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Wraith or Doctor against ranks 1

Which of both is better against ranks 1 because Im a wraith main and is not easy but with doctor is easy.

It very hard to play with one that do everything better.

Best Answer


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Both can be effective in the right hands and with the right build, but Doctor is probably a bit easier to do well with in general than Wraith, because he has better tracking, better slowdown and is better at countering loops with his basekit.

    However, if you would like to play Wraith at high ranks, he, like most stealth killers, benefits significantly with a hit-and-run build that plays to his strengths. Most stealth killers are weak in chase, but excel at catching survivors off-guard and landing that first hit, so perks like Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher and Nurse's Calling, particularly in combination with one another, tend to be very effective. Land the first hit, and abandon chase if they run to a strong loop. They will either waste a lot of time healing, or you will catch them injured later and be able to down them.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    Personally i'd stick with Wraith because of the reasons above stated by Fibijean, Doctor is the opposite of a Stealth Killer in the sense that he's all about making Survivors aware of his presence while a stealth Killer minimizes their presence as much as they can.

    In the case of who's "easier" to land hits on and down Survivors, I personally think a stealth Killer like Wraith can easily down Survivors and get free hits with ease, especially if you mix and match perks like Brutal Strength and Nurse's Calling to detect Survivors that're healing 28 meters away WHILE you're cloaked, or breaking pallets with your 0 Terror Radius to make Survivors unaware of a deadzone that was created. (A deadzone is when no pallets are in a fairly dangerous area to be in, creating an area for a Killer to easily hit or down a Survivor in)

    Most Wraiths use Sloppy Butcher and Nurse's Calling for the most part, but I personally think you should also use Brutal Strength to clean up a lot of loops on the map quickly and Corrupt Intervention to halt any "Gen Rushing" that might happen early on. If you're feeling experimental than you can try ditching Brutal Strength for Pop Goes the Weasel, PGTW really is a gem in the high-rank meta for how much damage it applies to Generators when you hook a Survivor.

    In a sense, PGTW can regress 25% of any progress put on a Generator, making a 50% progressed Generator go down heavily in one kick, so I personally would use that if you're going for a Sloppy + Nurse's Combo. If you don't want to use those perks than you can always swap Sloppy for BBQ & Chili and Nurse's for PGTW and keep Brutal Strength as your 4th perk slot.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Doctor is incredibly powerful in chase and in finding survivors, but Wraith is really easy to get first hits and, like the two lovely chaps above me have said, benefits very well from a hit and run style build. You could even run Coxcomb Clapper and Ghost Soot for Gen Grabs, which is always useful. It all really depends on your playstyle and who you are better at, tbh.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020

    I think if I had to put both in a Tier list for base-kit than I could say Doctor is better than Wraith from a power vs power stand-point.

    People could debate Doctor is now better than Wraith overall, but Wraith has a lot of perk and add-on combos like the one you referenced that really make it easy to gain a lot of hits and deceptive chase strategies that make it easy to break off from said chase and than down someone on a nearby gen.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Agreed. Another thing I forgot to mention is that Wraith is the best user for PWYF. Being able to end a chase at will is incredibly powerful for getting stacks. There is alot of varsatility in Wraith, but overall I think Doctor might actually be OP now. He is the best anti-loop and anti-stealth killer in the game. He also has a slight passive slowdown with Tier III madness. I'd even go to say that he might be as powerful as Spirit, if not better.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Eh, it depends who's using The Doctor and if we're talking base-kit than he's at best Mid-Tier now. If we're talking his 3 gen strategy than that's usually horrible to face as any Survivor since most Doctors that use this strategy will chase for a few seconds and than go back to defending Generators for a long time until someone goes down or a gen pops.

    Spirit can end chases a lot faster than The Doctor and overall has the potential to be the Apex Killer of the roster in the right hands. But to be honest, if you can effectively use a Killer to their max potential than you'll of course clean house almost every time depending on how efficient you are in a chase and how often the Survivors make mistakes.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    I use noed or stbfl with blood warden and work well and nurse calling too

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Speaking of Spirit, I've never seen gameplay of her all that much, and I can't seem to find how she is so powerful. If there is a particular video or something that you could show me? I honestly can only see constant gen grabs that make Spirit powerful.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    She's died down in terms of use since her nerf, but the nerf itself didn't really make her any less OP, it just made her "less annoying" to face in-game.

    I'll provide links below to Spirit Guides and Post-Nerf updates on why she can be so destructive.

    Here's the link to the Old Spirit Guide (Outdated)

    Skip to (7:56) to showcase her chase mechanics (Note some of these mechanics are old and are updated in the new video below)

    Here's the link to the update on her nerf

    This video is by the same person who made the video above and both are fairly solid guides that explain and showcase how powerful The Spirit can be in-game. Skip to (1:00) for examples, but most of the video below show-cases how strong she can be in the right hands, hence why she's considered "SS" Tier on the Tier lists for the Killer roster. (Note that the new video below covers all the updates and nerfs that's currently applied to The Spirit right now in-game, so keep that in-mind that this video is up-to-date for the most part on The Spirits game-play footage)

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521
  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    I did good 4k twice with doctor but not wraith and spirit like wow I'm shock no noed.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It really depends on who you're most efficient with, if you can get more leverage out of Doctor than I say you should start using him.

    But if you don't enjoy playing him than you should stick to Wraith or Spirit. It's entirely up to you, one Killer can be enjoyable to a player than the other, even if that Killer isn't as efficient to that player than the one that's perceived as "the more fun one" to them.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    Yea you right I might just stick with Wraith and Doctor and maybe test lefion out and see how it play so thank you.