BT change idea

Akhaten Member Posts: 125
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

We all know that BT was made as an anti-camp tool but there are many cases where survivors use it for free brain dead "safe" unhooks. My idea was to make the perk not to work out of the blue and require the user to make some decisions in order to use the perk.

  1. BT will start deactivated and to activate the perk, the user must be 16 meters away from the hook where a survivor was placed. Each hook event resets the perk, so if you had BT active and was 15m away from the next hook BT gets deactivated.
  2. Unhooking someone while BT is active will give the unhooked survivor endurance status for 15/20/25 seconds. This will be guaranteed as it's not tied to TR or oblivious status
  3. Unhooking someone with BT active will deactivate the perk until the next hook event So in case you have BT active and 2 or 3 survivors are on a hook you have to decide who gets the endurance status because.

This change will make it so you have to give the killer the chance to leave the hook and not rush the save because you have BT, and if you still rush the hook you will be punished. Also making it activatable will put the survivors face to face with a decision, who needs the status more? the guy who is on his last hook, or the one that just got hooked for the first time? the solo survivor or my friend? being some examples.

Let me know what you think.

Post edited by Akhaten on


  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    This will just benefit killers being fast hooking survivors or slugging to hook them at the near same time, cause you have no chance to rescue both teammates. Also, youre punished for running BT if someone gets hooked next to you. Again no chance, cause it wont activate. That would just make the perk useless.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125

    Ok, that is true if you are close when the killer hooks you, you might lose the perk for that moment, but then you can rush the unhook. The 32m radious i put was the commont TR for killers, while the camping radious (judged by the emblem system) is 16m so that might make you leave the near area when you see the aura of the downed person. The very reason i added the activation part was to force people to decide whether they want to activate the perk or rush the hook. And right now stealth killer can effectively ignore the perk and my design would work the same against all killers making camping even harder.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2020

    Not sure how I feel about suggestion 3, but I feel like you're onto something with #1/2.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125

    Well #3 becomes a problem only when the killer has more than one survivor on the hook because you have to choose who you save first to apply endurance. If this scenario comes into play, it will force the player to think who is the most important survivor i need to keep alive.

    Making a save should always require some thought on when it's safe to make the save or when you have multiple survivors hooked, who should be saved first.

    BT as it is now makes a lot of survivors not think for a second when it's safe because the endurance gives the false "safe" unhook feeling when it actually makes survivors never learn how to properly make saves. This version might make proper saves even more safe.