Why nobody respects killers

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

They can literally hold a game hostage or go out of their way to make it as horrible as physically possible for survivors.

Yes, he camped one more person. And yes, he had No ED



  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    My game is being held hostage. I literally can't do anything at all. Plus the second person's he tunneled and camped.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Do you really wanna talk about the time a bubba tried to slug for the 4k and when my teammate finally bled out he proceeded to hatch camp.

    Because that happened yesterday.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    Even slugging fall not under "holding a game hostage".

    There was a time without egc and in those games survivor's could potentially hold a game hostage, for forever.

    Had by myself 2 times the situation where a survivor tryed that by me. Luckily IronMaiden helped me both times out, because they were using lockers for hiding for me (and that for a Legion *smiles sinister*).

    By face camping, tunneling and slugging ends the game at least after a while, if a killer never finds a survivor and he is not doing gens however... Then was that a real hostage situation to pre egc times.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428
    edited February 2020

    You are talking about a very small minority of players. The average survivor does not last more than a minute in a chase. In nearly 1000 hours played, I've seen far, far, far more survivors go down in less than thirty seconds from the perspective of playing either side.

    They don't respect killers that play cheap or use perks/addons/moris which feel cheap. No one complains about devour hope because when you get exposed by it, you know it was earned through gameplay. No one complains about make your choice for the same reason. The killer had to leave the hook for it.

    People complain about NOED because it feels unearned. People complain about moris because it feels cheap, like the game is handing you kills because you spent 7000 bloodpoints. It's the same about iridescent head hatchets for huntress, or pinky finger on clown. It feels cheap. Things that feel cheap are going to get complained about.

    The difference is, the things killers complain about survivors having that's 'cheap' is entirely within their power to avoid. Except perhaps Adrenaline. I could see a change for adrenaline where it became an obsession perk and the heal only worked for the obsession.

    But DS and BT are both very easy to play around unless you're intentionally trying to make the game poor for a single person. At that point, they're more protection from... and you guessed it... behavior from a killer that feels cheap!

    I would also rework Head On. It's inconsistent and unreliable thanks to dedicated servers, and is only ever used to troll the killer. Would probably rework flashlights entirely as well for similar reasons.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2020

    "You are talking about a very small minority of players. The average survivor does not last more than a minute in a chase. In nearly 1000 hours played, I've seen far, far, far more survivors go down in less than thirty seconds from the perspective of playing either side."

    The average survivor doesn't even need to last more 20 seconds in a chase for them to still win with how fast gens go. You call that a minority that play well, but my games are at rank 1 so I am facing that minority a lot more than most. Survivors don't need to last long in a chase if the team knows how to efficiently hold M1.

    "They don't respect killers that play cheap or use perks/addons/moris which feel cheap."

    There's very few cheap things on the killer side compared to survivor. Most killers have either 1 or none. Survivors have multiple that can be stacked and are simply perks, not one time use addons.

    "People complain about NOED because it feels unearned. People complain about moris because it feels cheap, like the game is handing you kills because you spent 7000 bloodpoints. It's the same about iridescent head hatchets for huntress, or pinky finger on clown. It feels cheap. Things that feel cheap are going to get complained about."

    I haven't disagreed with any of this.

    "The difference is, the things killers complain about survivors having that's 'cheap' is entirely within their power to avoid."

    Wrong. Playing in the way that entirely avoids the survivor "cheap" things against good survivors is how you lose the game if you aren't on a top tier killer. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario when on weaker killers against good survivors.

    "Except perhaps Adrenaline. I could see a change for adrenaline where it became an obsession perk and the heal only worked for the obsession."

    Adrenaline is totally fine. It costs you a perk all game and rewards you for completing your objective, it is a well balanced perk. Adrenaline only seems bad to some people because it's stacked on top of all the other "second chance" perks and in a game balance time where their objectives do go too fast.

    "But DS and BT are both very easy to play around unless you're intentionally trying to make the game poor for a single person. At that point, they're more protection from... and you guessed it... behavior from a killer that feels cheap!"

    Wrong. As I stated before, playing in the way that entirely avoids those perks as a weak killer against good survivors is how you lose. There are times when you are forced to camp or tunnel.

    "I would also rework Head On. It's I consistent and unreliable thanks to dedicated servers, and is only ever used to troll the killer. Would probably rework flashlights entirely as well for similar reasons."

    Both these work fine for me and I don't think they need changes.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Imagine being a survivor main who has to wait 10 minutes for a game only to get face camped by a Bubba or Billy over and over again. Don't act like being face camped on your first hook with five gens to go is fun gameplay. You know it's not. There's literally nothing survivors can do that end the game for killers like that, and it happens all the time.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    I play in and against all red ranks myself, so you can kindly come down from that soapbox. These elite survivor squads that just rush to gens and only do gens are by far in the minority. Most games are a 3-4k unless the killer player was absolute trash.

    Most survivors I run into in both survivor and killer games do every totem and chest they see and don't last more than 20-30 seconds in a chase ever. They rarely run toolboxes, if they run any item at all, and Prove Thyself is extremely rare.

    Even if someone brought DS or BT, it almost never gets used more than maybe once in a game. I personally don't run either of them. My typical build right now is self-care, Sprint burst, iron will, and calm spirit. I usually end up doing my of the gens and unhooks myself. Most survivors are complete potatoes, even in red ranks.

    I think maybe 1 in 20 games I'll see a 4-man escape. Unlike 4ks which happen nearly half the time. Unless all four survivors completely and utterly focus on gens to the exclusion of all else, the game is entirely in the killer's hands. I never run into random teammates that do that. Ever.

  • The_Meh_Teh
    The_Meh_Teh Member Posts: 136

    The game will only get better if survivors fear the killer. Without fear, there is no respect or fun.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367


    That's not taking the game hostage or against the rules.

    It's also bubba. If you hear the chainsaw hit a wall, rock, or tree.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    This seems kinda pointless as its not game hostage situation. Its unfun for sure, but not a actual issue. Even the people who do this are a minority. Wait till you encounter a killer who uses Slugging as a counter to DS and a form of pressure.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    No one's on a soapbox, you're just saying things that simply aren't genuine. Those groups don't need to be elite if they know how to hold M1 efficiently.

    "Most games are a 3-4k unless the killer player was absolute trash."

    Most my games are majority team escapes on rank 1 survivor so I don't see this at all.

    "Most survivors I run into in both survivor and killer games do every totem and chest they see and don't last more than 20-30 seconds in a chase ever. They rarely run toolboxes, if they run any item at all, and Prove Thyself is extremely rare."

    Then we are playing 2 totally different games.

    "Even if someone brought DS or BT, it almost never gets used more than maybe once in a game."

    Because they are forced too play inefficiently to avoid them, we've gone over this.

    "I think maybe 1 in 20 games I'll see a 4-man escape. Unlike 4ks which happen nearly half the time."

    Nearly half the games I play on survivor are 4 escapes unless the killers running a NOED and facecamps the first guy at the end which is basically a 4 escape anyway.

    "Unless all four survivors completely and utterly focus on gens to the exclusion of all else, the game is entirely in the killer's hands. I never run into random teammates that do that. Ever."

    Which is the majority of rank 1 games, which puts most games not in the killers hands. Luckily most survivors are bad.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    You act as if all killers do this. Like we all play leatherface and do this very thing. Hate to break it to you, but this is simply not the case.

    You get games with fun killers, campy killers, oblivious killers, anything. People are going to be people. Stop getting upset over one game and move on.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    I play mostly survivor, and I respect all players, period, until you give me a reason not to. I don't go into a game trying to abuse or bm a killer based on my last killer griefing me. I think we need to discard labels and just realize there are people that play the game terribly no matter what role. I don't think there is a survivor that bm's a killer and then goes on to play a wholesome killer game.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    Use my anti camping build: Camaraderie, Kindred, Breakdown, Decisive Strike. It requires your teammates not to be terrible, though.

    Worst case scenario it just tells survivors to do gens. Best case they manage to pull off an unhook somehow which breaks the hook and guarantees a shot at Decisive Strike, plus you get an extra 34 seconds on the hook for them to do gens. It's easier to pull off when it's not Bubba.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No, this is why good killers don't respect crappy camping killers that give us a bad name.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Nobody who only plays one side respects the other side.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Your clearly just saying that because you've never been facecamped on first hook by a Bubba, lol

  • Atchoo
    Atchoo Member Posts: 326

    The DC in the end gifted the Leatherface points, well done..

    Just go into another game, maybe the killer had a very bad game the match before and wanted to punish some survivors. At the end of the day, its just a game.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    False. I am a Killer main, and I respect Survivors who display a suitable amount of skill or talent without being toxic.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    You do realize that this is just one disrespectful killer? Most of us do not do this. It's actually not beneficial to the killer at all. I just feel like Killers don't get enough respect. We are nothing to be feared, have to deal with survivors who do not own up to their mistakes, survivors who teabag/point every pallet stun, 3+ chain blinds, 4x as punishable mistakes, gen rushing, infinites, god pallets, god windows, DS, SB, Unbreakable, BT, being called a toxic camper/tunneler, SWF, and much, much more. We have so much to worry about and so little time and resources. I honestly don't blame killers who do this anymore. I mean, what else are they going to do?

  • MrGummeBear
    MrGummeBear Member Posts: 94
    edited February 2020

    Face Camping is the same sitting in the same place and holding M1 . You survivorsate trying to get done with your object faster. So wouldn't facecamping be the same. Its the Killer trying to finish their objective fasters the same as camping a gen and hold m1 to get out faster.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Nah I have plenty, it's just extremely rare. Once every couple weeks maybe, and I play this every day all day.

  • BubbaSawyerMeats
    BubbaSawyerMeats Member Posts: 108

    i'm a killer main, but i do play as survivor for daily's and rift. after the Ruin nerf its all face camp all the time. the killer gets one kill and the least amount of BP.

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    Have you seen the crying here from the killers? How can I respect that?

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I respect killers that deserve respect. If you play scummy then no. If you play a good game win or loss then yes.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Clearly you weren't around for the heavy survivor nerfs and the sheer amount of whining and moaning they did.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    Had a similar situation as the spirit, 2 survivors, 2 gens left to do on Father Campbell's Chapel. 10 minutes patrolling gens not to hear any being worked on, afk go to the bathroom, come back still nothing, 5 minutes later finally find one and kill them, somehow find hatch first and got last kill out of sheer luck from the hatch spawn. 35 minute 4k, get told the match was boring afterwards.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2020

    "Sometimes a killer can be mean, therefore I should not respect any killer, ever. I should be mean and a dick all the time."

    Ah, yes, to be 12 years old on Xbox live again. Here's another theory: People like this, survivor and killer, have this dickish personality and they, like you OP, want to do what they can to justify acting the way they do.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I don't see something wrong here. He used a mechanic that exists in the game.

    He is a killer. He kills people. Their goal is to kill all four survivors. If he decides to stay there, I don't see a problem.

    I don't understand what you're trying to say. Since he used noed he shouldn't be respected? Since he camped?

    How about ds?

    If someone uses ds then they should uninstall? Or if they genrush should they be flamed in the endgame chat?

    Bubba tried to fulfil his objective. His objective is to kill all survivors BY ANY MEANS.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    know what else happened yesterday

    SWF dc'd so his friend could grab hatch, then bragged about how I didn't get a 4k

    versus Wraith on Badham. laughable

  • Happy2Heal4You
    Happy2Heal4You Member Posts: 119

    I'm surprised by how passionate people can get over just one game in dead by daylight. I know people who even remember bad games they had years ago. Camping isn't fun for the survivor I get that, but posting them on forums and stuff is giving those killers the salt they want. Just move on and try not to let those killers get to you.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Which they still can do, if they are two or more and decide to not do anything, except being super immersed.