True or false - If you think killers need ruin you aren't a good killer



  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    Thanks bud, I'll just run Deja Vu and This is Not Happening

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Some killers definitely needed ruin more than others. Despite whatever you think in your ivory tower at rank 3 as killer, some people enjoyed the slight buffer ruin could give at the start of a match.

    If the survivor team knew what they were doing and checked totem spots, ruin would've served its purpose at slowing the game down at the start while the killer begins chases or sets up for other things.

    You can work through a ruin if you're good. Take pride in it if you could actually hit those skill checks. Either way, I only use ruin (or I did, not anymore) on piggy and trapper, sometimes wraith. Really gave me an edge for about a minute before survivors cleansed.

    So yeah, good job on the bait topic. Loved it.

  • I dont think survivors can get it through their thick skulls that YOU CANT PROTECT GENS THAT TAKE 80 SECONDS TO REPAIR WITH ONE PERSON (EVEN less with a toolbox and cut by half if theirs two people) AGAINST 4 PEOPLE WHO ARE GOOD AT LOOPING. I swear survivors are the most spoiled players of any game I have ever played. You all complain about thing that can be easily countered and then you all whine to the developers and they're more than happy to take the survivors side. does anything you just said have any warrent when you played a character that can teleport to gens. Try playing huntress or clown and then you have permission to speak.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Depends. If you play Hillbilly, you don't need Ruin, but you get great value off of it. If you play Clown, then you will probably lose anyway, no matter how long Ruin stands.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Depends. If you play Hillbilly, you don't need Ruin, but you get great value off of it. If you play Clown, then you will probably lose anyway, no matter how long Ruin stands.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    How is that you have the absurd idea that you didn't have to monitor gens with the old ruin? Sloppy that is what you gotta do right, so essentially you honestly want killers to 3 gen every game, never commit to a chase so they prevent one of the three being done? How is this exciting? It is a boring war of attrition until one side becomes too bored.

  • BubbaSawyerMeats
    BubbaSawyerMeats Member Posts: 108

    with ruin you could have a beer and keep up with the survivors. now you cant

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Are you playing Billy who can zoom across the map in 10 seconds or Huntress who takes 8 years to cross the map?

    Some killers relied on it more than others just to make up for map pressure that they physically don’t have.

    I don’t think any killer NEEDED Ruin but there is a big gap between high mobility killers (Spirit, Nurse, Billy) who can zoom across the map and protect gens and killers with low mobility (Clown, Huntress, Myers) who just can’t protect gens as easily. So, when the gens start popping super quickly they have no choice but to play a bit scummy. If they play nice then they lose.

  • TeddyR
    TeddyR Member Posts: 46

    To build on this, ruin let you mess up more with smaller penalties, if you mess up now you may have to double hook someone, not to mention it let you play lots of different and interesting builds since you could afford it, it wasnt a crutch perk it was a nice perk

  • TeddyR
    TeddyR Member Posts: 46

    Actually i think if you run all of them together they're crutch because i literally farm BP by using BT and were gonna live forever and lets face it DH is a risk on dedicated, oh and self care cuz i aint dying for some idiots

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    Dude you are so wrong. I really dont like being so blunt with steong opinions. You have to realize youre saying it takes almoat 3 minutes to end a chase. You are taking some BAD chases. There is nothing else i can say. I really dont wanna disrespect but bro. 2 minutes and 40 secinds is not a good chase time.

  • dbizzle
    dbizzle Member Posts: 96
  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    False ruin made games less stressful now I have to try hard and it’s fun for no one

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    False. Apply pressure? Pfft yeah I'll try as 3 survivors are blowing through gens while i try to catch this laurie on ormand's extreme cluster of tiles. You literally have to play dirty and sweat through stress to just have a win. Even then if the team is coordinated enough they can beat any killer. One of the most well known good killers tru3ta1ent even admits you can't beat a good team without having to play dirty. And every dirty tactic from a killer has a counter.

    Ruin made matches long, which made people actually play the game more in general. After the ruin rework there's no more killers. You have to wait 20+ mins in survivor q just to have a game if you're lucky. And even then the game might go through like a breeze. You literally spend more time looking at a campfire..than play the actual game. This is a horrible thing for a game.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    Killers didn't need old Ruin, the game did. The proof is in how the game plays now, it goes way too fast for low mobility killers.

  • Scully162
    Scully162 Member Posts: 22

    That ain't true. The games can become incredibly difficult at times (mainly when you get infinites run on you, it's super annoying because your pressure just dies instantly) but you can play without meta perks, without a meta killer, without Ruin, without camping/tunneling. I say this from my own personal experiences and some streamer friends. You can also still have fun, it just depends how toxic the survivor's are.

  • InTheBushes321
    InTheBushes321 Member Posts: 72

    Absolutely false. Ruin provides a buffer for killers with garbage early game. Now it doesn't even do that. This is the same thing as saying "if you need DS, you're a bad survivor", when everyone knows that's nonsense. Same with Ruin. Of course, now people resort to different tactics, but this was never true. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't really understand killer balance.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    As trapper your better off using Intervention over ruin. Blocks most gens and a guaranteed 2 min protection. Plenty of time to setup then begin chases. If they hide or do bonus objectives till it wears off that's still good for you. More traps.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't think you need ruin but you do need early game slowdown. A smart team is escaping every game.

    Ruin was too unreliable and I actually hoped it would get a slight buff to help make it more reliable.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    False. I need ruin,I won't deny it. It's so needed rn,more than ever!

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I never used Ruin on Hag, as a long as you are good enough and start setting up where the majority of gens are you can do fine with her. I am really good with hag tho so i dont think most hags can snowball hard enough to recover fast enough after 2 or if your really unlucky, 3 gens go off while your setting up. btw the only slow down perks i use on hag are pgtw and sloppy butcher.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Old ruin was great counter to current gen-rushing meta, without it all killers are in huge disadvantage. So answer is:

    True - in case that devs change gens speed to balance it for killers.

    False - in case of current insane gen speed where survivors can finish all gens under 5 mins.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    I think Pop Goes the Weasel is better than Ruin ever was. So, I guess True, but some killers really need some early game help & I'm not sure if Corrupt Intervention is enough.

    For new players, Ruin was frustrating. For veteran players, Ruin just got ignored. So it already felt to me like a lot of red rank Killers weren't using it anymore as the more experienced Survivors knew where the totem spawns were or just powered through it. So I think the devs made the right decision because if you want your game to succeed long term, you don't worry about the top tier, you worry about the majority.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    True - ish. For the most part I agree, apart from one scenario. I always used to use ruin in my first few games with a new killer, so I have enough time to mess around with the power and learn how it works. So with old ruin gone I think it's going to be a bit more difficult to learn to play with new killers. Aside from that and as far as normal gameplay goes, ruin was more of a detriment to getting better at the game than anything else.

    You can easily see how a lot of people are struggling now, because they relied on old ruin so much

  • madsweeney84
    madsweeney84 Member Posts: 31

    You seem like you are complaining about something and I cant figure out if you are complaining for the bait? Or are just here to be an annoying survivor main.

    The dev's no longer focus on balancing the game for the killers.. because it's an asymmetrical game. They have to help the survivors because they are the ones who complain the most because they expect for the game to accommodate them. Even though... asymmetric data shows that it should not balanced for the survivor to have more advantages but balanced for the killer to be able to successfully have fun while playing and not be genrushed and tea bagged by a survivor because they believe knocking down a pallet is an achievement. But hey, I havent played in months. Because of sweaty survivors that complain about balance and forget that it is a 1v4.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited February 2020

    Low tier killers need it early on against a good team to get some pressure/waste some pallet loops and push players off gens towards rescues but I dont think top tiers need it unless they get royally screwed by the map choices.

    To add I think lowering the already low skill ceiling on "SKILL" checks was silly.

    They should have removed great skillchecks along with it as players like myself can now solo a gen in about 50 seconds without a toolbox now with them.

  • skiafluff
    skiafluff Member Posts: 58

    Killer: monitor 7 areas closely while keeping track of who is where at all times

    Survivor: ok scary music gone I do gen now

  • Morgeese
    Morgeese Member Posts: 13

    im litterally saying you dont need this perk to win. If you cant find what im complaining about hmmm maybe im not complaining. I simply asked a question. Way to try and look smart tho good job :)

  • Morgeese
    Morgeese Member Posts: 13

    Yea low tier killers need the early game slow down but honestly ruin usually gets cleansed anyways. So in general those killers are bad by design and its harder to win with them but a perk that gets cleansed anyways isnt going to be that big of a difference unless the survivors are low rank and dont cleanse which would make the game easier anyways cause they are less experienced. See what im getting at?

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    True but in my experience the time wasted on ruin checks or cleansing the totem was useful even if it got cleansed early on. 1 quick down early is invaluable to low tiers as it slashes gen progress in half if even one survivor goes for the save