Idea for A New Optional Endgame Objective:

Following the last generator being completed and the doors being powered, the location of four “fragments from The Observer” will appear in random locations along the map glowing for only survivors to see. With this being the case survivors will have the option of trying to retrieve one of these fragments and escape the match with it (this can be collected before or after a door is opened). When a survivor picks up a fragment however, their location will be illuminated for the killer for as long as they hold the fragment. If a survivor is successfully able to escape with a fragment and collect 5 in total—thus putting an artifact together that can be sent to The Observer for rewards to help them in their battle against the entity--they will receive 25,000 bloodpoints and 50 or 100 iridescent shards. Similarly, killers who are successfully able to sacrifice 5 survivors carrying fragments will be rewarded by the entity for doing its bidding, receiving 30, 000 bloodpoints and 75 or 125 iridescent shards. 

(Originally, I thought they could receive 5,000 blood points and anywhere from 50 to 100 shards each match they collect a fragment with the killer always earning a bit more than the survivor, but think earning multiple and putting them together as a cumulative reward works as a better mechanic. How many iridescent shards earned is also a point of uncertainty here. You want it to be enough to incentivize the optional endgame, but of course, it can't be too much. Given how many shards are needed to obtain new killers/cosmetics, I personally 100 and 125 would be a nice sweet spot).

Going after a fragment will be optional, so survivors won’t have to feel forced to go after one, but with the incentive of earning a nice chunk of bloodpoints and some iridescent shards hopefully many survivors would take up the challenge and give killers something to fight for as well. Though I primarily play survivor, I originally developed this idea with killers in mind. Say a killer was gen rushed and feels frustrated with how quickly gens flew by; if survivors take the chance and try to obtain a fragment, at least the killer has another thing to play for that may extend the endgame just a bit. Survivors would get another little activity to mix up the endgame, killers who may have struggled could potentially get another chance to land themselves a survivor or two helping alleviate some of their frustration, and because you receive slightly more rewards for completed the killer side of the endgame, hopefully more people would feel encouraged to give killer a try (I’ve only been playing the game for little over a month, but based on what I see people discuss it appears it can be a struggle getting people to play killer at times). The idea is by no means perfect and as I typed it up problems/exploits definitely came to mind, but nonetheless I’m curious to here what people think of this rough endgame idea and what they would do to help improve it! Any ideas of your own?