What is the best indicator of a killer with high skill?

What is the best indicator of a killer with high skill? 53 votes
I actually don't know how to answer your question, but I think a smart Killer is one that knows when to leave chases, for example if the chase goes for too long, smart Killer will just find another Survivor to chase.
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No gens done and 4 on death hook
Blood lust 3 though
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Ye, I forgot about bloodlust gamers.
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No gens done and 4 on death hook
I forgot about them too while creating the poll. But nobody like blood lust gamers T_T
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Wide variety of mindgames that shut down loops corner survivors at hooks gets a surprise or two out of his perk loadout
I often walk backwards around corners to hide the red stain, survivors then run right into me. Works most of the time.. Mostly.
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No gens done and 4 on death hook
Yes high wall loops are the bane of my survivor existence so I hardly ever stay at them or run to them. OoO players have the higher ground at these loops imo
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Doesn't respect pallets, knows about every mechanic, item, perk and counterplays to it
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A killer that moonwalks and actually goes the same direction as you unexpectedly. And any killer that doesn't camp/tunnel. A lot of killers will chase the same person the whole game and get mad they got "gen rushed" when they really should've went for another survivor or patrol the generators. If you're not getting a survivor down, go for another.
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Short chases.
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Applying and maintaining pressure.