Request for killers who face toxic survivors

Just had a match vs three red ranks and one purple rank (Which I'm 99% sure was a SWF with coms) while I am rank 10-11. It was obvious they were much better than me and rather than hiding in the basement I decided to give it a go. They didn't want a nice game and instead wanted to flashlight click, t-bag and and use the annoying "hook tech" to hide behind a persons body and then unhook right in front of me.

I get aggravated and decided to completely throw the game and tunnel them into the ground to at least get a kill. Surprisingly it works. Two people focus gens and one tries to body block the person I am focusing. I manage to get the kill and knock someone else down since they were following me. All gens get completed and pink hair girl decides shes safe from me and starts t-bagging. BAM! NoEd! Muahahahahahaha!

Hooked the two in the basement and got my three kill. Last person t-bags and tries to blind me but ends up leaving. After the match I get told to commit suicide, which I report.

So, here is my request. The second someone tries to be toxic to you, please make the game as unfun as possible for them. Why should a Killer care about being fair, and playing by the Survivors Rulebook if the Survivors don't follow any rules what so ever? Make them suffer like they want to make you suffer.

Just don't do it to everyone, only the obvious annoying turds that don't want a nice match for all.

I wish I was good enough to play Nurse, unfortunately she gives me headaches ;_;


  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    The main problem with that approach is that unless you are using a killer that is top tier and use him well or have a clutch noed or mori, survivors have comeback perks and they make full use of them.

    They use hook tech - free unhook. Unhookee has DS and the guy that unhooked him has BT.

    Also, if you want to be toxic to them you would essentially have to throw the game for a chance to get one of them and that's simply not worth it.

  • dbizzle
    dbizzle Member Posts: 96
  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I have to run NoEd since I am always matched against 2 or more toolboxes and players who out rank me by 5-7 ranks. Yes, it's a crutch, but otherwise I'll get nothing since I just be looped over and over. Even if I chase for 30 seconds, drop chase and target someone else, it'll just be rinse and repeat.

    I'm just going to run Trapper with Devour Hope and trap the crap out of the totem. I rather throw the match and make them have no fun if they don't care about mine.

  • Inekos
    Inekos Member Posts: 7

    I usually play survivor because we always are 2 and we play together, yes SWF. We avoid being toxic, as much as we can, but same ######### happens to us with killers ( 80% russian ones), playing toxic AF. Point is i play killer too an had that swf tryharding an doing all ######### they can, its same energy in both sides, people don't like unfun matches, but almost everyone will play with better killers next game better addons. Or survivor playing with all they can bring, it make normal matches worst everytime cause of people starts playing toxic after a few of this games. So basically, if you being toxic because other side its toxic, this will end being every match the same way.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    You can actually hit people even when they hook tech. You just need to lunge properly,and mindgame them so a side of their body sticks out a bit more. Two evils don't make a good,just cause survivors/a killer is toxic doesn't mean you should do the same. Play the game how you would normally,and ignore the spamming crouch button/any other actions which are seen/viewed as toxic.

  • Scarybubblegum
    Scarybubblegum Member Posts: 8

    And this is why I use Legion.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I just bought Legion with shards! Do you have any builds you recommend? Any YouTuber I should watch? I don’t care about winning anymore. I want to be AnNoYiNg!

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    watch otzdarva .. not so much people are playing legion tho.. hes fun to play but like 2nd worst killer.. fine build is pop, surge, thrilling,bbq.. he doesnt have some detrimental or broken perks on him.. hes just bad sadly

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I don’t have BBQ since it’s behind a pay wall and I refuse to spend any more money on this game. Got a good replacement for it?

    I don’t care that he’s bad, I just want to annoy the crap out of them. I feel like it would be more satisfying to annoy them than to just hide in the basement.

    I actually like otz so I’ll be sure to look up his legion plays.

    Now I have to buy Clown with shards and get pop unlocked. Stupid blood point grind.

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    one of the essentials for killer is bbq yes you can see people yes it will give really good amount of kill but those double bp.. its just must have :) oh wait hes licensed killer so you cant buy him shards ? sorry I have al ldlcs except oni so no idea.

    hmm about perks it depends which chapters you have tho. sadly good perks are all locked behing paywall sadly..

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Yea, he’s locked behind real money. I check the shrine weekly, hoping for it to appear, but I’m not spending money until the Devs fix matchmaking and make the game more fair to the lesser tier killers.

    I so want those extra blood points.

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    sorry thats not gonna happen anytime soon.. devs are now focusing for new survivor players, and their new matchmaking idea is gonna be even worse then now so nope..

    If I were you I would wait for sale and get him for 2,5 euro.. yes I have bought almost all chapters on sale.. actually on sale they are worth.. in 2 days there are new perks so lets hope.. so you have only vanilla perks ?

  • Arkainer
    Arkainer Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2020

    That's exactly what I do.

    I play mostly survivor maybe 70/30. But when I pick Killer and I find this idiots (mostly SWF) with prestige 3 skins, 5-8 rangs higher than me etc... The second I see they tbag or abuse any other mechanic I will just focus on killing at least on of them by camping or whatever is needed.

    Few days ago a toxic Nea and his premade were crying me a river after game where they tbagged me/flashlight abuse all day, only because I camped Nea at the end and only 3 could scape. I said "I thought you were having A LOT of fun before" and they started insulting me etc...

    Lucky enough, if I have unfair games as killer most higer ranks I played against will just give me tips or at least apologize after the game (even if it's not their fault).

  • xander_fails
    xander_fails Member Posts: 4

    Just had a similar game. I’m green rank killer who only plays killer for daily’s and challenges. They’re all T bagging and clicking their flashlights at me from the start when I haven’t done a single thing to them. I haven’t camped them or been toxic. Survivors like this are the reason I hate playing killer, but I have to play for the archive challenges. It’s infuriating.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Yea, I know their priorities lie with new Survivors. And I know they’re just going to cover up their bad matchmaking by hiding rankings. That’s why I won’t spend even 1 dollar for Bubba and his perks.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I actually like playing killer when I am out against similar ranked players. I don’t have to be sweaty or stressed out. Heck, I’ll chase a few times, kill two people and meme with the left over players.

    I have never played a game like this where everything just stresses the player out. And it’s not about me wanting things easier, I’m a casual gamer and fail a lot but I have fun trying to complete objectives and trolling around. I also try to respect everyone, but in this game it seems people get off on disrespecting all that they can see.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I write down toxic players names and simply facecamp them when I see them again. More killers should do this and it's also important to tell them why they got facecamped and that it will happen again if they don't apologize, which no one has done so far. Well they have time to think things over while hooked.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I have a list of toxic people whom I'll HARDCORE tunnel/slug until they bleed out. If you tell me to cut my wrists or kill myself, you're gonna have a boring ass game next time we meet.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I’d do this if I had purchased Bubba before realizing how badly balanced this game was. I’d love to play as a basement Bubba these days.

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    hmm ok so only vanila perks : thano is must have becasue its so easy o wound them, sloppy is good because most of people are wasting time with healing and its makes nice combo with sloppy, brutal for quicker pallets and gens, nurses calling for hitting survivor with m1 or discordance its really good legion perk .. sorry cant thing about better perks which are good for legion anymore from vanilla perks, but you will have a hard time tho.. dont try to hit everyone its pointless hit 1 or 2 people and then try to down someone, try blocking while in fatigue, and try to cancel frenzy under pallet it will make fatigue animation from 4 to only 2 secs and you can keep or frenzy meter...

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I hope you report them when they tell you to #########. I’d like to hope the Devs would at least give a temporary (doubtful I know) ban for it.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I 100% report it. I don't tolerate stuff like that. And if they aren't banned after that, they better dodge every lobby they see me in cause I'm comin' for them.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I wish we could group up as killers to kill toxic Survivors. I feel like we’d be great bros.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited February 2020

    With the hook tech you, aim closer to the hook, you should be able to get the hit.

    I had a game where I had a red rank SWF try and be toxic with me, I don't think they were expecting me to be a rank 1 killer. I sacrificed them all with four generators remaining.

    When I play killer I try my best to play as fair as possible, even going out my to avoid tunneling. If they t bag, taunt, spam their flashlight, then I'll stop putting an effort into playing fair.

    Unless it's a Feng Min, t bagging Feng Min's make me laugh, I normally give t bagging Feng Min's the hatch.

  • Scarybubblegum
    Scarybubblegum Member Posts: 8

    I honestly really like Surveillance and new Ruin to mess with survivors these days. Ruins regression triggers Surveillance aura highlight, and for whatever reason that sticks around even if gen progress hits 0, unlike kicking gens. Its kinda hilarious how good it can be on a killer with decent mobility, as it takes guesswork out of the equation near completely.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I always try to start off nice and fair, but with all the red rank survivors I’m paired up against, it’s almost impossible. By the time I finish chasing one of them, 3 gens pop. I leave the hook in search of another one, another gen pops and they unhook their bud.

    Im then under a bunch of stress to at least get one kill when only 2 gens are left. So I basically have to tunnel and camp or slug. I don’t enjoy it so now I just hide in the basement when I realize the game matched me(rank 10-12) up with rank 1s-4s.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Also, I love the sound Feng makes so I’m happy to chase her.

    Btw, what killer do you play?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    When this happens to me i bring my no fun for survivors build for the next game. The thing i hate is those poor souls arent the ones to blame. They are just the unfortunates the game paired me with next. I even apologize in the chat and say i was bullied last game

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2020

    I had a game just like that last night. The survivors were red ranks and I can tell all four were SWF. They were making the game miserable for me and even brought in a very rare offering to distance the hooks.

    I managed to hook one at endgame collapse and the team were doing their best to get their teammate but I wasn't having any of it. Two of them wussed out and the other person stayed to try and get their friend. The player knew they weren't going to get out so they decided to teabag me before I smacked them and slugged them. So I watched them as they tried to escape and they were so close but the timer was up and the entity got them. I depipped but you know what? I didn't care, I got justice.

    The moment you are toxic, you're done.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I love it when that happens. I had a match where they obliterated me and I had only one choice if I wanted a kill, which was to camp. Well, they managed to unhook at the end and I just tumbled the unhooked person. They died on hook and I went to the door to chase them out since they wouldn’t just leave. Two of them are there and t-bagging.

    I notice the t-bagging Dwight wasn’t close enough to the boundary that the killer can’t cross, and he didn’t realize I had NoEd active. I was so satisfying to down and hook them. I managed to get their immersive Claudette to come out and try to save him but alas, she didn’t realize I had NoEd either.

    It was glorious!

  • Hamburger
    Hamburger Member Posts: 28

    It's opposite for me. As a survivor main, I start being toxic when the killer begins to be toxic to me. However if I start being toxic, then I personally have no problem with the killer being toxic. In fact,it makes the game more fun for me. I love seeing the killer target me and run them around while the others work on gens. I love it. And when they camp, it makes it even better. Since i play with swf they run BT, and they can unhook me and i can run the killer around again. But, hay thats just me personally

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful and genius. I love it when toxic survivors get their comeuppance and you executed (pun intended) it perfectly. I applaud you 👏👏👏

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited February 2020

    My killer play style is to try and cause as much generator pressure as possible, I don't commit myself to long chases, unless I believe I can down the survivor quickly.

    Even against red ranks in most games, there will only be one or two good/strong loopers, I focus on the weaker survivors, then go after the strong survivors at the end of the game (I don't tunnel, but there's no point going after a strong looper if I don't have to).

    I'm a Hillbilly main but I haven't been playing him recently due to constantly getting Lery's. Currently, I've been playing a lot of Doctor, as well as Freddy, Leatherface, and Pig.

    Post edited by Nutty_Professor on
  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Every now and then it appears in the shrine, that's how I got BBQ since I don't own Bubba. Just check once a week to see if it's there to unlock for shards.