Killers! Sometimes it More fun to Play toxic Every now and then.Too Let out Stress.

MrGummeBear Member Posts: 94
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Well hello my Fellow Killers.

I'm a red rank Wraith/Hag main.

As we all know this game has became more annoying in the last couple updates. I feel for you killers struggling out there. I understand your stress. The ranking system is fd,KILLER AND PERKS to unusable .Some us try to play fair but get inboxed tons Salt.

So recent days I have taken the gloves off and decided to play how ever I want. I join the the Noed Army for few days. Damn Have De Piped a crap ton Rank 1 to a 7 😆. But had fun doing it. The best was being AFK Wraith I'd find Totem camp it.Watch something while gens go off. Then Boom NOed. Down a Survivor wait a little to hook them open a gate. Wait a lil more Then Hook them. SURPRISE!!!! Bloodwarden an fun battle for a 4k.

I tunnel Bills if I play different killers.--Demo

Classic Basement Insidious Baba.

Knock out Clown-- That's when you try to make the Survivors bleed out .Great for a Fun Challenge.

Another fun one is Hooks with Nurse Where You try to grab for unhookers. Fun when works.

One of my favs is Tea Bagging GhostFace .I play pretty Toxic when I do this. I down a Survivor and Repeatedly Teabag them. You'll get enough salt for a blizzard.

I didn't and don't always play toxic.

Survivors created this monster.

And the only I can keep playing Dbd is by unleashing the ruthless beast on them. To keep me sane.

So killers Don't feel bad to be a toxic prick at times. You deal with bricks of crap a day.To gen potato s and Toxic salt survivors.

Make fun for yourself after a tough game.


  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Its impossible to play fair anymore, unless survivors are potatoes.

  • RickJames
    RickJames Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2020

    Not for me, playing toxic just stresses me out more. When the game really starts to upset me I walk away. Sometimes I want to keep playing because I think to myself "next game things will go better" but I've learned through experience its always best to just walk away. I go by the saying "don't hate the player, hate the game". I don't blame the players anymore than I blame the game for the frustrations I encounter. At the end of the day all of the bugs, exploits, bad maps, and balancing issues are 100% on the developers.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Pinata time also helps de-stress 😂

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179

    I generally don't play toxic unless the survivor does something truly annoying or toxic first. I am guilty of tunneling a flasher all game long just to face camp them in the end. Got to last survivor on Doc and he just starts tbaggin in the corn so I dropped him. Found and closed the hatch and then watched him crawl around during the collapse lol.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Can confirm. Last night, I went full Iri Head Huntress w/an Ebony Mori. It was a good time.

    To the survivors credit, they did not DC. Much ######### was talked after game, though.

    Also, the only person I tunneled until they died and mori'd off first hook was the Claudette. Reason I did it was because at the beginning of the game, she went out into the open, made the "bring it" emote, and then ran to the god window. She immediately went down, and never made it out of the basement.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    Hag main? That's toxic to begin with. I don't think there is a single killer I get more 1 hooks on, just because she is so good at defending them.

    If you go into the basement against hag? Goodbye forever.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I gave up trying to play. Since Friday night until now all I have been matched with was 3 red ranks and a token purple. There is literally no hope for a win. My totems get demolished within 20 seconds of the match, I get t-bagged and flashlight clicked at almost every game. If I do manage to kill someone I’m a camper or tunneler even though it was when 1 gen is left and I have no choice. Heck I’m a tunneler if I come back to the hook and they’re still there healing.

    So now, I only play Hag with no addons. When I set one trap, I set all of my traps, all in the same spot to give the Survivors a little jolt. When they trigger them, I giggle and reset them in a different spot. I humor them by chasing them for a minute then switching to someone else. I don’t like getting pallet stunned so I bait them into dropping them. I don’t care if I hook anyone any more. When gens are done, I open the door.

    Fast games is what the Devs and Survivors want. If they took too long, people would wait longer in lobby simulator.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I don't mind a spicy end game chat. Bubba is incredibly good at ground camping survivors as well. Honestly its more fun than a 4 minute skillcheck simulator.

    It doesn't matter if you derank from rank 1 to rank 16 you will face the same survivors.

    Red rank survivors isn't a thing anymore. I can't tell you how many "red rank survivors" I have found crouching behind a tree on the edge of a map with a trail of scratch marks that stop at their blendette booty.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Killer in DBD is literally the last gaming experience I would use to de-stress.

  • MrGummeBear
    MrGummeBear Member Posts: 94

    I know how that feels. Sometimes I want to play a not play sweaty. On days just play how you want bud. Trust me it won't be as stress and make you own game objectives since survivors just like to play gen simulator with Emotes lol.

  • ignoredprayers
    ignoredprayers Member Posts: 42

    Completely agree with thread title. The matchmaking is completely busted- in yellow and green ranks I'm only facing red/purple ranks. I just hard camp with Bubba now and run noed/blood warden too. If the devs can't balance the game then I'll make sure no one has fun.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Cool, but this kind of "toxic plays" happened even before the game "got frustrating", I dont see the point of your post

  • MrGummeBear
    MrGummeBear Member Posts: 94

    The main point is don't take the game to serious.

    If your not having fun just make fun.