Casual rank-free games.


Question for devs mainly, but everyone's opinion is welcome.

What about to make non ranked list to feel less annoying about losing and so on? It would be perfect to train new builds, killers, survs etc.etc. and definitely less toxic and more relaxi ng for everyone.

I guess it would help everyone, don't u think? Ofc same mm system to feel the same challenge and pressure for both sides.

What do u think?


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    well....ranks dont matter, like at all.

    I mean what do you think this will do?

    1. it will sepperate the already relatively small community
    2. it will invite toxic af players to bully those looking for some casual fun
    3. ranks already dont matter in the slightest
    4. if you gain bloodpoints in that mode then some will play that only, again halfing the community really and if you dont, then its a waste of time nobody will play.
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    All games are rank free.


    It is an arbitrary term used for a matchmaking tool.

    All it does is ATTEMPT to BETTER match people with others of that level.

    It is not rank.

    It gives no reward.

    There is no competetive vs casual mode. It's all casual.

  • peacemaker94
    peacemaker94 Member Posts: 21

    No, ofc there will be bp. Like rainbow six siege, for honor, cs - there is casual list everywhere. Ehy not? Yes, they can be toxic, but whats the difference if u wont lose like anything?

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    2 queues = 2 times longer queues

    And rank currently does nothing anyway. Its going to be reworked soon too.