Killer Variety

Play as killer opens a window with 3 choices ** edit: for clarity, keep in mind all 3 of the following choices are Game Mode Options and all 3 will be available at any time. You aren't locked into any of them. The options are as follows**
Regular: Play the game like it is now. Pick your fav killer and que up.
The Few:
Killer checks a box on their favorite killers (MINIMUM of 5? 6?)
Killer enters the match as a random killer from their chosen Few with a bonus of 100% more bloodpoints.
Entity's Chosen:
Killer enters the match as a random killer from all available killers including locked/unpurchased (locked killers will be given a default loadout including their unique perks) with a bonus of 200% bloodpoints.
Brings in fresh killer players for the BPs, brings in a bit more variety so the survivors don't see the same killer every game, keeps things fun for killers, let's people have a chance to try out characters they haven't purchased yet (but without customization).
BHVR: This could inspire people to buy new content by allowing them a "free trial" on killers they don't own. Having cosmetics and achievements unlocked for wins in each game mode would also entice more killers to play random. Heck, knowing this community, the cosmetics might be enough without the extra BPs.
I've wanted a random button for so long! But players can already use liscenced characters with Shards and Splinters and stuff.
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With the way things are now I think that will actually kill the game. Since ruins nerf most killers have zero early game pressure now. MM is flooded with survivors because killer just isn't fun right now. Any new killers are being matched against red ranks. I'm talking a r18 killer facing all r1s. I'm not making this up, it's happened. New players dont want to play killer. If you take away the choice of which killer we get then no one will play killer.
Unlike survivor, killers all function differently. If you want more killer variety then the game needs to be overhauled to where everyone stands a chance. Not just the killers with mobility and one shot potential.
I agree we need more killer variety but this is not the way to do it. Even if you were to mix up the survivors load outs to compensate it still wouldnt be fair.
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I disagree. It wouldn't kill the game because it would add more killers. More killers means more people to spread out the ranks. The reason r20 killers face r1 survivors is the lack of killers. More killers means less survivors and a more even playerbase. Which would be a step in the right direction for matchmaking.
Also this post isn't here to complain about the games problems. I'm just trying to suggest something new and fun. There are plenty of posts aimed at the bugs and issues.
Shards and splinters are nice but you don't get perks. Also they are a choice (you know which killer you are trying out), and they are one time use. Whereas this would give you a load out of T3 perks, and you have no idea. You might want to try out legion and wind up playing the pig and being like "holy crap I can make lion sounds" and now you have a new pig main.
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Taking away killer choice wont add more killers. Killers will play something else. Even if you make them pick a list of 3, most killers will pick the same top 3. This won't diverse anything. It will only make killers role even harder than it already is. Even if your idea was implemented that would mean all killers would have to max out 3 killers if they want to stand a chance. If you take away a players freedom to choose who they play, they won't play this game and then you will have no killers. It's not the killers fault that you only see 3 killers most of the time. It only shows how bad this game is balanced. If BHVR really balanced out all the different killers than we would see variety but we don't. What's that tell you? This game isn't balanced.
Would you play mortal kombat if the game choose which fighter you play as? Would you play Halo or CoD if the game decided what guns you were to use? Or if Civ decided what faction you play?
This change only benefits survivors and after the ruin nerf the pendulum needs to swing back violently if you want this game to stick around.
Post edited by EvilJoshy on0 -
I'm not too sure you understood the whole original post. The killer can choose normal mode and que up as whatever killer they want just as it is now. I'm simply suggesting adding two new OPTIONS for random que. Adding more options would bring in more killers. Of course you can still que as whatever killer you want! I'm not suggesting to take that away. Reread the original post and point out where I was unclear about that so I can fix it.
The idea is to add options for the killer to have a random experience if they choose to (and reward their bravery) Not to force anything on them.
Also yes if you only made them pick 3 for the "The Few" option then yes you will get a lot of the same killers. But if they required you to pick 5 or 6 as I said, 6 killers is still more diversity than I'm seeing in my survivor games. Just my opinion there.
Hope that helped to clarify.
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It wouldn't add more killers. People don't play killer because killer is too stressful, not because they don't have them unlocked or leveled up. Just because you offer to let someone play as bubba doesn't mean they are going to want to play as bubba. Also, if I were a brand new rank 20 killer, I want to practice with one character, not bounce all around.
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Fair enough, and you would still have the option to do that by playing normally.
This idea is 100% an option. Not required nor recommended for new killers. But once you get the hang of killing it might be fun to try. Or a challenge for really good killers.
Also keep in mind that this option will still be an option if and when the game becomes more balanced. Again to clarify. This post is not here to fix balance issues or solve the evident problems in the game. Ideally those would be fixed first before this was put in. And there's other posts for that! I'm just coming up with something that would be a fun option. Even more fun once things are balanced.
People don't play killer because it's stressful. Yes. By adding the bloodpoints gain, achievements, and cosmetics, it would incentivise people to play killer more.
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This would be a fun thing to add to the game. So long as a couple of things are disabled like iridescent head and scalped tOPknot I'd be fine with it.
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For the characters you don't own? I imagine there would be a set "default" loadout instead of a randomized one to help avoid things like that.
However, if it's a killer you already own, they can customize each killer as they see fit so long as they have the addon/offering in their inventory. When they run out, they run out.
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This is great. More risk = more reward.
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If it granted 200% more bloodpoints it would be worth my while. I actually like this idea.
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Thanks! I hope BHVR reads some of these ideas. This idea is completely menu based and would be so easy to code. Best of all, it doesn't change ANYTHING in game. So it won't hurt gameplay balancing at all.
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See? That's the idea. It doesn't FORCE a solution to killer variety. It entices us to fix it ourselves by choice.