Most toxic I've ever seen

mmain Member Posts: 430

Just left a match where another survivor followed me around and attempted to block my path as often as possible. They finally ended up standing in a doorway blocking me in a room. Never even moved when the killer came walking up. Stood there and let the killer hit him twice and carry him away.

After he was removed from the hook this guy came back and started doing the same thing. Attempted to block me in another room again. Fortunately I had a window. A minute or two later the killer came up behind us and this survivor attempted to block me in a corner. I think the killer realized what was going on because he slugged the guy and let me go. The killer then stood there making it obvious he wasn't going to let anyone heal this person.

Within a few seconds of this person dying I got a message calling me several names and telling me what I should do to myself. This person was a level 10 so they obviously don't play this way all the time.

I don't think I have ever had someone do that to me before. I've had people intentionally block me into a corner or something when the killer is coming so they can leap through a window and make me an easy victim, but this was something completely different. Don't know if I have played matches with this person previously and did something that made them mad, or this person just has a really strange way of enjoying the game.

That's the first time I've even had it happen, and doubt it will happen again. If it does and I record it is this an action that can get someone banned? I should have recorded it this time. I was just so shocked to see someone actually playing that way it didn't occur to me until after the match was over.


  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    Ironic how they failed to grief yet trash talk you. Hopefully with whatever they said you ignored it or if it was racist, sexist, or death threats you reported it. I’ve had maybe one or two games where people went out of their way to body block and team with the killer to just constantly knock me down. I didn’t do anything cause I didn’t really care but it was annoying. Technically you could get them banned as it’s griefing, unsportsmanlike, and trolling so yeah. Hope it doesn’t happen again but if it does you can report and if they send rude messages there’s more of a reason to. Sorry it happened to you!