Why am I a rank 9 killer going againt rank 1 survs ?

I genuinely don’t understand ok I’ll admit sometimes I get fair matchmaking but only in the morning and early afternoon after that I’m paired against all the sweaty red ranks ( good ones ) not the rank 4s -5s that are perpetually stuck there
Not my photo but just gonna leave this here lmao
the new mmr better not be like this I stg lol
You can't get propper matchmaking before completing the challenge to unlock it...
"Fully fix 5 gens on your own whyle using Dark Sense in a single game"
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The issue is there are not enough red and purple rank killers for survivors in those ranks to be matched with so the game has to match them with lower rank killers for them to be able to play the game.
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Exactly this.
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Well why is there a shortage in killers now? Back in December and November my matchmaking was fine I could play as green rank killer and get matched with green rank survivors
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Maybe something happened that made killer less attractive to play?
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I'll speak for console because instant killer que vs 15minute survivors que tells the story like this...
If there are 4 times survivors for every killer... then the matches would be instant for both...
But its such a horrible experience to be killer I cant imagine why anyone would choose it until they buff the roll
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Because according to them, they're doing a pReTty gOoD jOb sO fAr...
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This is what most of my matches look like. Needless to say nobody can have fun in such games.
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because someone can't implement a proper matchmaking after 3 years
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Swf matchmaking, rank reset changes
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and we all saw this coming... except BHVR it seems.
First, while not everyone followed through their threat to quit playing killer a lot did. Secondly, it is easier to get and stay red rank as survivor than killer. I say this as someone who “does better,” as killer but am still purple compared to being a potato survivor and being red.
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Incorrect logic. Queue times are affected by matchmaking, which is stretched when there are too many survivors in one rank compared to killers.
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One thing is they changed the rank reset for God knows what reason. So now it is even easier to just stay in red ranks as survivor. I also have to assume that the ruin change did drive off some people from playing as there is no denying it has gotten worse since the change.
I'm rank 1 killer. No matter when I play killer I get red rank survivors. I am also rank 1 survivor. If i play in the morning or afternoon I get red rank killers. When I play in the evening the highest ranked killer I will get is a 9. It is not fun for anyone. I know the killer doesn't enjoy a game where they are lucky to get 1 hook and us survivors don't enjoy waiting 10 minutes for a game that offers no challenge at all. But it seems like the way it's going to be as the only thing the devs have said on the subject is they are changing to some magical MMR system that nobody will know how it works and they are removing rank from the end game screen.
So to summarize they are doing nothing but removing the ranks from end game screen and telling everyone the MMR is working as it should and that you just had a bad game.
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Actually the new MMR is going to become even more like this. Killer/Survivor ranks are going to become entirely based on how long you have played that month, while MMR is going to dictate who you face each match. So I imagine we are going to even see many more matches of level 20 killers/survivors vs rank 1-4's.
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I got back after a 2 month break of playing killer and was around rank 13. I was immediately matched with rank 1-3 survivors. Is it really THAT hard to match people up with people around their own rank?
It must just be because nobody is playing killer. :-/
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Ruin was gutted.
New survivors are being boosted, flooding red/purple rank
Killers lost early game pressure.
A list of killer and audio bugs have not been addressed.
Because theres a killer shortage the few that remain are getting try hards most of their games. Causing them to leave.
Toolboxes are broken right now
New players are probably being driven away from playing killer due to the MM
Survivor mains whined for nerfs so enjoy it. You got what you wished for. See you on civ 5 :p
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Welcome to Dead by Daylight, where nothing in this game works!
(This is a joke)
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Yes, it is that hard because there are very few survivors in green/purple ranks. It is extremely easy to rank up as survivor and the new rank reset made things worse.
The problem is not exactly because of a shortage of killers, it's because there are too many survivors in red ranks.
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I can tell its not better to be matched as survivors with 3 ranks 17 when your red .. lol
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For a multitude of reasons:
- The change in rank resets makes it harder to derank as a survivor. Meaning more of them stay in the high ranks. As killer was already harder to rank up the change in rank reset didn't effect them as much.
- SWF matchmaking now uses the highest rank of the survivor in the group. So now a group of say a rank 2, 4, 9, 14 will get a red rank killer. This causes there to be an excess of survivors in the red ranks as many low ranks survivors are now playing in the high ranks.
- The ruin change made it even more difficult for low and mid tier killers to pip/perform in high ranks. As a result many killers have deranked into lower ranks or stopped playing altogether.
- The arrival of dedicated servers means all players will be linked to the closest server to ensure green pings. Before you could be matched up with anyone. So while pings are now better than before (on average) it also means the available player pool for matchmaking has been segregated into smaller silos based on physical server locations. Which can cause problems with fair matchmaking.
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Many red rank killers have disappeared from this game. Survivals in red rank wait longer than before.
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you will encounter more unwinnable matches. the chases are longer in the beginning because of the amount of unused pallets. most games revolve around the 2 gen mid-game. just accept the fact that half the time you will have zero chance.
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Well, I guess new killers have more problems as just the earlie game.
Should the rumors are true and ranks will not be shown with 1 of the next patches, I bet, even more people will either leave, or join survivors.
At least now, killers can find an excusment, or a explanation why the game has run so bad, if they see the ranks of their opponents.
To have absolut no answer to that question can be for some people devastating.
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You nailed it on all your points, but what is broken about toolboxes? Are they bugged now too?
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People came through on their promise to quit Killer after all of the nerfs and the matchmaking system is supposed to look for players within six ranks of you.
I can guarantee that BHVR somehow never saw this coming.
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Im not entirely sure myself but it's such an issue that the devs said they were looking into it. So it has to be big. I think because ruin is gone, toolboxes can repair gens insanly fast. Otz(whatever his name is) posted a video recently about it. It's on these forums.
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Yeah it’s no bug, just without it Ruin toolboxes are even stronger in a way. Just solo if I take one I feel bad for the killer because a gen is done before the first chase, if the other people work on gens (IF) then usually 2 gens done. So I stopped bringing them unless I have a challenge or daily.
BHVR called everyone’s bluff, thinking everyone was just whining and overdramatizing the Ruin nerf... and more importantly the wording on the post that made it very clear that they are much more concerned about survivor experience than killer.
Turns out for a large number of people it wasn’t a bluff. I think they’re probably actually panicking right now figuring out how to right this ship before that lose players altogether.
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Yeah, ruins creation was to address the issue of gens get done too fast because the killer cant pressure 4 people at once. It barely helped the issue but it was something. Then its like the devs forgot why they made the perk in the first place. Now that its gone they're probably like "Oh, that's why we made it"
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Seems that they took the idea of "reward killers with more Bloodpoints for versing SWF" and secretly implemented something similar.
90% of my Daily Rituals are for the Killer, including re-rolls. Seems that if I want extra Bloodpoints I have to play a role that I don't currently want to play because I too get matched against red ranks at rank 8 to 9 and have stopped playing Killer.