The hardest part of being a killer and finding a game is...

Finding one that doesn't look like SWF or one with multiple toolboxes.
I want to have fun with my matches, not have them last less time than my queue.
Thanks for doubling the wait times for survivors I guess...anything else you want to get off your chest bud?
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Being matched against r1s when my killer rank is 14?
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Oh no! They have to wait 10 more seconds? Darn.......
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It is still not enough... Killers dodge for the dumbest reasons.... Here are some of the messages I got after I had been lobby dodge several times and I asked why:
"I ain't going against a Claudette"
"Keys are OP", "Dude, it was a green one and nobody else had an item..." "How would I know?"
"Prestige skins in my lobby mean trouble"
"A Dwelf is a tryhard"
"Davids are toxic"
"Ninja Nea is BS to go against"
"I don't go against more than 1 quentin in my lobbies"
"I hate how Nancy screams"
Should I go on...?
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Yep you are damned for eternity due to your grievances upon them.
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Please do. And while you do, remember than DH, DS, Unbreakable, BT, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Head On (which will hit from anywhere around the locked, not just head-on), unbalnaced maps/infinite all exist and are fine.
But gen slowdown perks need to have less synergy or the survivors will be frustrated. I'll lobby dodge for whatever reason I want. I'm not playing the game to be fristrated by the devs complete lack of care for balance in their games.
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On console you'd be lucky to find a lobby with 4 solos.
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Wow. Honestly surprised people dodge over skins and characters. I only dodge if they have 2-3 toolboxes. In the state of the game, especially trying to learn Clown and Doc with terrible perks, there is no way in hell I'm going against a SWF group with toolboxes.
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I dodge is there is more than 1 tool
box or if there is a key
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So true
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All valid except Quentin and nancy complaints
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Comming from a Rank 1 killer and survivor, trapper main as killer, bill as surv... Keep on this attitude and make the the game worse than it already is, I never lobby dodge, I don't tunnel nor camp, no Ruin nor NOED ever...
There are things that need reworks, like maps, pipping sistem and specific killers, but there are LOTS of reasons that are actually dumb for killers to dodge a lobby... Want me to name some "justifiable" lobby dodging? Sure:
- 3+ toolboxes in lobby since Ruin Nerf (I'm saying this for others, I never ran or will run training wheels)
- 2 keys in lobby (again, this won't make me dodge your lobby, I never do, but ok, some killers will)
- bad ping
- DC as the match starts cause of bad map for killers who need a Buff like Bubba, Legion and Clown
I almost never agree with anyone who claims there are more than those reasons to lobby dodge
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I can understanding dodging a lobby where all four are running the same character and skins. Can make it almost impossible to keep track of who has how many hooks each survivor has, who has activated/deactivated DS during the match, who is running what perks after having chased/hooked them and moved on to another survivor, etc..
If they are all running the same character and skins its not the end of the world and I will usually still keep the lobby, but if they are doing that and they are bringing in 2 toolboxes, 1 key, and a medkit, im finding a new lobby. Not dealing with the character and skins with all the items they are bringing in, its almost a guaranteed toxic match with a 4 stack swf. It's usually all Claudettes running an immersed build and bringing a Yamaoka Estate offering when it happens.
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I understand that. Then if you do go into the match against four people with the same skins, they have the audacity to accuse you of tunneling if you happened to kill someone early. Like, no, I just don't know who's who.
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Remember its about survivor fun not killer fun, how dare you want to enjoy the game.
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Oh wow, I specifically remember going against you yesterday. We were all rank 1 and when I saw you were 14 I felt so bad :(
It's not fun for anyone when the matchmaking is that far off the mark.
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Ive been to r1 once before, as trapper, but i dont feel i belonged there. Was away for a long time, came back and its like i never deranked lol