Build suggestions for helping partner escape?

Hi, forum friends! I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on a build for me to use, to help maximize chances of my wife escaping?
She is trying to get her 'adept' survivor trophies, so will be limited in what she can do. I am happy to help her, including staying behind and getting sacrificed.
I avoid 'meta' perks because they often only help the individual, or get us tunneled to death. My current build is Leader, Kindred, Botany Knowledge, and Empathy (most focused on finding her when injured, healing quickly, safe unhooks, and speeding up her actions).
Thanks for any ideas you might have!
It's random. Sometimes the killer spawns on you, sometimes you wonder where they were all game.
When I'm really trying to win I'll use Decisive, Borrowed, Self Care (I play solo, if you two can heal each other drop that one for something else) and a free perk that fits my mood. (usually map info)
Kindred imo is planning for failure. Better to not be hooked at all. Is that realistic? Maybe, maybe not, but it's a good mindset for tryharding.
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Are two aura reading perks really needed? I would do Head On or Iron Will for easier saves from shoulder or BT so you can get her off in endgame.
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Well Borrowed Time should be decent for making saves. We'll make it could also be good for fast heals or maybe even Autodidact.
Though I guess if your confident in your abilities your best bet might just be to take aggro and keep the killer busy as much as you can and perk up for that purpose so everyone gets ample time to do gens uncontested for as long as possible. Be the martyr and let yourself get killed if necessary to lower the risk of your wife dying.
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Have your friend equip a key and you equip a rainbow map and aim for that hatch. BT is very helpful for making sure your friend doesn't die off the hook as well.
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Object of Obsession might be worth using over Empathy and Kindred. Can be a good way to grab the killers attention but if they don't bite you'll atleast get a lot of information from it.
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However, if there isn't a mori, it allows you to turn a losing match into an escape for you friend to get that adept achievement. If you're that paranoid about it, bring plunderers and accomplish the same thing.
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Oh, these are great ideas, guys -- thank you so much!
We're just sitting down to play now, so I'll try some different suggestions from here and see if some work better for us than others.
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Good luck!
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I need a Hero
Survivor w/ Ranger Med-Kit (Gel Dressings, Self Adherent Wrap)
Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Babysitter, Bond (Adrenaline, Unbreakable, Decisive Strike)
Borrowed Time to ensure safe unhooks, Babysitter so it's hard for the Killer to tunnel. Dead Hard for safe looping. Then the last perk you can really go with whatever you are most comfortable with. Bond helps so then you both can see each other's aura, Adrenaline for when the last gen get's done and you can get up from slugging, or heal back to full to make the gate. I often take unbreakable because I tend to get slugged mid game with this build. The Ranger Med-Kit is just an even faster We'll Make It perk.
It's the build I use with my significant other too.