Why sell the whole outfit?

Sell individual tops, bottoms and hats.
Not only don't we mind, it might boost sales!
You can already do that!
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It's.. Already that way..?
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I know, of course ;)
What I mean is that they can sell individual items instead of trying to come up with concepts for whole outfits and releasing them like that. Like a bald tattoo'd head for Jake or a dunce cap for Quentin. ;)
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Ohh I see! Like for future releases? And not just event stuff like the rat clothes we got for lunar year? Yeah agreed, it would be interesting to see individual pieces rather than only full outfits. I'd still want full outfits though but often I mix and match what I'm wearing anyway so I rarely buy full outfits in the first place, just the pieces I like most. Like that new Kate outfit, I only bought the top, the head looks dumb and the bottom isn't as good as what I was already using.
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See? Confirmation from at least one other person! Can we get more?
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You should probably edit your first comment to properly express what you meant
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I know Myers has a few weapons not tied to a costume set.
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I like this idea, not everything has to be released as an outfit, more individual items would be good.
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I like this idea a lot! I would love to see individual items being released. Maybe even in crates or something you can open from daily rituals or extra archive goals.
Another one I had was something like making alternatives of an outfit, just like simple reskins, but once you buy the root outfit, all the reskins become significantly cheaper.
Also another idea, selling entire collections. Like the Grim Matsuri collection could be sold for the price of 2160 auric cells or so, I think that would significantly boost sales.
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Yeah, you're right on with the reskins thing. Like, I might want to buy Nea's neon jogging gear that's all pink and blue, but suppose I like that outfit, but want green on black? Just let me buy the outfit and then sell me cheapish skins for it. It could potentially multiply their sales of cosmetics exponentially. Don't strictly bind the color and insist upon total creative control of the cosmetics. Let users pick their colors. I do, however, see this being a potential issue, as some player choices for colors are questionable at best.
About selling entire collections, I think people might appreciate that. We pay a lot for convenience. Sell me the collection with a tiny discount for buying it as a whole, and you just convinced me--due to convenience--to buy something I would otherwise not have decided to buy. Like in a pack of survivor + killer cosmetics, as they usually release, I might like the survivor and only buy that one. But if you give me a discount and make it easy for me, I might just give you more money by one-click purchasing that convenient package.