombing now this is where it gets ridiculous, they all had DS AND BT and 2 had mom and syptic some how I got 3 of them killed and one was a dc so the other could get hatch , the ranks were 1,1,5,7 all swf 2 of them messaged me calling me a trash baby nurse even though I had a good slugging going and got consistent downs. Long story short I just blocked them but I would like to enjoy killer without being sent hate messages every time I play , and it’s always at night because that’s when the “ rank 1 death squads” are online or whatever but yeah this is getting out of hand they weren’t even that good either


  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited February 2020

    People take this game unhealthy seriously.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    You get this A LOTTTTTTT on xbox. I guess no one told the 12 year olds that halo reach is included in game pass now 😂

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Its called "survivor", not "victim", thats why.

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    I don't really get why everyone is so light about this. There are games out there that actually respond to and try and prevent these things. Why is having a morally bankrupt community so accepted? Why doesn't-

    Oh man, I was about to suggest things like behavior actually enforcing the report system they built in with like... Bans and things... or helping improve the community. That was silly of me.

    Seriously though, the community at large is split: half of us just want to play a game and have fun and the other half are entitled survivor mains... I mean these people.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    She said I was a trash horrible killer for using noed at rank 8 she was rank 1 and she has adrenaline bt ds and unbreakable