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Otz vs Ayrun fun vs frustration

Member Posts: 7,976
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Otz point of view at 23:30:00

Ayrun point of view second game

Survivor side was all laughs and good times while the killer side was just frustrating and miserable

Don't know how you guys feel about this but the killer side definitivly didn't have fun that game

Post edited by Sonzaishinai on

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  • Member Posts: 46

    It's kinda to be expected in a versus game. Both sides can have their bad/unfun matches and it just balances eachothers out.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Just want to see what people thoughts about it are, I'm not shouting nerfs or anything like that

    I understand that in a versus game that's usually the case that one side's fun is ussually unfun for the other side but it seems a bit too extreme in this game

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    I feel sorry for Otz here, but I also don't condemn Ayrun for using Head On. It's a meme perk so of course they're gonna laugh their asses off when they get it to work.

    The only time Head On becomes BS is when people start back-to-back abusing it to stunlock the killer for 12 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Yea that's what I thought. I guess this could be one explanation of the great divide between the two sides. What really baffles me is why someone would only advocate for one side even though neither are anything without the other.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    My thoughts exactly, but apparently Otz got very sensitive during this game.

  • Member Posts: 16,678

    Would be nice if you would a) use Clips for Twitch Content and b) use Timestamps for Youtube. Makes it way easier to get to the important parts of the game.

    Also, what needs to be considered: Otz was live for almost 24 hours already. This includes, being awake for at least 24 hours, of course his mood is different from someone who had a good rest and is recording a video (when I made a Night Shift for university, I was mostly fine, but not in the most enjoyable mood either).

    And well, I dont see any problem with Head On. There is also a risk in using it, you can get grabbed out without performing Head On.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Imagine complaining about an exhaustion perk which gives you less distance AND is more situational than the other exhaustion perks because if the entire survivor team devotes their time to meme and throw the game it can be a minor annoyance to the killer

    They got dumpstered in that game.Both sides can use meme builds and throw the game to have fun.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Well, i guess he was awake for a long time (24 hours stream?) so that probably caused his bad mood. He is normally a chill guy.

    I agree. Head on is definitly not overpowered. I honestly love seeing people running this perk. A guy in a locker preparing the Head on stun = one guy less on a generator. A guy running this perk = no 99% Sprintburst, no Dead hard. I take this any time.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    I think the problem here was that otz was playing DBD for 24h straight lol.

    I personally think games like these can be fun for both sides most of the time. I think its less toxic than coldwind offerings at least.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Head on is fine. Calling for nerfs for every perk weakens the argument for perks that actually should be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    As a killer I don’t mind getting Head I’m stunned, I’ll even compliment the player after if it was really well timed and they saved a teammate.

    As survivor if I run Head on it’s just a “oh crap,” perk if i Q&Q into a locker but then killer figures it out.

  • Member Posts: 1,611
    edited February 2020

    In this game it's often more fun to see how many stupid stunts you can pull than actually try to win, especially as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Made a mistake with the tittle of this thread so i changed it

    Headon wasen't really the focus point it was everything in combination that the survivors could do to frustrate the killer

    The clipping through the killer, coordinations, the constant stuns and blinds

    I know Otz was tired but i don't think anyone could have fun vs this as killer. Even if you win afterward cause the survivors

    Mostly posted it cause it's an intresting discussion i think, the survivors had the most fun is this, but they did lose. While the killer gameplay was frustrating but they did win. And while it's not unussual that in vs games one side fun is at the expence of the others i feel this game can be quite extreme with it

    On both sides really

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I find head on and flashlight games interesting, you just need to not fall for easy baits.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    This happens to people who have been red rank for so long, they know they can be there and stay there so there’s nothing to prove. They wanna have fun, sadly sometimes it at the expense of other people.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I hate survivors like this. They just troll and throw the game. Or they expect everyone else to hold M1 for them which is boring.

    Also look at all those instadowns. Truly Hillbilly is “tHe mOsT bAlAnCeD kIlLeR”

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I can definitely see where people like this are coming from.

    I've been in red ranks for quite some time now. I feel like if I were to tryhard I'd play exactly the same game every single time. I know my limits and I feel like I can call the outcome of a match the vast majority of times.

    It's SO MUCH MORE FUN to try silly stuff. My Chest Guardian Bubba games are usually more entertaning than standard killer gameplay, and running MoM+Pebble is probably more fun than playing normally as survivor. But ultimately this is what I feel this game should be about. Less competitive, more silly.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Pretty sure he changed graphics settings and stretched as well I think he made a YouTube about it

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Really hope you're trolling

    I first started watching Ayrun because of Ussylis, and I like his build videos. Admittedly the "toxic" playstyles him and others like Noob3 employ are not exactly my style but hey it's content. Who do you prefer to watch?

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Wrong. Head on gives you more distance than any other perk besides decisive strike

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    I like Zubatlel, Umbra, Monto, Streamdad, and I loved Hybridpanda until he retired.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Well another thread lacking any logical sense. The Myers obviously wasnt that good. Getting played with so easily was entirely his fault, and not the "power" of any perk or item.

  • Member Posts: 94

    I think the draw of playing both sides is different.

    Personally, I consider myself a killer main, but I do play a lot of survivor too, it's just that I almost exclusively play survivor as part of a 3-man SWF group and very rarely alone.

    When we play SWF, it is pretty similar to Ayruns experiences, we just mess around and have fun. We're all red/purple ranks but to be honest none of us are really that good at the game, a fact which doesn't really matter as we consistently get ranked against killers who are far less experienced than us anyway. None of us are really toxic, clicking flashlights teabagging etc. but simply by virtue of knowing the game and being organized as a team we get flashlight saves etc, we even get MoM to procc fairly often for what its worth.

    Often I feel pretty bad for the killers we win against (we lose a lot of games too mind you), because some of our behaviour is borderline bullying from another perspective (although its not intended that way, but when a killer spends 3 gens going for 1 chase only to get pallet stunned whilst holding the survivor it can't feel good at all), but we spend most of our time laughing and bantering around the game, and for me at least that is the main "pull" of playing survivor alongside trying to win.

    Killer on the other hand is a completely different game, it's like comparing AoE II (Killer) to Halo 3's Big Team Battle mode (Survivor). I go in knowing that I may potentially (Mostly due to the RNG of survivor skill, map and items) have to give every ounce of my brainpower to get through the game. I enjoy playing games for this reason.

    The gap between survivor and killer in DBD is IMO huge, they're like completely different games, but I think theres nothing inherently wrong with that. The fact that killer makes you sweat is, for me atleast, actually its attractive point. Sure maybe at the moment its potentially too survivor sided with insane maps like the farm maps mixed with a very, very solid meta strategy on the survivor side, but because of the useless matchmaking system I just as often go against potatoes as I do deathsquads, and so the crazy imbalances of this game are at least not ubiquitously apparent.

    Plus its always fun to curbstomp a player who thinks they're good when they actually aren't.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    "Guys, the survivors had fun even though it really didn't benefit them in an way, this isn't okay."

  • Member Posts: 88

    otz pretty chill guy , ayrun is just another ( I only play with 3 other vets and we use discord) type of a guy.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    just think , what if the devs created a perk for killers just to bully survivors ?

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited February 2020

    Okay. But it hardly presents any benefit to the survivors to pull off, and half of the time it's very easy to spot. Man, why do people get so in their feelings about an average perk lmao.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    the perk is literally only used by SWF to bully and mess with killers. my argument still stands. never did I say it benefited them as you can see from the video OP attached so please dont put words in my mouth.

  • Member Posts: 848

    Yep. There's apparently a .ini tweak you can do that EAC basically never detects, but nearly triples the size and intensity of the red stain. The devs could easily add this check to EAC and force them to reinstall the game, but it seems they've decided not to so far.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited February 2020

    Yeah, and never did I say that you said it benefitted them. You shouldn't be complaning about a perk that doesn't have any real benefit to survivors. Would you rather them be using Dead Hard? I swear man, people will literally get so in their feels and complain about literally everything that poses the slightest inconvenience toward them. It's an average perk that has counter play, and actually adds some different gameplay opportunities for both sides, while maintaining the ability to be entirely countered by the killer.

    If you get "buLliEd" by Head On, it's your problem. There becomes a point in the match where you should be situationally aware enough so that you don't fall for 27 Head Ons in a match.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    you still didnt answer my question , what if a killer had a perk to bully survivors ? wouldnt you be complaining ??? I bet you would.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited February 2020

    No I wouldn't. Because I don't sit here and think that something that poses the slightest inconvenience toward me is the other side trying to bully me. I think its foolish to complain about the perk. I don't see how someone trying to get a 3 second stun can be compared to being bullied. Being bullied is entirely different than not being situationally aware and continually falling for obvious tactics. I wouldn't get all in my feels and complain about killers having a perk that creates more dynamic gameplay opportunities but has counterplay like many killer players do towards Head on.

  • Member Posts: 848

    Players just don't want to feel bullied, and want to feel like they have a hand in how the match goes. Otz's match was a foregone conclusion from the start because three of the survivors weren't doing gens and were just following him around. Even though it was a "win", it doesn't feel good to just have people slap you around without any real ability to do anything about it, regardless of how the game thinks that match went.

    I'm certain you can understand why that would be frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    You mean like a perk that allows the killer to leave them in a helpless state for a long time? Or do you mean a perk that bypasses their only defenses like windows and pallets? What about a perk that extends the time it takes for them to do the boring objective of generators? Maybe even a perk that helps secure kills in the endgame where most survivors feel the game is already over? These perk ideas will probably never be added because survivors won't like them :(

  • Member Posts: 319

    All of those instadowns except one could have been achieved by Leatherface. I guess he iS oP tOo.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I disagree with you on billy but I respect your willingness to keep stating it despite the ######### you usually get.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    I kinda stopped listening after they tried to get Ghost Face nerfed lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Maybe there should be a killer perk that works like Thrilling. When you pick up a survivor, all lockers in the vicinity are, well, locked? Just a thought.

    The worst part about this match, from Aryun's side, is how many copycats it's going to incite. Remember when Ochido was around, and how many people tried to play like him? Then Noob3? Doesn't mean copycats do it successfully, but it's still pretty annoying.

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