Survivor Hatch Campers

I have to ask if anyone has had this problem. Here is an example of hatch campers and a situation I had. I put the killer on a chase for about almost 2 minutes and left a gen almost done. Instead of the other survivor finishing it she hid in a locker next to the gen so once I died she could jump in the hatch. I despise players like this who once the hatch spawns stop playing the game and just rub their scent and do all but scream "THIS IS MINE" and then go and hide in a locker until the entire team is dead. I mean i know and understand wanting to win but to stop playing and just wait for your team to die is a crappy move. It makes it even worst when you go to the results screen and see they did next to nothing to earn the right to escape. I know it really isnt about escaping and it is about getting blood points but it just stinks when people would rather camp the hatch then actually TRY AND GET OUT. I think the worst case was when there was 3 of us left and the 2 other players with me BOTH refused to leave the hatch hoping they would just be the last one left. Please other fellow survivors just because the hatch is there does not mean you should stop. Please keep playing and do not hurt your other fellow players chance of getting out, Sorry for the rant I guess.


  • domriver
    domriver Member Posts: 142

    I can relate - I absolutely dislike when survivor mates just wait for people to die or just hide through the game. If there is a CROW active OR if i do see a person just hiding only. I lure the killer to him/her to get them doing something. I won't be mean and NOT unhook them ill do it but hopefully that makes them do more than just hide and not do a thing.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Exactly! I will do the same thing and run the killer past them but I won't try to get them killed. My favorite part is when it was the last two of us and the survivor tries to get the killer to come to me and hook me just so they can get out. If I see that happening I make it my goal to get hooked as close as possible to the hatch so the killer wins. =)

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    I am a killer main and I hate this. I get the 2nd from last survivor down and the final guy is just hanging out by the hatch just hiding.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I actually feel bad for both killer and last survivor trying to play. I actually had a killer who took pity on me because he knew I did all but the last gen and he let me alone and i let him bash the gen a few times and then he went and hunted the last survivor that was hugging the hatch. Then after he found him and hooked him he found me at the gate and let me go. It was like a mutual respect and understanding for us both trying. I do not get it because as a survivor I feel you get more for trying then just escaping.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I do my best to find those people as killer and make sure they die. That's one of the reasons why whispers barely leaves my killer's builds

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I agree to most of this actually. I mean I understand the hatch has to appear so people with the key can use them but once it shows if even one person is dead most the game now is waiting for others to die and hope you get the hatch. I personally do not do this and I try and that is why most killers take pity on me because at that point I will let the killer keep kicking the gen and if he is smart he will go hunt down the hatch campers. When I play killer I tend to respect the players that are trying and the ones that just want the easy escape points I try to kill first. I have had games no joke where I have done all but last gen and die because the other 2 or 3 people or hugging the hatch waiting for each other to die and it pisses me off after all my work I am the one who dies. I do not mind being killed because we all tried but when I do all the gens and I mean ALL OF THEM and they get the escape points it kills the game for me for a bit. I do not mind sacrificing myself after the gate opened and we all tried and I get a person off the hook and protect them but to die only to protect people who get out alive with less then 10k points urks me.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited February 2020

    Just had a game where another survivor brought a key and no joke did no gens just waited for the hatch to show and then looked for that and left the last survivor behind. I kept rooting for the killer to hook his dumb ass.