Why is there a hatch?

If survivors did bad its a last option to get the hatch. Why?
Imagine there existed a button that spawns when all gens are done but no survivor is dead. If survivors find it they could break it, if the killer finds it and pushes it one survivor would just be dead.
Its not an idea for implementing, just wondering why survivors have this last chance while killers dont.
And noed isnt a hatch guys do totems and take perks helping you find them :)
Devs prefer survivors and will give them as many second chances as they can. Welcome to BHVR.
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So that the last Survivor has some sort of hope and a reason to not quit then and there.
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It stops survivors from holding the game hostage/fun minigame.
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That isn't at all what it is there for.
It is there to give them some hope.
Its 50/50. Plus a 3K (should be) a win.
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It's in part so that the last survivor has some bit of hope of escaping, and it's also so the last survivor can't go immersed and hold the killer hostage forever. The hatch isn't my favorite thing, but I like it way more than being held hostage on the map.
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But the killer does not have some last hope mechanic. And endgame could have been triggered if theres only one survivor left to prevent holding the game hostage.
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Your last hope is called sitting by a hooked survivor.
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"Survivor Hope" = second chance. Failed to do the gens? Well we'll give you another escape option. Now with EGC, failed to get to the second chance escape too? Well we'll enable two more chances for you.
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If someone getting the hatch annoys you this much just slug the last 2
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How often do Survivors get hatch? 15% - 25% of the time? How often do they open a gate after the doors are closed? 5% of the time?
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If you hate it so much, put on whispers. Also what's the point of still playing if you can't win? It kills all the excitement to know you're going to die and you have no control over it. A lot of survivors would just DC
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If they removed the hatch the last survivor can hold the game hostage by hiding