One Big Problem with Tome Achievements

IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

One of the biggest problems with Tome achievements is that... it kind of encourages players--and I am no exception--to play like terds... that is... badly. Sometimes, when I go into a match, my sole intention now is to complete my achievement. This priority supersedes repairing gens or assisting my team in its time of need. I have to admit it, when I have an achievement to work through, I'm often more interested in grinding than I am in being a solid teammate.

If my achievement is for repairing gens, I sometimes forego being an altruist. If my achievement is to get some safe unhooks, gens don't exist to me. And if my achievement is stun the killer 4 times, the resulting rush to engage the killer does nothing good for me or my teammates chances of survival.

Does anyone else experience this?
