
Please stop ######### crouching next to hooks or corners of the map panicking that the killer exists. You don't belong in red ranks acting like this.
Killers: "Why don't survivors fear killers? They really should, fix this BHVR!"
Killers, along with others: "Survivors stop being afraid of killers! This is ridiculous behavior, why play a horror game if you can't man up and get to the objectives?"
Lovely community 😊
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sToP tUnNeLiNg ThEm
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I dont think you understood even one sentence out of OPs post
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He really didn't.
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I'm saying this from a survivor PoV? I'd really like it if I would stop getting R20 potatoes at my Rank 1 survivor games ruining them for me.
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Yes I know killer mains can play survivor, look at Tru3
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What are you even talking about.
Read the OP and your comments again. You make no sense
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I'm not a killer main. I play both equally. Just because I speak up for killers sometimes doesn't change that.
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He is not temp banned, he is just jailed. Trust me, getting warned is way easier than you think.
But yeah, I am not sure what point he is trying to make here, maybe he really is just trying to provoke.
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Was I talking about you specifically?
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You implied it. After I mentioned I was talking about it from a survivor PoV you said "Yeah I know killer mains can play survivor too".
So pretty much yeah.
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It won't work on me. I've dealt with plenty of trolls and I happen to have incredibly thick skin.
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Unfortunately between broken matchmaking, the ruin change making potatos easier to rank up and the rank reset change making it harder to push potatos back down... You have alot of potatos in red ranks.
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I'm gonna be straight with you...I pretty much just put up a mini-rant. Stubbornness and ignorance can be infectious at times...
@Topic - This is why I don't play solo lol
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Do you have faith that the MMR with help fix this?
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Only thing that bugs me in red ranks are people who use self care. Here I am on a hook and someone is in the corner of the map self caring instead of on a gen or coming for rescue wasting time... Bring a med kit or something
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I tend to just run Bond if I need healing. Its a rather underrated perk.
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Hence why when I play survivor, 90% of the time I play SWF cause at least my friends aren't afraid to press M1/R1.
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I'm willing to give the change a chance, I'm just saying that CURRENTLY theres alot of reasons compounded ontop of eachother that is making the spud count high. I'm not saying for sure the MMR change will fix it, but...I'm also not saying it wont.
Just happened to have posted this for another thread, but I think it fits in well here...
This was about a week before the ruin change. Theres no reason a rank 16 survivor shouldve been in the lobby to begin with really, and the entire game consisted of people who were allergic to touching gens because ruin was up. The ruin change just made it easier for these guys to hit red ranks (not that it really mattered because they were gonna be in whatever lobby anyway), while this is likely to be the same sort of people your talking about selfcaring in a corner.
I can HOPE the MMR change will sort out this lot out of my lobbys...and we just gotta see if it works or not. Only time will tell on that one. While I'd like to speculate on its effectiveness, I'll also admit Ive been wrong in the past when I judged something before trying it out. When I first saw the Freddy rework, I thought it was a change for the WORSE and that his snares would be useless. Fortunately, I was wrong there.
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I hope the MMR is very strict about who it pairs people up with. Escape/death ratio shouldn't be a major factor in it. What I think SHOULD be, is how many generators you've powered and either your average chase time, or your overall total chase time in minutes.
Same for killers. Rather than basing it on how many kills you get, base it on how much pressure you can force on to survivors. Base it on how many hooks you get per game, how many times you've successfully used a killer's power, etc.
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I get what your saying, but we'll just have to wait and see. I remember a game as Billy where I was getting absolutely schooled all game. I think I had MAYBE 2 hooks by the time the last gen was done... Managed to catch someone opening an exit gate and landed a chainsaw. Put that guy in the basement, only to have 2 of their teammates turn suicidal and go for REALLY dumb save attempts, which resulted in a 3k with all 3 of em being hooked in the basement at the same time (the last guy was smart and just left, lol). Technically I won cuz I got a 3k, but even the entity knew that match was horrible and gave me my rightful "entity displeased". So, with the new MMR system...would this match be considered a win or a loss? We'll just have to see.