Punish Slugging (Perk Idea)

First I will admit, this is a dumb idea that trolls can use to screw over teammates. It's very situational, but could help a teammate and cost the killer.
Description: "You know when your beat, but you don't want to end up sacrificed to the entity. So you make the hard decision to take yourself out." When you're in the dying state, accelerate the rate you bleed out to die faster.
The killer doesn't get the points when survivors bleed out. Plus if it's just you and 1 more survivor, you could use this perk to help them make a hatch escape if it's available.

What are your thoughts with this idea?


  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    does the killer get points for slugging tho?

  • WeaponXMetsu
    WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

    I don't think that would ever be a perk, but I'm not against any ideas. After all, if no one had ideas and the devs do pay attention it could prove useful. Back to the point... if that was even a possibility then it would likely (IMO) be something built into the game. I really doubt this would be something that would be implemented though.

    If slugging is a huge problem (and I don't know if it is) there is likely some other adjustments that could be made. Probably a passive affect for survivors. Maybe tweaking speed of bleed out or a possibility to get up at the chance of bleeding out faster. If you have a chance to get off a hook then maybe something like that would work.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Or you can equip Unbreakable.

    Or you can just crawl off to a corner where the killer either can't find you or is wasting time waiting there for someone to get you.

    I slug people CONSTANTLY as killer, and I get slugged sometimes as survivor. It's not that big of a deal.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited August 2018
    You can use Unbreakabill if you hate slugging.
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    You can use Unbreakabill if you hate slugging.
    Unbreakable, Tenacity, or No Mither. All punish slugging to some degree, and IMO Unbreakable + Tenacity is especially good for that.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Esheon said:
    You can use Unbreakabill if you hate slugging.
    Unbreakable, Tenacity, or No Mither. All punish slugging to some degree, and IMO Unbreakable + Tenacity is especially good for that.
    But, but my DS, SC, SB, BT build...
  • Slugging was already punished when they increased the bleed out timers.learn DBD history fam

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    There could be a lot of major downsides to that perk. You can't be on the ground as long and I do believe killers actually do get points for bleed out, but it won't count for the pip. You're stronger together and at that point, you're better to lead him away from your other teammate if they're on hatch (or towards if they're being unhelpful and camping it) than to just bleed out sooner. If killer left you on the ground to go look for the other, that gives them the chance to go get you up and gens are a lot easier to finish if one person can distract for a certain amount of time.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Wolf_of_the_Rift said:
    First I will admit, this is a dumb idea that trolls can use to screw over teammates. It's very situational, but could help a teammate and cost the killer.
    Description: "You know when your beat, but you don't want to end up sacrificed to the entity. So you make the hard decision to take yourself out." When you're in the dying state, accelerate the rate you bleed out to die faster.
    The killer doesn't get the points when survivors bleed out. Plus if it's just you and 1 more survivor, you could use this perk to help them make a hatch escape if it's available.

    What are your thoughts with this idea?

    Obviously the killer has to get the points if you decide to suicide in dying state.
    Basically your perk idea is covered by simply DCing. Dcing does everything you suggest with this idea already. Since devs dont care about DCing and dont punish it, I dont see a reason why we need such a perk

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    I mean the way I see it if a survivor wants to die faster why not!? I mean it takes away one perk from the meta load out