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I'm hard camping every game until matchmaking is fixed

I am a green rank killer. Git gud, I know. Every match I am against red/purple survivors these days, nothing else. I started playing bubba with noed and bloodwarden and just hard camp now after the first down. It's actually a lot more fun than getting ######### on by people several skill tiers above me, and I am getting a 2k or more on average. I suggest everyone facing the same frustrating and broken matchmaking do the same.

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  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Camping Cannibal is a relaxing game.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Survivors without ruin and baby killers Vs main survivors, the game is broken since the ruin was fixed

  • Member Posts: 980

    It takes me 1-2 minutes to get a match as a Red Rank Survivor. It takes me about 10-15 seconds as a Killer. Queue times are bad for some people, but not others. The only issue I'm seeing is I'm usually against Purple ranked Killers. Not a bad mismatch, but not the best matchmaking.

    Playing as Killer I am Rank 12/13 going against normally 3 Purples, or 2 Purples + 1 Red, with someone in the Green/Yellow area as well. Very rare to get 4 Green/Yellows, which should be who I'm matched with at that Rank. I still have fun though. I just don't play for kills. Go for BP and chases, so I can Prestige more of my Killers while the queue times are so insanely short.

    Very relaxing, very enjoyable, and I get more kills than I thought I would when I'm running 4 T1 Perks that I slap together from the ######### RNGesus gives me.

  • Member Posts: 636


  • Member Posts: 411


  • Member Posts: 3,387

    Some games you will get a fair match. It's usually obvious early on if one or more survivors are red rank. You should look for any signs of toxicity first. Then camp their face.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    Ranks don't mean anything on the survivor side but have fun I guess

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    Im just afking a lot, ez rift farm

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Thank gosh I’m on OCE servers. We have one of the friendliest communities in dbd and most people try to play as fair and fun as possible.

  • Member Posts: 182

    While I do agree that the matchmaking is wack and there are several balance issues at the moment, hard camping pretty much just to ruin other peoples' games, sucks.

  • Member Posts: 476

    This post just makes too much sense.

    Where's the hyperbolic vitriol?

    Where's the tribalistic talking points?

    I can't deal with this, I'm just not used to someone having commonsense and insight on these forums.


  • Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2020

    Doing it for weeks, its more Fun to piss people off, then to play the proper broken Game.

    But i dont start to facecamp a random target. i always wait until get "clicky cliked" with falshlights, or get T-Bagged from a Surv, and then Camp him to Death

  • Member Posts: 3,755


  • Member Posts: 227

    No it's not their fault, but how they act when the skill gap is obvious is.

    Not saying they should throw the game, but there is no reason to have 3 survivors rush in (with their BT and DS) and had unhook the forth before the killer can even turn around and leave.

  • Member Posts: 749

    So what are you going to do when they just remove ranks from end game screen? Just assume everyone is higher ranks and keep face camping or assume they fixed it and play normally?

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Hmm not a bad idea tbh

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    That is not true at all survivors did ask for ruin to be nerfed and not just a few. The same ones that now call ruin a crutch and tell killers to git gud when they were the people unable to hit a skillcheck.

    Check this forum for evidence, check steam etc not even gonna bother to search that garbage up.

    You know it is not like I haven't done this myself, facecamp bubba, insidious and you know just make it for the lolz. However I did that goofing around, entertaining other people, do you have any fun doing that?

    I find it so boring, you say you are a green ranked killer and you have to go vs reds. That is fine. I mean normally this would not be the case as red rank should mean they are at the top of the game, skillwise, that is no longer the case and actually hasn't been for a really long time.

    I mean you can continue to do that and play that way or just play a killer that you like aside from bubba and try to get as many hooks as possible, when you struggle go and ask for help, record games so others have an easier time to help you out. So you will actually become better at the game or well you know do your thing i guess, hf.

  • Member Posts: 88

    Yeah it sucks for both sides. Killers have to resort to "no fun" tactics while survivors do the same. Stuck in vicious cycles and all that. Real bummer how the game is right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    Then have fun not getting any better at the game. You're green rank because of your unwillingness to get better.

    Half of the red rank survivors these days should actually be green rank anyways lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Hits the nail on the head. Tonight I've had to wait for 5-10 minute gaps in lobbys only to enter a match to be tunneled directly from the hook, or to have a killer dodge a lobby because 'X reason'. I'm tired of so many players acting like EVERY survivor is toxic and are so amazingly skilled. I'm Red rank, and god knows I shouldn't be. I'm awful at loops, and I focus on gens for that single reason. So, why should every survivor be placed in the same basket just because killers are losing. Some of us just want to enjoy the game. If I wanted someone to stand staring at me for 2 minutes, I'd go stand at a mirror.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    How does someone wasting battery on their flashlights make you salty enough to camp?

    "Oh no someone clicked their flashlights on me I have to camp."

    I don't understand DBD players and their ultra sensitive skin over anything the opposing side does.

    "Oh no toXIc SuRviVoR CliCks FlAshLighT"

    "Oh no ToxIC SurviVor CroUChEs Up aNd DowN"

    "Oh no ToXIC SUrVivOR Does The OBJecTiVe"

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    It just baffles me. I guarantee, these same people who camp survivors would be the first to cry if it happened to them. And all these killers camping and tunneling is only going to push more players away from the game, as if there isn't enough already leaving. DbD really has gone downhill fast in recent months and I really hope it gets back on it's feet because I do enjoy the game when killers aren't ruining matches for me.

  • Member Posts: 632

    get gud?

  • Member Posts: 889

    When I play killer at red rank (Freddy with Pop, Dying Light, BBQ and Corrupt Intervention. Doctor with Whispers, Dying Light, Overcharge and Pop. Oni with BBQ, Pop, Dying Light and Nurse's) I try and play as fairly as possible. I get quite a lot of messages saying thanks to my no toxicity games.

    Other killers can do this too, but they decide to be douchebags on purpose for no reason

  • Member Posts: 149

    All I have to say to this is yikes

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Oh totally. Anytime I play killer I always keep it fair. I lost a vast majority of matches being a fair killer, but, at least they can walk away knowing that there are still some of us who just want to have a bit of fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    So youre just ruining the fun of other on purpose that arent at fault for the matchmaking? I cannot tell you how i feel about that without getting banned immediately.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I hook a survivor then go to hit a gen with Pop or chase another survivor off a gen I want to keep. If they try to abuse DS/BT then I hit the person doing the rescue. If I bump into the person who got unhooked I just slug them and let someone pick them up, it's rare I bump into them though. Most play cautious, only a few charge at you.

    Its not even hard to not camp/tunnel lol only a rare few situations ever call for a little bit of camping.

    That's why I don't get why people make out DS/BT is such a big issue. I haven't been hit with a DS in a long time nor have I hit someone who has BT. It's easy to go from survivor to survivor to survivor keeping up pressure without playing toxic.

  • Member Posts: 1,874

    Don't bother with Bloodwarden. Just use Insidious so they can't save the person with borrowed time and they both go down when you time the chainsaw right. Bring an ebony mori so decisive strike can be ignored. NOED. Then maybe throw on Rancor to guarantee the obsession can never be of help during end game.

    Game is outright unfair right now as killer. Who is beating competent survivors? Who is actually beating NON potato survivors on maps like rotten field etc? How horrible do the survivors need to be to manage to lose if you never hook the same person in a row or target the injured one?

    I just played a game as Myers where I spawned right on top of 2 survivors and got one hooked within seconds. The game should be in my favor now....hell no. Somehow the gen they were working on which only had 10% done got finished in that time. Then another. So POOF nearly instantly get a hook 2 gens are gone. Needing 3 hooks to does a smart survivor group EVER lose in that situation? and they have KEYS to not even need to finish all the goals.....

  • Member Posts: 526

    I think one of the biggest issues is when someone decides to main a side. When you play both equally you know how crappy it feels when you, or a friend gets tunneled and camped for no good reason. Even if the killer loses, that person just had a really crappy game, and half the time the just do gens strat just ends in NOED, meaning the killer still usually gets an extra kill or two.

    Alternatively, you can know how frustrating it can be to be looped, and teabagged by a survivor who's been annoying you all game (Usually this gets less frustrating the better you get)

    As killer I try not to tunnel or camp, and as survivor I don't try to bother the killer all game for no good reason. Also as stated plenty of times red ranks don't really mean anything anymore. Most of them are pretty bad, I've also had the reverse where the match making has given me green ranked survivors when I'm red rank as killer. How do you even know who you are going against to just automatically be a dick to them? Killers talking about how toxic survivors are, and we got this guy...

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    It may come as a Surprise to you, but those Survivors didn’t choose to be put into your lobby.

  • Member Posts: 20

    The devs actually dont know tgeir game well at all and cant even play at red ranks.camping is toxic and honestly chosing to be toxic isnt helping the well if you cant beat purple and red ranks maybe stop the camping and try and figure out where you as a player are not performing as well as you need get better you have to play against better and learn from your mistakes and you seem to not wanna do that.if you adapt to the problem you will become better.mind you i have been rank 1 on both survivor and killer.didnt play for over a month and rn am a green rank killer going agaisnt red and purple and getting 4ks on the just need to try and learn instead of facecamping where you dont get better.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    I tunnel with my Piggy. No bother following anyone but my Rancor with cute reverse bear trap. 👌

  • Member Posts: 42

    I can understand the negative responses to my post, I really can. To summarize a few of them:

    -The survivors you are playing with didn't ask for it either.

    This is generally true, but also indirectly false. Survivors complaining and being catered to by devs are the reason the game's balance is broken and there is a huge disparity in the numbers of red rank Survivors and Killers. People aren't playing Killer as much, and it's a result of the Killer nerfs, gen speeds, map issues (map size, infinites, tiles, etc.) and matchmaking. If you want to play the easy side in the game's current state, don't be surprised to run into Killers who are doing what they have to to hold their own.

    -You aren't getting any better by doing what you're doing

    Again, this is true. I'm not playing to "get better". I've been in purple ranks before and the amount of sweat required to hold your own is ridiculous. Now that same experience has bled into green and yellow ranks. I never tunneled or camped before things got this busted for Killers. I'm not going to suffer one awful game after the other, hating the experience, just to git gud. That brings me to the next one:

    -Git Gud

    I am averaging 2-3k most games by face camping against Survivors in ranks that have no business getting matched with a yellow or green rank Killer. If anything, hard camping is how any Killer in this frustrating situation can easily git gud. Stop getting 4-man escaped on by teabagging survivors and guarantee yourself some sweet kills every game with this simple strategy! I know there are god tier killers out there who are still crushing at high ranks, but for 90% of people who play Killer at all, it is an absolutely awful experience right now, and this is the best way to take some power back and ensure you get some kills.

    -You should play survivor, so you know how it feels.

    I have played more Survivor than Killer! I know everyone says that when making an argument, but its genuinely true. And anyone who says this right now obviously isn't playing Killer in the games current state at all. It is horrific. Survivors have loads of second chance perks, toolboxes, keys, broken maps with infinites, huge maps, loops with no mindgames, etc. You really don't have a chance unless the Survivors are major potatoes. Play Killer for a week only, then come back and tell me that I should empathize with Survivor mains more. I swear I play more Survivor than Killer, but I don't even enjoy that anymore because of how easy it is to run meta perks, rush gens and leave. I understand it sucks to get face camped. Its worse to get stunted on every game that you try to play like a decent person and don't use scummy tactics as a Killer. DEVS - how is this good for anyone? Am I missing something?


    Again, I understand why people don't like my post or what I'm doing. But face camping is more fun and rewarding at this point than getting matched with sweaty survivors with loads of crutches who eat my ass if I play "fair". I didn't play like this when the game was balanced, and would prefer to go back to playing normal. You don't have to like it, but if you don't understand why it's happening as a Survivor, then you don't have any perspective on how horrific it is to play Killer right now.

  • Member Posts: 53

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