Do you average 12 hours in game without a game breaking bug/infinite loading screen/crash/ect....?

Because I don't.
According to Paulie, the DC punishment goes like this.
1st = 1 minute
2nd = 5 minutes
3rd = 15 minutes
4th = 30 minutes
5th = 1 hour
6th = 6 hours
7th = 24 hours
It takes 12 hours with no DC's to lower you penalty level one level.
If this goes live like this, I expect a lot of players being banned shortly after, myself included. It was nice seeing you all around.
Do you average 12 hours in game without a game breaking bug/infinite loading screen/crash/ect....? 33 votes
I get atleast 1 bug every like... 3 hours worth of play time average
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#########, i vote "yes", while i should vote "no", as my time got nearly infinite without any bugs. I only had bug once (dc to be precise) but it was on internet from mobile phone when my normal internet goes wild, so idc xD
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Yes I do experience bugs, but game breaking bugs that cause me to DC are extremely rare for me.
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Only one i ever get on xbox is after game ends i get disconnected from host. And it throws me back to main menu.
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I never had a bug that caused me to dc, even the basement bug came back to normal after getting unhooked and downed again so i still managed to play so in my more or less 6 months of playing the game, never had a bug that made me leave the match after it was loading. I’ve experienced some crashes in early weeks of playing but they all happened in menus.
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Australian internet is bad, so occasionally I get dropped out during certain weather conditions, but the most I get is the stupid console "NAT Type Error"/"Host Unreachable" thing that's swept through like a plague.
Worst consistent bug I get is loading into the main menue with a Bloodweb menue active.
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Bugs? All the time.
DC worthy bugs? Almost never.
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its uncounsitent
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I’ve only ever had one game breaking bug.
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I get bugs once in a while but really not that often. Don't remember last time my game crashed on me. Few weeks ago maybe?
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infinite loading happens 1 time in that time period but do get rank update error alot
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I've experienced some random bugs but only in the menus. Nothing ever kicked me out of a game, 'cept for my own internet at times. I also don't DC from a match unless there's an emergency, so the disconnection penalties will most likely not affect me unless my internet acts up (and if that happens, I'll just abstain from playing until my connection is stable again).