It is absolutely disgusting how fast games have been going.

I have been playing survivor at red ranks for the last couple of days now and ever since ruin got gutted gens have been flying. Even when i get matched with killers that are in my rank they simply cannot exert enough pressure on the map to slow the gens even with pop or corrupt unless they are playing Billy/Nurse.

Its to the point that survivor is so braindead and boring. Ruin may not have been ideal for new players to have too deal with but it was the lesser of two evils compared to the generator blitzkrieg the game is now; and god help the killer if survivors bring toolboxes.

Game is simply to easy now and its not fair too either side. I feel with ruin gone it has really exposed and laid bare just how inherently broken the objective is.

Devs i hope you are carefully looking at the results of this change and will come up with a solution that slows down the game while also remaining fair for both sides. I want games to last longer for both sides so everyone gets a chance to experience chases, have fun and just enjoy the moments this game creates.
