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General Discussions

Games are too easy now. What do you think?

Member Posts: 747
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Most of the time it's kind of boring and there is no thrill. Unless the killer is some hillbilly downing people instantly or a good nurse, or my team is a bag of potatoes, I feel like games are just routine. Against wraiths, bubbas, michaels, GFs, pigs... Half of the time against those killers he does like 5-6 hooks and we all escape. Or maybe 1 guy dies being camped when the doors are opened. Of course I die too, mainly rescuing when the doors are opened (I use BT and I rather rescue and die than escape like a coward), but even if I die, the killer lost.

Anyone else feels this way about the game? or do you feel that survivor gameplay is really challenging?

Also, what would you do to improve it?

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  • Member Posts: 258

    Ruin needed to be changed and I like the new Ruin but there is no other way to say it, the game is simpler now and it is too easy to dominate early game.

    Old Ruin was annoying to go against but it covered up a major flaw of the game in that games go by too fast if you don't give survivors a reason to NOT do gens as soon as they spawn in.

    I think the answer isn't gen speed but giving survivors incentive to do something other than gens at the start of the game, give them another objective.

  • Member Posts: 544

    Chasing survivors and getting chased by the killer are the main sources of entertainment in this game. Reduce map sizes, DECREASE gen speed, remove most safe tiles, add a bunch of unsafe tiles for the killer and their prey to mindgame so that either side gets a feeling of outplaying the other side when they win that small engagement.

    I like this idea because it helps create a metric by which player skill can be measured. If the game is balanced enough, ending a chase as a killer will score more skill points, and prolonging a chase as a survivor will score more points. Lets say every 5 seconds the killer loses a point and the survivor gains a point. This system is not highly dependent on addons like toolboxes flashlights or moris. It changes the primary task of the killer to chase survivors, and the primary task of the survivor to actually survive. The secondary tasks are the generators. This also plays into the theme of dead by daylight by having the killer play with their food. Plus downs naturally lead to sacrifices.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Try playing as a rank 10 killer. You are usually matched up against all red ranks, many of them swf. Then it's a real challenge.

  • Member Posts: 747

    I don't want to brag, but I'm red rank survivor and I get matched against green ranks killers half of the time.

    We DESTROY them... and I play with red ranks randoms, we're not even swf. So imagine what a SWF would do against green ranks.

  • Member Posts: 1,829

    Survivor gameplay's difficulty comes from your teammates, not the killer.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Nah, tons of my survivor games still involve trash teammates getting slaughtered / DCing on their first down. There's plenty of super OP killers builds you run into as well, that will take a full team of rank 1's making no mistakes to stand a chance against.

    I think killer is easier, even against red ranked SWFs, because I don't have to rely on anyone to get the job done.

    If I run something like object of obsession to try and carry the game, the killer can just ignore me and tunnel off my weaker teammates instead.

    There's plenty of faceroll survivor games, but I get just as many faceroll killer games as well.

  • Member Posts: 94

    Personally when I'm ranked against a rank 16 who is "trying ghostface for the first time", then yeah it's too easy and not really fun. But those few times I am actually ranked against a killer who is experientially on a similar level to me, then nah its not too easy, win or lose it feels about right.

    I feel like this is entirely a matchmaking problem though, but it does make me wonder if the matchmaking is this bad, is the "good killer" (loose term here, please forgive me) population just really low? Or otherwise is the "good killer" population just mixed among the mid-low ranks and thus indistinguishable via matchmaking? I'm not trying to make the statement that either of these things are happening, but it does cause one to wonder.

    The reason I say this is because most of my SWF group is in the red/purple ranks (the green doesnt play that much), but we've only gone against 2 red rank killers since January I think. I know they exist, but I ain't ever seeing them outside youtube. Purple ones are likewise rare.

  • Member Posts: 258

    Decrease to gen speed isnt the answer, it is just more of what is boring for survivors. I think a nerf to tool boxes is needed though.

    My solution: Give the survivors an optional secondary objective to compete for at the start of the game that decays over time, so it gives this second objective some urgency but it is also completely optional. Something like a special totem, or something that needs to be worked on, that once cleansed/opened/whatever, gives that survivor a double BP bonus token that they claim if they escape. Have the token transferable to another survivor if they get unhooked, so it can get passed around the team.

    With this, they get an incentive not to jump straight onto a gen at the start (the token decays if it is not claimed within X number of minutes) and only 1 survivor gets it. It doesnt impact the main objective.

  • Member Posts: 1,471

    Nerf toolboxes, reduce map sizes and stop making huge ones, tone down DS, reduce the amount of safe loops and add more unsafe ones, give killers some type of early game pressure like ScottJund was suggesting, actually address the problems with Spirit and aim to make every killer on a level similar to Billy, and bam, game is a lot healthier and fun.

  • Member Posts: 651

    That's my whole point, playing survivor is easy due to matchmaking/lack of red rank killers.

    I hope that was an attempt at a joke because who would brag about being a red rank survivor and stomping a green rank killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    I cant seem to derive much pleasure anymore playing killer (mind you this has nothing to do with Ruin as I never used that anyway, its just kinda meh, meaningless...hard to put into words).

    But as Survivor I do have some fun still, not always but enough.

    Had a game earlier on Coal Tower where the gen placement was so messed up we 3 gen'd ourselfs, and the killer, a ghostface was really good and hellbend on protecting that, it was intense and frantic, eventually 2 died and 2 got out. It was a good match.

  • Member Posts: 339

    Pretty good job so far

  • Member Posts: 104

    Yep. Maps are too big, early game pressure is non-existent and a gen can be nearly completed by the time the killer walks over to it, only objective survivors really have is generators, etc. The game is awful now that Ruin has been changed.

    Don't get me wrong, Ruin was an unhealthy perk, but it was a necessary band-aid that helped in the early game.

  • Member Posts: 747

    No, no. I'm not joking and I'm not bragging either, I'm describing what's happening. If I get matched with decent red rank survivors (émphasis on "decent" since nowadays there are a lot of garbage survivors at red ranks that shouldn't be there) against a green rank killer, we destroy him, he can't loop, he barely mindgames and he does like 3-5 hooks and we all escape. I'm describing the state of the game now, I don't feel proud or anything but that's the truth.

    But also, against red rank killers, if my team is decent (not even god tier survivors) the game goes by fast and we all escape without even sweating. I'm pretty sure the escape rate has gone waaaaaay up since ruin has been reworked.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    I feel that Survivor is pretty dull nowadays, mostly because skill checks have no challenge anymore. I actually like playing against Doctor because he has some interaction with skill checks. I mean skill checks are a huge portion of the game on Survivor side, so Hex skill checks being gone has removed both challenge and skill expression.

  • Member Posts: 747

    I have to disagree. Skillchecks are boring. I wish the objectives themselves were not as boring as holding M1 for 1:20 minutes and occasionally pressing the spacebar.

    Maybe if you have to solve minigames (like connecting some electric circuits or something) it will be fun to do gens.

  • Member Posts: 363

    Not easy enough maybe when they nerf billy it will become easy or maybe not even then.

  • Member Posts: 749

    I agree to an extent. Like if we load into temple of purg or red forest and it's anything other than a billy, you can pretty much get your gg ez ready.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Welp, skill checks are here to stay man, they're a huge part of Survivor like it or not. They haven't changed how gens are done in 4 years, I doubt it will happen now, but it would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 9,424

    It's always been easy.

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