How do you play this game without offending people?

Also please let me know of any hidden rules that i don't know about that I'm breaking. I honestly don't know how to change my play style because the game naturally plays this way sometimes. I also started watching videos and fast reading guides while the game makes matches for me.
I just got out of a game. I suck as a player. Last few games I've been doing better and finally leveled up skill in both survivor and killer for the first time in 2 weeks since i first started 2 weeks ago. Keep in mind i had to slave away in survivor to do some of the tomb.
I only started playing killer MUCH MORE today because i finally finished a couple survivor tombs and was tired of playing survivor.
The survivors were acting weird in this game. I was playing wraith. The very first survivor i caught was up against a building wall outside and i moved up to them and uncloaked and attacked. After this all the survivors started i guess what you guys call T-Bagging the pallets. This survivor did that and i just played into it because this was the first sign that i was automatically going to get taunted for the whole game. So of course i go up to the pallets and they wait till the last second to move and i attack and get stunned coming out of the cloak. So i assume just by being Wraith I'm going to start having bad games every time i play that killer. I should just not play him?
Assume for the rest of the game all Survivors T-Bagged and stun cloaked me every pallet.
Anyways i eventually catch first person and put on hook. This is what surprised me. I wasn't even trying to what is called "Camping" the hook. its just i had the perk that increases your vision by so many points so when ever i tried to leave the hook alone for a bit i would see them in the corner of my vision and turn back to stop them from taking the survivor down. Now obviously I'm trying to take down every survivor one by one so when i find 2 people I'm going for the hurt one to increase my chances of killing 4. Anyways they keep coming back, I keep trying to leave but see them, I turn back and attack. I tried to leave to patrol other Generators but kept seeing them hiding someplace and i would go to attack them.
I eventually got all of them and they only did 1 or 2 Generators... Sometimes I've even found their red running marks or bleeding marks and followed them back to the hooks of other survivors. This was only the second time that i got to kill 4 people in the 2 weeks or so that i've been playing. (First time was luck with Trapper since they 3 Gen themselves and i didn't realize they 3 Gen till i didn't have to run to the other side to patrol).
I got sent a message by one of the xbox 1 users that were taunting me. (am i not allowed to expose people on here? I want to provide maybe half a name with the rest being"***********"). They sent me this message "TRASH" in my xbox messages. I explained to them that i didn't know what i did to deserve being taunted and that i don't play killer that often. They replied "LOL". I reassured them I'm Level 11, Skill 20 Killer. Only played killer to do tombs. I explained i was surprised they kept coming back to the hooks. That i had tried to leave the hooks but they kept coming back too soon and i would see them. Only playing to get better at the game cause i suck.
Is it my fault that they kept coming back?
Am i supposed to ignore them and pretend i didn't see them and go for other people?
Should i not attack the survivor thats hurt and go for the healthier survivor?
Should I should just not play Wraith?
Also why are we not allowed to Report people for disconnecting? How should we report that? I had people disconnect and I've reported them because it makes the game much more difficult to play as a Survivor. I had someone disconnect supposedly in the loading screen to the game after i had waited for 5-10 (I know this because i watch Youtube guides that are 10-20 minutes long) minutes for a game after i had loaded in as a Trapper for like 10 seconds. It wouldn't say who disconnected in the loading screen in the rewards screen. I had to wait for another 5-10 minutes for another game. Just as aggravating when the killer disconnects.
And what does it mean when the Survivors stick around at the exit gates or hatches and run me around? Are they taunting me? I attack them anyway. Am i sending them some unknown message that i'm an ######### since i attacked them at the gate? Are they giving me free points for a hit?(you get points for just hitting a survivor?). Should i calmly approach the gate if i see them there and slowly approach to let me hit them? I get this ALOT and don't know how to react to that.
- Also please explain what these are?
- Slugging
- Tunneling
- Streamsniping
- Bodyblocking
- Looping
- Tapping generators with ruin
I know i suck as a survivor and killer but I'm trying my best to get better. Since there is no way to talk to in game please help me improve here in the forums.
Best Answers
Ok m8 we have a ton to go through.
First of all, you're the killer. Survivors tend to complain for everything. Ignore them and move on.
Secondly, you need to learn when to uncloack. Don't uncloack in the middle of the pallet, that way you will be stunned. Uncloack a few meters away from the stun range (you will figure it out) turn your head on the right (or anywhere where the pallet isn't) in order to hide your red stain turn back facing the pallet (unpredictability) and smack em.
Slugging: leaving a person on the ground and not picking them up off the floor. Killers do that if they down someone and see another survivor close to them.
Tunneling: after an unhook to go chase the previously hooked survivor.
Streamsniping: on platforms like twitch you watch a streamer and choose to queue up at the same time as they do in order to face them and ruin their day. People usually have a cellphone in order to watch the stream and know people's locations.
Bodyblocking: blocking a survivor using your body ( by standing in front of them)
Looping: being chased and with a few words
Tapping gens with ruin: pressing m1 in a gen while in chase. It usually doesn't do anything since the new ruin regresses gens by default.
That's all
If you have any more questions message me!
like that
3 -
Okay, that's a lot. I'll try to address all of it.
Firstly, in answer to the title, it's impossible to do anything in life without offending people. So while it's nice that you want to avoid it, you shouldn't feel too bad if someone gets offended by something you do in the game, especially since you probably weren't even doing anything wrong.
It's great that you're watching videos and reading guides to try to improve your skills. As for "hidden rules", there are certain codes of sportsmanship that some will hold you to more than others, but I will go into them in more detail later on when I address your other concerns.
Also, congratulations on your second 4K 😊
On playing as Wraith:
If you're getting stunned out of cloak a lot as Wraith, I would advise you to do what we usually call "respecting" pallets. This means that you don't run straight at the pallet and try to hit them, you stop just short of the pallet so you don't get stunned, and then you break it after they drop it. Most survivors will drop the pallet when the killer gets within about a metre of it, but if you don't try to go straight through the pallet then you won't get stunned. You can't land hits while cloaked anyway, so there's really no point in rushing headlong into a stun. That being said, Wraith is not typically considered an extremely strong killer, especially not with just his base kit (that is, without taking perk builds into account), so you may have a more difficult time playing him than, say, Hillbilly, but if you enjoy playing with him there's no reason why you shouldn't keep trying. Wraith is certainly not impossible to play well, he's just not as easy as some of the other killers.
On "camping":
Obviously, it's not your fault if the survivors decide to make risky plays and get themselves caught. No sane killer is going to leave the hook if they can see survivors nearby. You did absolutely the right thing there, and no reasonable player, killer or survivor, would expect you to do otherwise.The same thing goes for if you see survivors while you're patrolling generators - it's a no-brainer that you would, generally speaking, go after the survivor and try to catch them instead of pretending you didn't see them and moving on. If the other players got upset at you for doing either of those things, that is their problem, not yours, and you should ignore any abuse they try to throw at you for it.
On targeting injured survivors (aka "tunneling"):
If you find two survivors in a group, and one of them is injured, you're right that it makes tactical sense to target the injured survivor. If the survivor in question is injured because you just hooked them, this is what the community generally refers to as "tunneling".
The ethics of tunneling are complicated. On the one hand, yes, it makes absolute strategic sense to target injured players for an easier hook. On the other hand, it's very frustrating and demoralising for the survivor to be downed and hooked again immediately after being rescued, especially if this happens multiple times so they end up dying having spent most of the game hanging on the hook.
This is where the rules of sportsmanship come in. The attitude I and most people who care about sportsmanship take to tunneling is that you should avoid doing it, if you can do so without putting yourself at a disadvantage. That is, if you know you can afford to not tunnel injured survivors and still kill all four of them by the end, then avoiding tunneling is the kind thing to do, even if it's not the most strategically efficient thing to do, because it ensures everyone gets a chance to play the match and enjoy themselves. Of course, if you need to tunnel in order to have any chance of winning, that's okay. No one should expect you to throw the game just for the sake of being nice.
There are people who will tell you tunneling is toxic - don't listen to them. It's not toxic, it's a legitimate strategy, it's just not particularly kind. It's basically one of those "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" situations.
On hate messages:
Firstly, no, it's against forum rules to "name and shame" other players, so you did the right thing by not sharing their username, or any part of it, in your post.
Secondly, you will get a lot of hate messages playing as killer, especially on console, and my advice to you would be to ignore them. It's obvious from an opening like "trash" that that person wasn't interested in having a discussion about the game or helping you improve, they were only interested in insulting you, and it's not worth engaging with people like that.
If the insults or harassment get really out of hand, you can report the player to Microsoft/Xbox (not to BHVR, since they are not able to monitor or control anything that happens outside of their game, including console DMs).
On disconnecting:
Disconnecting is a bannable offence. The reason BHVR asks that players not report others for disconnecting is because the game already has its own in-build system for detecting and punishing players who disconnect. They will automatically get banned if they do it too often. The system is about to be overhauled, such that players will be punished every time they disconnect from a match by not being able to join another match for a certain amount of time. More details about the new system can be found in this post:
I would strongly advise against reporting people for disconnecting, or for anything that you find upsetting but which isn't actually against the rules. Firstly, because it does nothing except waste your time and the Support Team's time, preventing them from being able to efficiently punish people who actually do break the rules. And secondly, because repeatedly reporting people for things that aren't reportable is itself a bannable offence, so you could get yourself in trouble by doing so.
On survivors taunting at the exit:
When survivors run around near the gates or hatch, it can be hard to tell what their intentions are. Sometimes they will do it just to taunt you and rub their escape in your face, or sometimes they're trying to lessen the blow by letting you get a few extra bloodpoints for hitting them before they escape. If they're running around, they're probably taunting. If they're just standing there waiting for you to hit them, they're probably trying to give you some consolation points.
Either way, you should definitely go for the hit, if only to get the bonus points. It doesn't make you a jerk - if anything, they're the jerk for trying to run their victory in your face (if that is what they're doing). You may even get a last-minute hook or kill if a survivor gets too cocky and accidentally lets you down them too far away from the gate or hatch.
On definitions:
Slugging is when the killer downs a survivor, but doesn't pick them up and hook them immediately - so named because the survivors are unable to do anything except crawl around slowly on their bellies, like a slug. Killers may do this for all sorts of reasons, most of them strategically-based and therefore perfectly acceptable. Most survivors just don't like being slugged because they find it boring to lie on the ground without being able to do anything.
I already explained Tunneling in-depth above.
Streamsniping is not something that's exclusive to Dead By Daylight - it happens in pretty much all online multiplayer games to some extent. Basically, it's when you're playing the game, and another player (usually an opponent) is streaming it live, and you or your friends find their stream and use it to see what's going on in the game from the other player's perspective in order to gain a strategic advantage on your end.
Streamsniping is actually not as common as some people believe - it's the sort of thing, like hacking, that people (streamers, in this case) will accuse others of without proof, just because the other person played really well. It is not considered by BHVR to be a bannable offence.
Bodyblocking is when a player bodily obstructs another player's movement by putting their character in front of the other person's. It is sometimes bannable, and sometimes not, depending on circumstances. What you did when you pinned the survivor against the wall as Wraith, for example, was totally fine, because you did it in order to secure a hit - you didn't just stand there without doing anything and prevent him from moving indefinitely. Killers can do it to survivors, and survivors can do it both to killers and to other survivors, although killers are able to remove survivors from their path by hitting them, thus countering bodyblocking to some extent, in a way that survivors are not.
Looping is a strategy employed by survivors to waste the killer's time during a chase. Good survivors assume they will go down eventually against a good killer - their aim is to waste as much time as possible before that happens, so that their teammates can repair generators. Because the survivor's hitbox is smaller than the killer's, they are able to round corners more tightly, and thus minimise the distance gained by the killer during a chase, and maximise time wasted. Usually, a survivor will loop as many times as they can around a structure with a pallet without getting hit, and then drop the pallet at the last minute, ideally stunning the killer. Other looping strategies include vaulting windows at opportune moments, or pretending they are going to drop a pallet or vault a window in order to trick the killer into missing an attack.
Tapping generators is when survivors spam the "repair" button on a generator so that their character is constantly entering and exiting the repair animation. This ensures that they will never be working on the generator consistently for long enough to trigger a skill check. However, it also slows repair progress hugely, and for that reason is generally considered a bad strategy. Players used to employ this strategy most commonly when Ruin was in play, because the previous version of Ruin, which was reworked about 2 weeks ago, caused Good Skill Checks to regress generator progress by a fairly significant amount, though not significant enough to make this strategy worthwhile.
I hope that answers all your questions - please feel free to let me know if you have any more!
1 -
You don't. Just don't do the obvious stuff (abusing bugs, actively trying to get teammates killed, holding the game hostage somehow etc.) and you'll have nothing to worry about. Play the game the way you enjoy playing it. If you do this and someone gets offended then it's simply their fault and you shouldn't give them the satisfaction of you feeling bad about it.
3 -
i'll try to answer this the best I can...
You'll never avoid offending Survivors/Killers or players in-general, some players will automatically assume you tunneled them or camped them and that's something you'll just have to get used to.
tunneling, Slugging, and camping.
The obvious things Survivors hate is being tunneled off the hook to death or being camped on the hook until death. Survivors also hate being slugged, but slugging is selective in who hates it and who doesn't, slugging can be perceived as toxic and distasteful to a Survivor, while others don't really care either way. When it comes to slugging, you can do it as much as you want and it doesn't really matter if the Survivor hates it or not, it's entirely up to you.
All three of these actions are considered viable strategies to Killers and even Survivors, so it's entirely up to you if you want to avoid doing them to not "offend anyone." In my honest opinion, just go by the code that I follow, don't tunnel or camp anyone to death, but if someone is rescued off the hook than you can either let the unhooked Survivor go or just down them and chase the Survivor that unhooked them, as long as you don't just tunnel the unhooked Survivor and than down and hook them... Than it shouldn't really matter. I'm not saying you should immediately go and down the person who was unhooked, but if they're just going to follow you while you chase the "unhooker" than just down them and go after the other Survivor.
But again, some people might take offense to Killers that Tunnel, Slug, and Camp, but that's not really a bad thing. Yes most Survivors hate Tunneling and Camping while it's more half and half on Slugging, but these options are entirely up to you and you shouldn't be forced to play by their rules just because they'll get mad about it or something.
"Am I allowed to expose someone on here?"
I wanted to address this small comment before I get into your story, no, name-shaming or exposing someone in a negative light on the forums is considered name shaming and it's against the forum rules. You can reveal players names that help you in a video, or in a friendly meme or just for education purposes, but if it's to be actively negative to that player than no, you can't reveal their name. You can talk about the player in third person, but you can't actively reveal their name if the topic is negative or comes off as negative to that player.
[Here's the link to the Forum Rules for more information on this]:
hate mail and what you can do if it turns into HARASSMENT
As for the hate-mail you got it's best to ignore rude comments that reference how you played in a match, especially if the Survivor is the one at fault but refuses to admit it (as an example).
If this hate-mail turns into Harassment or Racist Comments, than you should report the messages through Xbox itself Microsoft's support team can handle it. When it comes to console harassment you report it to PS4 or Xbox's report system itself and not the Support Team for example.
Let their system take care of it and you'll be fine. Racism and Harassment isn't tolerated on DBD, especially if it's done through PS4 or Xbox's messaging system. Again to clarify, report those messages through Xbox's Report System and not BHVR themselves as they're not able to control anything that happens outside their game like console PM's for example, that's strictly for Xbox or PS4 to handle.
my opinion on your story and what you did
What happened to you wasn't anything that you could control, why would you actively leave the spot to just let multiple Survivors that're in the area unhook the Survivor?
What you did was fine, the Survivors wanted to make a bad play and reveal themselves to you by unhooking that Survivor and essentially dooming themselves. Camping is when you're actively attempting to stay in one area or a general area that has something you're trying to defend, like a Generator or a Hooked Survivor, in this case what was perceived as "Camping" was you just going after Survivors that wanted to unhook the hooked Survivor literally right in-front of you while you attempted to LEAVE that area.
That isn't camping if that's the case, since you actively attempted to leave the area but couldn't because the other Survivors wanted to suicide bomb the hook to unhook that Survivor... in that case it was entirely their fault for rushing the hook one by one. In the case of Camping and Tunneling people hate it, especially Survivors while some Killers think it's a "baby tactic", what you did was slug them which a lot of High Ranked Killers do... even Red Rank Killers do it... even I do it... Slugging can be seen as "toxic" but in most Killers eyes it's actually a viable and reasonable tactic to use in a situation like yours for example, so don't worry about the Slugging part.
You didn't tunnel the hooked Survivor per-say, you just slugged them at best because the other Survivors wanted to make a bad play. You didn't really Camp the hook either since you literally saw Survivors sneaking around the area, so why would you ignore them? If you did tunnel the hooked Survivor than you wouldn't downed them and just instantly hooked them again while ignoring everyone else, but you didn't, from the sound of it you just downed Survivors that got near the hook while you ATTEMPTED to leave the area and while looking back at the spot you literally saw Survivors sneaking around the area... so why would you ignore them?
I'll cover more on what Tunneling, Camping, Slugging, etc is below.
What is Slugging, Tunneling, Camping, body blocking, etc?
Before I go into it, I want to point out that everything in this list below is a non-bannable offence, so if you do any of these than you're 100% not going to be banned for it and they're not reportable either. The list below will have their own explanations tied to them for the sake of organization, so you won't have to fish around for them below.
- Slugging (Slugging is when a Killer downs a Survivor and than refuses to pick them up until later, it's a viable strategy that a lot of Top-Tier Killers do, especially against Top-Tier Survivors in the right scenarios. It's usually considered one of the more "Acceptable" strategies that Killers do and is one of the least hated ones.)
- Tunneling (One of the most hated Strategies next to Camping, Tunneling or "Tunnel Vision" is when you actively chase one specific Survivor over and over until they die and get removed from the game. This is where the terms "Tunneling to death" or "Tunneled to death" comes from, it's when a Killer actively chases on Survivor, even when they're unhooked, until they're finally sacrificed to The Entity. This is where the term "Tunnel Vision" comes from, it's when a Killer is so infatuated with Killing one Survivor that everything around them is ignored... hence why it's seen as "Tunnel Vision" since you're only looking and chasing one thing while everything else is ignored.)
- Camping (Simple one that almost every game has, camping is when you essentially guard or stay in one spot to get the most Killers in a game or secure one location on the map. In the case of DBD, camping is when you camp a hooked Survivor or Generator(s) until you killed that specific Survivor or Kill every Survivor in the game before those Generators "pop". This is usually tied with Tunneling as the most hated strategy in the game that Killers use.)
- Streamsniping (It's just basically when a Killer/Survivor tries to ruin the game of a well known Twitch Streamer or Streamer in-general who's LIVE, so they'll queue up in matches to get them in their game and bring a lot of OP perks, items, and/or add-ons to make their game as hard as possible, essentially ruining the experience for the Streamer and attempting to make them DC to avoid the match entirely.)
- Bodyblocking (Bodyblocking is when a Killer or Survivor blocks a Killer or Survivor path-way. In the case for The Killer it's when you block the Killer from hooking someone on the hook or downing an injured Survivor during the End Game Collapse. For Survivor it's just when a Survivor blocks the Killer to avoid the things I said above or it's to troll another Survivor by blocking them into a corner until the Killer comes and downs them or downs them both. Bodyblocking is considered ok for the most part when in an active game, but if the Killer does it to say... block a Survivor into a corner with no way out, than that's considered "Holding the Game hostage" and is actually a bannable offense. If the Killer just blocks you in the corner for 1 minute than no, it isn't taking the game hostage, if the Killer blocks you into a corner and than goes to get say... take out for 4 hours and the Survivor is still there than yes it's holding the game hostage. Essentially, if the Survivor has no choice but to DC to get out of that situation than it can be considered holding the game hostage depending on how long you both were there. The situation gets more hairy from there, so it's best I focus on just the Killer side of that issue.)
- Looping (Looping is just a slang term that Killers and Survivors use to define an area that Survivors use to "loop" Killers around to avoid being downed. In a less confusing way, it's just basically a word players use to define an area that Survivors loop Killers around. So for example, a loop is defined as an area that contains pallets or windows, and if they spot has any of the two things above than it can be considered a "loop" that Survivors can use to try and avoid being downed by the Killer. So when someone says "That spot is a God Loop" than they're saying the area they use to avoid Killers is a strong spot to do so. In a really basic way... they're just saying it's an area you can loop Killers around until they either give up or down you. It's hard to really explain what a loop is without making it sound more confusing, cause the word itself should explain it all. So when someone is "looping" a Killer around a loop, they're just using that spot effectively to avoid being downed... if that makes sense.)
- Tapping generators with ruin (I'm not going to go too in-depth on this one honestly, since the perk "Hex: Ruin" was changed a few months ago... making this term outdated. But to quell your curiosity i'll do it anyways. Basically, Tapping Generators with Ruin or "Gen Tapping" is when a Survivor just constantly clicks the M1 button or the button you do Generators with to avoid the Skill-Check prompt from coming up, the action itself was used to avoid "Old Ruins" effects, which would turn a normal Skill-Check into a "Hex Skill-Check", forcing Survivors to either hit a Great Skill-Check constantly or halt progress if you just hit a normal Skill-Check, i'd look more into this in a video on Old Hex: Ruin if you want a better explanation on what Great Skill-checks are and what not.)
For more information on Game Rules, what's reportable and what's not, and anything else I might have missed i'll link the Game Rules & Report System post below so you can learn more about these things.
[Here's the link to the Game Rules & Report System post below]:
why is disconnecting not reportable?
It isn't reportable because DBD already has a hidden system that bans players for DCing in matches too much. I can't really tell you how many times it takes to DC until you get banned, but if you DC enough in a match than you'll eventually hit a threshold that will ban you for a set amount of time, this gets worse the more you do it.
We're actually going to get a "DC Penalty System" eventually in the coming year, this system will automatically put anyone who DCs into a cool-down for 5 minutes each time they DC just once, the times get worse until you actually get into the threshold that starts to ban you for it. Think of it like CS;GOs system for being kicked or leaving mid-match, you're put into a cool-down for a set amount of time because you left the game Mid-Match.
I can't tell you when it'll be implemented because I don't personally know, but it should be around this year as a personal guess. But just to clarify, it's not a reportable offense because the DC system already takes care of this behind the scenes, making the concept of reporting it a pointless action itself. So these reports are disregarded as a result, since the system automatically takes care of it.
Also, as for what happened with that Survivor in the loading screen, some Survivors crash during the loading Screen from time to time, it just sounds like they either crashed, which is the most likely answer, or they intentionally pulled the plug to avoid the match. If you didn't bring anything like a Mori or whatever, things that Survivors hate, than it was most likely a crash.
as for your ending questions you left after your story
I'll answer these the same way I answered the non-reportable offenses above.
- [Question] (Is it my fault that they kept coming back?) [Answer] (No, if you see someone who's at the hook or Generator you're trying to leave, than go back to it and chase that Survivor. It's not your fault that you saw them in that area, it's your job as The Killer to apply pressure on the Survivors and sacrifice them, if you see a Survivor in the area you're attempting to leave than go back there to chase them.)
- [Question] Am I supposed to ignore them and pretend i didn't see them and go for other people? [Answer] (No, if you see someone who's attempting to rescue a hooked Survivor than chase that Survivor, if you so choose you should down the unhooked Survivor so the other Survivors waste their time healing that downed Survivor, otherwise, it's in your best interest to just chase the "unhooker" because it's seen as "playing fair" I suppose. It's entirely up to you if you want to tunnel the unhooked Survivor or slug that Survivor to be fair, but it's what I do if the unhooked Survivor doesn't leave that area. Don't immediately chase the unhooked Survivor after they get unhooked, but if they keep following you or show up in your chase than just down them and continue chasing the other Survivor, that's the most fair thing to do in my eyes, sometimes I just ignore them regardless but that's just me.)
- [Question] Should I not attack the survivor thats hurt and go for the healthier survivor? [Answer] (Yes and No, it's entirely up to you if you want to slug that Survivor and than chase the healthier Survivor, if you want to tunnel the injured Survivor to get another down that that's your choice, but in my opinion it's more fair to just down them and than ignore them after, or just ignore them if you so choose.)
- [Question] Should I should just not play Wraith? [Answer] (You shouldn't stop playing a Killer all-together because someone hates that Killer or hates how you play them, if you enjoy that Killer and like their powers than keep playing them, if you're bored of that Killer than try branching out to other Killers that offer different powers and play-styles, it's entirely up to you!)
ending statement
You shouldn't feel ashamed for using tactics like Camping or Tunneling, as long as you know to grow past these tactics than it's entirely fine to do them. Some Killers frown at other Killers for Camping or Tunneling, ESPECIALLY if they still do it at Top-Tier games, but if you're new and learning how to play Killer than it isn't really a bad thing to use those tactics.
And if you still use them after you've played for a long time, than that's your choice, it's just best to move past those tactics and try to work on other strategies, since doing the same thing over and over every-game because it's the most effective/it's all you know is kind of boring...
Never be ashamed of playing a Killer people hate or hate facing, if you enjoy that Killer than keep playing them! If you like using perks people hate like NOED than that's your choice to play those perks, personally I think NOED is a great perk for beginners, but it's best to move past perks like NOED so you can grow and improve as a Killer, so I don't personally recommend the perk to use all the time or in-general, but it's your choice to use it.
one last thing
What you did was fine, some Survivors/Killers are just negative or "toxic" to other players, so what you did (in my opinion) wasn't really bad at all, in fact you actively tried to leave the area which means you didn't even camp it at all... it's not your fault that they dive bombed the hook to save that Survivor, or that you saw Survivors sneaking around the hook.
If anything they should've waited for you to leave and THAN unhook that player, not immediately go for that Survivor and than expect results, but that's just me.
Stay safe out there, see you in the fog...
7 -
I think if the team is serious about crushing you than you won't make much BPs... even if you meme.
In this case, you could've memed the situation, but they probably still would've been negative towards him for no real reason. I personally don't think memeing the situation was the answer for the OP, since they genuinely wanted to know what they did was ok or not and just know basic things that'll give them insight on the "slang of DBD" and what have you.
1 -
I'm sure it will! And I think not getting tilted by people trying to bully you is the right attitude to take. Jerks will be jerks, in games and in real life, and it's best to just leave them be and move on. Toss them a "gg :)" after the game, if you like - nothing takes the wind out of a bully's sails quite like friendliness.
1 -
It eventually will, overtime you'll learn easier routes and strategies to chases and eventually get used to the meta of Mid/Top Tier DBD.
It's best to play how YOU want to play, even if it doesn't abide by hidden rules that players made to benefit themselves and not you, it's good to think about others to make the game more fair and even for both sides, but if you cripple yourself to just please other people you'll eventually find no enjoyment in playing the game, doing so will only ruin the experience for yourself in the end.
At the end of the day, improve upon your mistakes and get used to how the game operates, don't set unreasonable standards for yourself that others want you to abide by, it's best to play how you want to play but it's good to think of others and how it might seem "unfun" for them as well.
By "unfun" I mean how being tunneled to death or being camped to death isn't fun for a Survivor and for a Killer as well... since playing the same strategies will eventually leave a Killer feeling hollow and unfulfilled in their chases. Don't cripple yourself just because the match wasn't fun for someone, even if you played as fair as possible for them.
I want to suggest a video for you to watch...
This video below focuses on many of the basic tiles (Aka Loops) that spawn in most of the maps on DBD. The Video itself is kind of dated when it comes to maps like Hawkins and Lery's being added/reworked, but most of the maps that have these tiles are left unchanged, so it's not really that big of a deal.
Most maps like The Game, Lery's, and Hawkins don't have these tiles, but instead have unique ones or different types of these tiles in their map layout, but this video should still be informative on what you should do in a chase as a Killer and how you effectively use these tiles as a Survivor, it gives both players of each role the insight they need on how to face a Killer or a Survivor, depending on the role you're in.
anyways, here's the video on basic tiles/loops
(Side-Note) Again for context, this video was made before maps like Hawkins were made or maps like Lery's being reworked, so don't worry about those changes as most of these tiles are not shown on those maps anyways and instead are shown on the more common maps like Azarov's, Macmillan Estate, Cold-Wind Farms, Badham Pre-School, etc.
I hope this might help you in any future chases as a Survivor or Killer.
do funny stuff as the killer, slug but dont camp, maximize everyones points not just killer, but without farming. i like to 360 knife people lol or moon walk n shake my head xD or if i play ghost face i tbag behind a window lmao.
you may not pip this way but ull maximize bloodpoints so who cares, unless rank really matters to you.
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Thank you All. I’m still open for more feedback till mods close this thread.
For an update I have met some nice people like those who have contacted me after a match on Xbox and gave me tips on what I was doing wrong.
“Herth man” in specific used voice chat with me in which I believe his group talked to me through him. Coached me on some tips on playing Nurse cause I only used her to level her up and finish a mission on a broken glitched tomb.(The damage 2 Gen in 1 match. Had to look up that I had to hold down the action button till I saw sparks on the Gen to do “1” gen). His group still teased me in game but his talk made me realize his group or at least him had empathy.
On the other hand I realized it does not matter how I play the game after more matches and thinking about this thread and reading the replies.
I haven’t gotten any more trash talk replies to me but the 1 time I played Wraith today someone disconnected in match and they all taunted me and I really gave them a chance to play that round fair and square. I didn’t attack the injured survivor in the case of following 1 back to a hook, I didn’t body block even though it was a better position to be in than a chase, I ignored the hooks I got a bit, and I didn’t tunnel the same person more than the first hit I got on them. Still had the Tbagging and they went further this time they ran around my character in circles at the exit and I just stood there using secondary powers and not hitting them trying to push them to escape cause I admitted defeat because I threw the match for them. Wasn’t really fun on my end cause I was thinking of all the hidden rules in this game.
Even when I sucked at killers the survivors ran around me in circles as I stood there pushing them out the gate or stood facing the wall in the gate opening. I no longer have reactions to this since this is normal in this game. For people to ######### on other people is normal like IRL. Just have to not care and play the game like how I want to and conform to how the community is here.
Even as a survivor it is hard. Had a team and all 3 other survivors disconnected on me against The Pig. The killer (“GIVE x BIRTH”) “gg” me after. Pig said it is normal.
I am thoroughly enjoying the game, though I am sucking at it, now that I have come to terms with the community. Hopefully hard work will pay off.
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You hit the uninstall button.
On a more serious note: play however you want.
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I think most people want you to play the way they want because it only benefits them for the most part.
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Toxic players will aways feel offended.
Healthy players know that its a game and sometimes you can get frustated and accept it.
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Right, I can't say I haven't felt frustrated with how some mechanics work from time to time, but it's how it is and I learned to accept and adapt past these quirks.
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I'll at least get a minimum of two toxic players a day playing this game.
Either post-game or during the game.
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What rank are you if you don't mind me asking?