Demogorgon suggested addons?

I just got him yesterday any advice from Demogorgon players?



    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Not really a Demogorgon player, but I heard more portals come in handy.

    The faster cool-down add-ons also help since you can use your portals often! 😁

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2020

    Hi there! I play a lot of Demogorgon and he's so much fun.

    Definitely get add ons for his portals because you will want to place them around the maps. Don't necessarily put them on generators but nearby to get players off guard since you will have the Undetectable status for about 3 seconds. Once you activate them by using the portals, when you charge Of the Abyss, you'll hear the heartbeat of survivors nearby the portals. You'll start out with six but with add ons you can have up to eight.

    I suggest: Rotten Pumpkin, Black Heart, Rat Tail, Sticky Lining, Mew's Guts, Thorny Vines, Violet Waxcap, and any very rare and ultra rare.

    When using shred, try and catch the survivors off guard. If they aren't looking back and not zig zagging, that is a great time to use your Shred effectively. If the survivor is looking behind or zig zagging, try and bait them into thinking you'll use shred. Mind game survivors with this if you can. Also the longer you hold the charge for Shred (Of the Abyss), the longer the shred distance will be. It takes time to learn the distance but do it enough and you'll get the hang of it.

    When you are at pallets, Demogorgon can use his shred to break them. If you time it right, you can hit the survivor on the other side. Shred usually takes about half a second to charge where it can break pallets.

    Perks that can work well with Demo are Enduring and Spirit Fury so you can shred through pallets and take hits while still keeping up with the survivor. Save the Best for Last is also good with this too and the great thing is if you hit your obsession with Shred, you don't lose any tokens!

    His perk Surge is also pretty good too and I think the best out of his three teachables. This is good if you want gens to be blowing up and regressing. Discordance is also a fantastic one for gen pressure.

    I hope this helps out! Good luck and enjoy DemoDog!

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    Get the addon that adds speed while charging the Shred... and the ones that gives portal and the ones that makes you travel faster between portals.

    Red addons seems useless.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2020

    I'm a demo main as well, in terms of addons honestly I suggest Rat's liver as practically a mandatory addon, after that things like deer lung to help you get to where you need to be faster. Beyond that mews guts and pumpkins and black heart and all that are fairly decent, but honestly everything green and above isn't very good at all. (Except deer lung)

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    No offence but I find the pink add-ons horrible on demo, I think they are almost the worst on any killer

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited February 2020

    I pretty much only use Mew's Guts & Black Heart, both reduce Shred recovery + 1 extra portal. I use Shred more to catch up in chases or move around quicker if I don't want/unable to activate my portals, it's pretty useful IMO.

    Don't put portals in line of sight of gens.. if a gen is at a T/L, put a portal behind one of the walls. Not sure why some put portals right on top of gens, survivor's going to bolt.

    Use BBQ if you have it, so you can basically teleport to gens being worked on. I'm All Ears is another good perk for him to help end chases quicker.. Shred + the aura read will stop T/Ls & jungle gyms in quick order.

    Last thing, since I use Mew's Guts, i generally try to save 2 portals to put next to the exit gates and I still have enough to do what I need during the match.

    Sidenote: It'd be nice if there was an increased shred lunge-distance add on..

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    There's s brown add-on for demo that makes him 7/9% faster while charging Of The Abyss I don't remember the name or numbers. This is seriously his best add-on and the only one that's worth anything. I've found the rest of his add-ons really boring and underwhelming and sometimes don't even run any add-ons at all. I really like that he doesn't need add-ons at all unlike other killers such as Wraith or Myers.

  • TFjawbreaker
    TFjawbreaker Member Posts: 43

    Thanks everyone you’ve all been a huge help