Should Haddonfield be removed?

I have a passion against Haddonfield. It is by far the worst map to play killer on, there are too many loops, the indoors are completely based for survivor (such as the window to balcony vaults), and I feel like it should be completely reworked to a different map, or removed entirely from matchmaking. Thoughts?



  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I have to agree. Haddonfield is my fear map. As survivor, it's like you say, easy escapes and loops, but as killer, you REALLY have to endure the pain to even catch them out. I hope it's reworked soon, alongside other maps that have these sorts of issues. I doubt they'll remove it from MM in the mean time though.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Its an awkward map but as killer Iโ€™d still take it over a coldwind map.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    It needs more door ways upstairs.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    It should be reworked instead. If the devs are going in order of the statement on one of their streams a couple months ago, then we should see either Haddonfield or Coldwind reworked.

  • huntressmain03
    huntressmain03 Member Posts: 120

    Really? I usually enjoy Coldwind maps a lot more than others, my favourites being MacMillan, Coldwind and Autohaven (basically almost base killer map), but I find that interesting

  • huntressmain03
    huntressmain03 Member Posts: 120

    Well I'm hoping its an extensive rework, not a piddly little asthetic rework, but a proper overhaul

  • I_Face_Camp
    I_Face_Camp Member Posts: 244

    Definetly shouldn't be removed. Of course it will be reworked and until then we should just enjoy the OG Haddonfield. Also if you play Demogorgon it's really fun to go up on the balconies and pounce off 50 feet into the street :)

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    In general nothing should be straight up removed. Even heavily controversial things like original Mettle of Man and Legion didn't just get deleted from the game, even though how they were reworked is a completely different discussion ๐Ÿ˜„

    Reworked though? Yeah, for sure. I find the map pretty boring to play as both killer and survivor. Sorta fun to permanently block balconies that can only be reached through a window as Trapper though I will admit.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Yes, HadNoFunField is boring for both sides

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    As Trapper, Haddonfield actually IS Haddonfun. :D

  • JillSandwichL
    JillSandwichL Member Posts: 26

    Haddonfield is ok, rework mount ormond pls

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    It shouldn't be removed but I would like it to be top of the rework map list.

  • huntressmain03
    huntressmain03 Member Posts: 120

    How is Haddonfield ok compared to Ormond? At least you have area to somewhat move properly, but the loops are still BS on Ormond but not the worst

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    I'd actually rather play Haddonfield than Ormond as any killer. Screw Ormond.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    Well, it's my favorite map on the game because I'm a huge Halloween fan, but it's definitely Survivor sided. It just needs fixed, I don't want to see it go away entirely.

    In that regard, it's not the only map that needs some changes.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The corn sucks. It's my one weakness in the game. Hear chase music but see no survivor. Spend most of the time squinting trying to make out the little Claudette urban evading around in there.

    Torment creek wouldn't be as bad if not for the god window, but the others just have too much corn.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Wait, let me get this straight. The map you deem favorable to survivors should be removed because you don't like it? Most maps are very much killer sided, and as a killer, I appreciate it, but in no way do I dread the one map survivors have an advantage in. I think it is pretty pretentious to want it deleted.

    Heck, I usually feel bad for survivors on any swamp map. Those are horrible for survivors. I can usually stand on the boat or boathouse and see everything. I stalked with Shape like nuts up there. Should survivors ask for it to be removed? No

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited February 2020

    Aside from the fences and the house of pain, Haddonfield is """fine""" compared to every coldwind map and every red forest map. It's just that it's unbelievably boring to play on, worse than Lery's, Hawkins and The Game imo. I'd want it to be reworked, both the visual and gameplay sides but not removed because it is a pretty unique map and I want to see one actually be fun to play on for once lmao. (Like seriously can you get rid of the spinning police lights and The Great Hedge(s) of China, and also make sure those specific windows in the house of pain never open? Thanks.)

    edit: It's also definitely not the worst map to play killer on. Ormond is disgustingly broken in terms of balance and so are maps like Fractured Cowshed and Thompson House

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I've played quite a few games that spawned me in Haddonfield and shortly after the killer DCs, lol.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I agree about the swamp map being just as bad for survivor too, almost always 4k or 3k

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    I hate haddon as surv. I must be the only one. I am not an in your face looper and the smaller the map the more anxious i get.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    People seem to forget that all killers and all survs with all their perk variations, strengths and weaknesses have to play on the swamp. What is good for one might be a weakness for another.

    You might get nothing but immersed urban and spine chill players as a myers and never seen them. Its happened to me on that map. That was the first time i never saw anybody and all 4 got out. Quite a shock that was. Seriously. I was brown myers at the time. But to never see anybody?

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Swamp has the lowest rate of survival while Haddonfield is the highest rate. Even at the highest rate, it is less than 50%.

    I believe that is what creates the stereo types on maps.

    Personally, I love Haddonfield as Trapper. Trap up the upstairs windows, narrow grass corridors and listen to the screams of trapped victims. It's a great map for Trapper

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Might be because of its size. It is a failry small map to be honest. Not a lot of places to hide and a lot of wide open places. Not many run urban these days so gettign around on that map without urban and being seen is a slow affair. In todays gen rush era being slow and not able to juke killers in open spaces is a death sentence for me.

    But i dont mind that map to be honest. I like the way it looks. I stopped caring about living or dying. I want fun. But todays games are just way to quick for my liking. so sadly not playing. Lurking here instead.

  • Except every object in the damn game has an invisible hitbox that goes up to the sky so you randomly hit them, fall immediately to the game and stun yourself.

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    There are worst maps.

    Ormond, the maps with strong windows (Ironworks, wretched shop, etc...). The Crottus Prenn Asylum main building is insanely strong if you know how to use it, I think they did a great job with the new maps (Lery's reworked, Hawkins, the badham rework, the layout of Yamaoka (except for the stupid plants and bamboo sticks).

    Haddonfield is not that bad, except for certain killers, and it's strong for others (like trapper setting traps on the narrow corridors) and Oni (can't dodge him on corridors, you're dead man walking).

    Of course, balanced+haddonfield is stupidly strong, that has to go somehow.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    No it shouldn't be removed simply because you're not good at it, and don't like it.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    It's a shame that like-minded players are not able to play vs each other in the normal game. I really enjoy playing fun matches where the killer is engaged and it requires the survivors to really be on their toes. I don't care about 4k, I merely want to have chases, hooks, and a good 10 minute match with lots of BP. As survivor, I want to engage in chases, get some gens done, knock out some totems, rescue a player, heal some and who cares if I live or die? To me, it's fun either way.

    Unfortunately, most of my matches as killer feels like an exercise in pinball as I'm jumping from gen to gen trying to catch survivors out of position so I can down them in a quick chase and keep pressure. Even when I go out of my way to not tunnel, I get toxic responses or I get that BT/DS survivor who just got off the hook, runs up and wants to body block even if I was not near the hook when they got off.

    Oh well. KYF is fun for one or two matches, but I'd rather be getting BP.

    Sorry, this conversation went way off topic.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2020

    They should rework it already for sure, like it should have been reworked by now but still hasn't for some reason.

    Same with Coldwind farm.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    The game has to account for all perk types and as much as i hate that map, yamaoka, as killer it must be a paradise for an urban evasion types, or ones that run no scratchmark builds. Cos as killer i cant see the ground most of the time. And why should i be able track blood on every single map as killer? That would not be fair either.

    I remember the old darkest moon offering and playing claudette on shelter woods. That was the day i learned i dont always have to run. I got tired of running so i stopped running and stood still next to a series of trees. Granted it was a really dark map but the killer ran right by me.

    Its all good complaining about maps and things in this game but they do have to take each individual playing style and role into account whne it comes to map design. And not just accommodate the aggressive in your face i can out loop and out think you types.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Do you have Freddy? He ignores borrowed time. Does not work on him. He is strong. I strongly disliked playing against, the old, freddy and playing as freddy but the rework is ok with me. Maybe even a bit too strong.

    The new doc is fun as well. For me my biggest issues is constantly having to sweat as killer to get your kills. Be that one kill. Or two kills. But the constant sweating and being on your toes was taking its toll. I love playing killer but it is not good for me or my health. Blood pressure, you see.

    So i HAVE to put this game down quite a bit. If i want to see old age that. Older than i am now that is. And i am 50 now.

  • joeyprtr
    joeyprtr Member Posts: 42

    It's fine every map doesn't have to suit the killers play style. I mean come on as a survivor, I struggle on most indoor maps. So Haddon is a map that helps level out my games. I also play on console so because the killer is host they just use a lag switch causing u to rubber band back to them anyway.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    It would be fine if BHVR had decided to actually fix it instead of murdering Balanced Landing as a bandaid fix

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    I enjoy those maps as billy lol only killer tho besides that the corn hurts me

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    I honestly don't think haddo is THAT bad since the BL nerf. Most people are not running BL anymore, making the houses relatively unsafe.

    It is still bad, but there's far worse maps out there now.

    Badham, most coldwind maps, and ormond come to mind.

    When someone offers a strode key I usually think "at least it wasn't the pied piper".

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Dont you know? Survivors are overpowered and get everything handed to them. Killers arent OP in any way, shape or form and BHVR is out to get them.

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    I am really expirienced Killer. Please add 80 more Godloops, and pallets to each corner of each Map, especially Coldwind. Survivors are definitely to weak. Thanks BHVR.

  • pizzamess
    pizzamess Member Posts: 209
  • pizzamess
    pizzamess Member Posts: 209

    If it's been proven that they cant rework things correctly why shouldnt they just be removed or at least suspended till they do fix it.

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    Thats a licensed map. Cant be removed...

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366
    edited February 2020

    It's definitely one of the most killer sides maps. It needs a complete rework. They need to make it so more of the houses are available to go into. There just isn't enough looping points or safe pallets. They also need to give us access to the lofts in the houses too, but not the killer. In all, this terribly one sided map needs survivor buffs.

    *Sarcasm *EvErYtHiNgIsOpPlSnErF

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544
    edited February 2020

    I just got Mother's Dwelling TWICE in a row tonight. You can't defend a damn thing on that map if you are certain killers. That map needs to be put in the wash and shrunk.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620


    cOrN and The Game are far worse. Just make the damn fences shorter, other than that, Haddonfield is fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    I'd rather play on Haddonfun than Red forest. Gigantic map, almost all the pallets are safe, Anna's homestead is still very safe when a survivor runs it properly and awful loops copy pasted from Ormond.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Nope, its a decent size map and since the balance landing nerf, its been less stressful for killers to play in. (killer main here) Mount Ormond on the other hand should either be reworked or removed. Way to big, too many pallets and too many chained jungle gyms.

  • HarryToeknuckles
    HarryToeknuckles Member Posts: 158

    I don't play killer much so I never really understood what the problem with Haddonfield was but after the game I just had, I get it. There were certain fence loops where there was absolutely nothing I could do in a chase, as soon as a survivor was found they'd run for these safety zones. Combined with gens that are upstairs and take time to reach, the whole thing seemed futile. It's frustrating enough to make me take a break from this game for awhile.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    Haddonfield needs to be disabled. Unless I'm playing Trapper I will DC from that map every damn time. I hate it. It's bad. Redo it.