red rank potatoes


postitve thing first. The devs finaly noticed the emblem system doesnt represent skill at all. Good thing the community knew that the moment it went live.

Bad thing: Mrrr is not gonna fix it. its probably getting worse.

But now to the thing that just happend to me.

I just played a match with Oni with green mori(i know i know dont judge me lol). For some dumb reason i decided to tunnel a meg with over 4k hours at a near infinite with strong pallets. When she was dead there was only one gen left and 3 survivor that were not even hooked once.

So i thought.......ok im probably going to lose this (kill wise).

Ohhh boi was i wrong.

Somehow i managed to snowball so hard that i 3 hooked every single one of them. (but not because i was good).

What i want to say with this. The only reason i didnt totaly anahilate them was that one decent player and some bad plays from my side.

The reason im now complaining is that this is usualy what happens to me when i try to play solo survivor. I get chased for 4 gens and my team still manages to die.

The chase with the meg lasted about 4 minutes while the other 3 didnt even managed to get chased for more than 20 seconds without being downd.

TL;DR: red rank survivors are totatly boosted and cant even loop.

Im normaly a little bit biased for killers but to be honest i should never ever have 4k this match. A survivor biased person would now say something like. "clearly killer to strong"

But i think survivor are the ones that need to get gud god damn. There are so many potatoes its not funny. The only reason the killer can win in this game is because of players like this and the emblem system giving them participation awards.

In the end this ruins the fun for both sides AND it screws over stats the devs use for balanceing since u cant say that the red ranks are the top 5% or what. its rather the top 95%. (reason q time is so f'd. to many survivor , not enough killers)

Rant end.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Wow you laid out everything simply and accurately. Props to you. Matchmaking and ranking system needs fixing, will mmr work? Only time will tell.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    I know! Red ranks favor survivors so hard that the potatoes can last there! lol

    Sigh, if only Red ranks would be more balanced, this wouldn't be an issue.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    They are ######### around so they can pip. It's one of the flaws with the emblem system.

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    4 man swf. Not a single good player. Like ######### is this. this is btw how a normal match for me looks like. 4k. since 20+ rounds not a single escape . No im no god. No killer is not OP. Survivor are just playing like they just bought the game.

    When i chase a surivor i can tell in a few seconds if he is a potato or not. Most of the time i dont even need that. I see their cosemtics and know they shouldnt be rank 1.

    But i guess they keep nerfing killers till survivors like this can win easy enough. The question is. will there be killers left to play with?

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    This game is designed such that killers win via survivor mistakes. That isn’t new. It’s how the entire game is designed. It’s impossible for a killer to win if the survivors never make a mistake.

    And you probably won versus that team because they 3 gen’Ed themselves and removing one survivor is a great strategy to win. If changes things completely. You hook one, one has to save, while you’re chasing the next. Think about it. There’s no time to do a gen especially if they’re all close.

    Yes, many red survivors are bad but that’s par for the course.