Exhaustion perk Overhaul

can everyone agree that anything that’s a crutch should be changed? Like some perks in DbD. Ruin was a huge crutch that was changed and I think it was a good thing, they should also make the double BP in BBQ be removed and just repurpose it so people can still earn it but without perks and such. But today I want to talk about how can we change the exhaustion perks? I want to rid the exhaustion mechanic entirely and change the perks so they can still be used just not as crutch worthy as they are today. Way too many survivors ALWAYS run an exhaustion perk. It’s not really a problem if one or two survivors are running one plus DS and BT and hell adrenaline as well. But when EVERY SURVIVOR is running an exhaustion perk, that’s just plain out annoying. Some losers will say its boring but anyone who says anything is boring is just trying to make something look bad that they find too hard to face but are too scared to say it. Exhaustion perks are abused too much and have become the biggest crutch in the game by far. So let’s change them if you guys have suggestions just say it below. And instead of saying I’m bad and being a useless NPC, argue my point and suggest why having crutches in the game is good. Okay here we go

Dead Hard- easy just make it be a token system give the survivor 4 tokens and they can use dead hard any time they want while injured BUT it only about 70% of what today’s dead hard is. Oh and you can slightly turn (about as much as Demogorgon does when he used his shred attack) so yes they can use all 4 all at once if they want but then can’t use it later. This will promote skillful and strategical gameplay while not making dead hard a free pallet/window no more, just a more skillful move you can use to actually outplay killers

Balanced Landing- give back the faster recovery time from drop but make it faster and make yourself drop about 30% faster as well. Making it a risk to use since it will use a perk spot and you never know what map it will be unless an offering is brought.

lithe- 10% window vault speed, and let’s you do a medium vault without making noise and takes away slow vaults so you can only mid and fast vault. Also making the resilience and spine chill build really good as good loop synergy

Head on- becomes a charged perk you must sit in a locker for a period of time then you can use it like you charge it for 30 seconds doing nothing then it is charged up you can then let a killer follow you then pop into a locker and use it immediately. This is a payoff situation you’re doing absolutely NOTHING in the match for 30-45 seconds and you get a head on charge from it. Making it still the fun swf bully perk it is.

sprint burst- this becomes a charged perk as well get a total of 100 seconds of chase time. Then click the active ability button to activate sprint burst.

Adrenaline- give the speed boost but you don’t recover a health state.

and yeah hope you guys enjoyed the suggestion. Now I can’t wait to check back in a half hour to all the survivor mains telling me How bad I am, or how to counter these. (Once again these are not problems maybe adrenaline and sometimes dead hard but this is to make the exhaustion meta become less of a crutch and to actually earn these abilities while also nerfing their ultimate power)
