Why does the devs hate cool addons?

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Except for Oni (Except his Ultra Rares) and doc (And only because they left most of the addons the same from Doc) all "new" Killers have really boring or bad addons. Freddy, Demogorgon, Ghostface, Plague and Legion have all barely good or interesting addons and these are the latest Killer ingame. I can understand billy, nurse or leatherface since they are the oldest Killers and the devs still were experimenting with everything abit but we have Killers that are just a few months old and have addon sets where only 2-4 addons are actually benefitial? That doesnt make sense to me honestly.

We have some new Killers with WONDERFULL addon sets like Oni, Wraith, Trapper, Hag. These are Killers that have a kinda "new" addon loadout since they got (I guess 1 year or more maybe?) reworked. All of the mentioned Killers have really interesting addons that promotes different gameplays and are really good or decent without any lack of usage. Tell me which addons are really good on demorgorgon? 1... the Rat Liver. Which addons are on Wraith good? Almost every single.

I wonder what is the reason to that? The base powers of Freddy, Demogorgon, Ghostface and Plague are realy cool and nice. They are a ton of fun! But why are the addons sooo ... bad? Sry to say that but it is just true. Any thoughts from your side?


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Sometimes they can’t implement something that ends up being fun and balanced. Let’s take our precious demo dog for example. He can’t have much add ons that add a lot because they would either be too strong or not fun/strong. There also isn’t a lot they can add with his power.

    Now let’s look at the doctor. Power can be altered in many ways to balance it while keeping it simular, fun and at a good level of strength (iridescent Queen and king mainly).

    The main point of the pink add ons are for fun, rarely are they strong, but in some killers cases, they can’t do much.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ghostie has cool add ons imo.

  • Blinking_Bat
    Blinking_Bat Member Posts: 18

    The stronger you make add-ons for a killer, the weaker the base power needs to be. If you just make extremely strong add-ons on top of a strong base power, then the killer just feels unfair to play against when those add-ons are run - which is why the Nurse's add-ons have been nerfed multiple times. It didn't feel too great juking a nurse blink, but realizing they had 6 more blink attempts left before their fatigue. Same thing for Billy - he has an extremely strong base power, and when you throw on insta-saw addons it gets a bit ridiculous and feels unfair.

    On the other hand, you don't want the killer to feel add-on dependent. The Wraith has several strong addons because his base power isn't very strong relative to other killers. The add ons feel very impactful, but you feel like you have to use add ons in order to be effective with the killer. Another example I think is pre-rework Doctor, where how your game went was heavily influenced by what addons you ran.

    I prefer having a strong base power and minor addons over a weak base power with strong add ons

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited February 2020


    Old legion, Oni, Hag or Trapper (Except bag addons) have strong base powers and really strong addons aswell. And they were or are most likely still fun to play as or against.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I wouldn’t add Plague in there. Black Incense in extremely strong (probably the most powerful ultra-rare in the game) and Iridescent Seal is underrated.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Because it makes it "unfun for survivors"

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited February 2020


    They could do some cool and usefull addons for Demo like:

    • Add mangled effect with shred
    • Add exhaustion with shred
    • Increase shred distance but increases charge time
    • If you hit a survivor with shred reveal every survivors aura around you 12 meters for a few sec
    • If survivors cleanses a portal apply exposed to that survivor who cleansed it for a few sec.

    I could keep going with the ideas, and this was just brainstorming in a few min.

  • Blinking_Bat
    Blinking_Bat Member Posts: 18


    I don't have much experience with old-Legion or Hag so I am not sure about the strength of their add-ons, but in my opinion pretty much all of the Trapper and Oni addons are pretty minor, other than bags.

    The only Trapper add on I think is 'very strong' is Honing Stone. The disarm time, placement time, and status effect addons don't seem very impactful and I don't really see how they "promote different gameplay" like you said. The dye add-ons are weird to rate on a power level since they are solely a visual change, but they are nice.

    Oni doesn't have super impactful addons either. The most impactful one is Topknot in my opinion, but all of the others are pretty generic speed/duration/cooldown addons that every other killer has (Like, Spirit also has very similar speed/duration/cooldown addons). I haven't found the increased blood orb add ons to be very good. The addons make him feel smoother to play, but I don't feel like the game would have gone a completely different way if I wasn't running any addons.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    But the rest of the addons are too situational or not good. Cooldown and Apple's are the only best addons next to ultra rares. Efficency is not needed, ppl who try to make every survivor one by one broken with vomit are dumb. Just hit them once and leave the survivor and keep spreading your infection on others. Object infection time is just okey but not that important. Duration of corrupt purge is too situational (if survivors cleanse). Same to warship tablet and the toe is completly useless.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    On oni movemtspeed addons promote more of a hit and run playstile of oni where you try to "suprise" survivor from a unexptected direction with monitor. These addons are bad for loop hits because you are most likely too fast to run around a small loop. Agree topnok is insane and changes waaay too much. The more bloodorbs promotes a "spread your m1 hits on many survivors" playstile or the less consumtion penalty for downing survivors is heavy slug. I know that oni is already slug heavy but this addon promotes that even more.

    On Trapper you can use bloody coil with tanathobhobia to keep everyone injured and with monitor you can get alot of free suprise downs. With longer disarm time and iridiscent stone you block of obvious but popular ways or doors and make survivors waste time to keeping those ways open. With tar bottle you tempt to play more the "classic" trapper trying to hide the traps and get free kills.

    Sure the addons dont change the gameplay drasticly but thats not what they are supposed to do. If you compare these addons to the mentioned killers above, Freddy, Demo etc, their addons are just a joke in comparison.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited February 2020


    Thank you ^-^. I feel like most of the people like my Killers "Update" or Reworks that I post sometimes, I made last time a Legion update with my own thoughts and got many positive feedback. I am happy to see this and I am very thankfull for that!

    Edit: Kinda forgot to answer your first reply with Ghostface. His addons are in comparison with the others not that bad but his addons seems very ... dull. If you know what I mean, they are really simple and straight farword. They could do more interesting stuff like survivors suffer from oblivious for a few sec after you down someone who is marked around your in 32 meters. That would make a infections fright ghostface build really interesting!

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Cooldown add-ons are underrated and the apples are overrated. I really don’t care if I get to use Corrupt Purge or not. If they stay injured I have permanent NOED and can spot them from a mile away.

    The effectiveness add-ons are really good I dunno what you’re talking about. It breaks a survivor in no time at all and can end a chase super quickly. If you are close to a survivor you can easily break them. Sure you typically want to puke and find another survivor but if you have the chance to completely break a survivor than why not?

    A majority of her add-ons are decent to be honest. I can’t think of a single killer that doesn’t have at least one bad add-on.

  • Blinking_Bat
    Blinking_Bat Member Posts: 18

    I think I see where you're coming from, but not entirely sure. Do you mean the add ons seem like a joke because they don't enable different sub-strategies? For Freddy being able to to switch to fake pallets enables you to play differently. For Demo, he doesn't have many things that allow for a different strategy other than undetectable addons so most his games are going to feel very similar regardless of add ons, just to the nature of his power.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Yes kinda but also that the most of the addons of for example demogorgon are not that good. They dont do really that much or benefit you that much.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    If you think about that neutral, all addons on Plague that do something with corrup purge dont do anything if survivors dont cleanse, and that happens pretty often, atleast to me. The apples are the best addons on her because if you infected all survivors and take the pool at the right situation you get most likely a instant 4k. And the efficency addons are not bad but why do you want to infect someone 2-3 sec earlier? Most of the time if the survivors get infected by your vomit he is anyway in the open field without any pallets and IF he is at a savespot you dont need to infect faster. In my opinion efficency are way to overrated. And I agree cooldown addons are really underrated on her I always use one of them atleast in every build.