Unfair "Pig" Add-ons

I was in a Pig match with 2 friends and 1 rando, and needless to say: the Pig was a little tunnely. I get downed and they put the mask on me. Here's the issue though:
A) As soon as the timer started, I noticed that I had a very limited amount of time to remove it (like 45 seconds)
B) All the traps were a significant distance from each other
C) I could not do one of the closer traps as the rando had just hopped on it (and I didn't want to waste time by waiting)
D) The RNG was not on my side as I had 1 trap left (with 10 seconds to spare)
As stated before, the killer was a little tunnely and ended up finding me again and hooked me.. again. I got taken off the hook, but by the time I got to the last trap, the timer ran out.
Mind you, all of this happened within 3 or so minutes.
Maybe I just had rotten luck or maybe I'm onto something, but how is it remotely fair that there's an add-on to already reduce the amount of time to take off the reverse-bear trap when I have to focus on getting away from the killer + among the other things to do within a trial? I could not do ANYTHING in that game because of how fast that timer was going.. I've been against the pig a number of times and I've never had this issue before.
(For any pig mains, go easy on me. Maybe there's just something I'm missing. I'm not trying to sound like a baby.)
It takes it from 3 minutes to 2 and a half it’s not that drastic also just make sure it actually recognizes you’re getting chased because that pauses the timer. Overall it just seems like you got bad rng but honestly the amount of times I see someone get it off first try is more than annoying
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There's a number of ways they tried alleviating the issue. TR will pause it, so will slugging. But each search is 12 seconds so 45 seconds doesn't sound right. Isn't the add-on that shortens it reduce it to a minute and a half?
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It is 100% impossible for the timer on the RBT to start at 45 seconds. The Traps can only have four possible starting times: 150 seconds base kit, 120 if you are using Tampered Timer, 165 if you are using Jigsaw's Annotated Plan, and 135 if you are using both Tampered Timer and Jigsaw's Annotated Plan (for some reason).
Tampered Timer is not a very good add-on, for what it's worth (even though I use it). Unless you secure a kill with a Reverse Bear Trap (something that is not very likely to happen even in the best circumstances for the Pig), the add-on does absolutely nothing.
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Its a purple add on called tampered timer. You dont go against it often because of how expensive and rare it is. After bringing my piggy to level 50 I have 3 of them.
I think normal timer is 2:30. Pretty sure tampered timer brings it to 2:00. That plus the time its on before a gen pops.
If you were hooked or downed, the timer stops. Maybe stops if in a chase but not sure.
Sounds like you had bad luck really. Most of the time I get traps off on first or second try. It sucks when you have to keep searching though.
The add on isn't OP as the bear traps being so random aren't usually a huge threat.
You'll probably go another couple dozen games against piggy before seeing another one.
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I'm going to safely assume it was this timer.
Again, I'm not trying to whine, but with bad RNG and a somewhat tunnely killer, I literally could not do anything that game. But I guess it is what it is.
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I've got, like, 20+ each of Tampered Timer, Bag/Crate of Gears, Jigsaw's Annotated Plan, Jigsaw's Sketch, and 50+ of Last Will. And this is with using pretty much only those add-ons for Pig. Running out of any of them is not something I have to worry about even a little. :P
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You got unlucky, as the key spawns in a box and you have to guess correctly. Also, if they tunnel traps, attempting to take off the traps, then they are a bad Pig.
2:30 base, 2 with Tampered Timer.
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Depends on how they go about it, to be fair. If they're tunneling from the get-go, they are probably bad. If Pig just stumbles upon them and tries to capitalize on that, that's fine as long as they don't spend too long. If Pig suspects that a Trap is close to going off and wants to try and force it, that's also fine (albeit risky). Also, if the Survivor clearly isn't bothering with the Boxes because the timer hasn't started, there is no reason to let them keep working on a gen.
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Maybe I just avoided expensive stuff in bloodwebs when trying to unlock teachable. Either way I've never had the pleasure of going against one that I can remember
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Nerf Pig
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When I play Pig I typically try to go with slugs and baiting with the traps on, then start hooking once the third gen pops. Blindness add-ons and perks work really well with her.
Though from what I seen, coordinated groups will have the helmet off in seconds, but will sometimes stall gens if someone has a helmet on.
And immersed players typically die if you switch stances a lot making your TR appear then disappear. Really messes with them and they hesitate for fear of confrontation. Then you see their corpse draped over one of the boxes.
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Nothing wrong with the addon, IMO it's purely an RNG issue. RNG is a big part of the game and someone likely always gets cucked by it, be it killer or survivor. The game being so RNG heavy is easily one of my least favourite aspects of the game and possibly the source of a lot of frustration.
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How was she tunneling if you had time to search 3 boxes?
Jesus Christ, you guys need to stop complaining about nonsensical made rules, otherwise the only thing left to chase you will be the trees.
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Its not RNG. You chose poorly. It is what it is.
Also, if shes chasing you, its not counting down. So. Theres that.
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"the killer was a little tunnely and ended up finding me again and hooked me"
First off this is not tunneling. That's you not paying attention to where the killer is. Is the Pig just supposed to let you run past them.
Secondly there are some add ons that do mess with the time but there are not overpowered.
Even when running Tampered Timer and the one that punishes you for missing skill checks on the box it still gives you plenty of time to get the thing off. Also as others said the timer does pause in certain conditions are met.
And if it has spawned you could alway just leave with the hatch.
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Well, the first thing you can do is a relax. Maybe take a deep breath or two. I did say she was a "little" tunnely. I'm not saying she was hard-core following me the entire time, but I was definitely being targeted. I'm not losing my mind over it, I'm just calling it out.
I'm not choosing poorly if my options are very limited. Therefor, it is RNG. I had 1 box left. I can only do so much when I have that mask on. And I never said she was chasing me, but she was definitely tracking me in some shape or form.
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Its not RNG. It's you picking. Had you gone to the other box first, it would have long been off. That's player choice, not RNG. You. Chose. The. Wrong. Box. Period.
Also, your quote in the OP "... the amount of time to take off the reverse-bear trap when I have to focus on getting away from the killer...."
So, she was or wasnt following you?
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How was she tunneling you if she wasnt chasing you after the hook???????
"I was being targeted".
Good lord. Everyone is a target.
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All Piggies are good Piggies! They only tunnel survivors when they refuse to Boop the Snoot!
Boop a Snoot everyone, it may save a life!
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Pig is player vs environment.
Just put traps on all living survivors and afk in front of one of the boxes. Ez game ez life.
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I can't believe this is a serious post. There is always time to check all the boxes. No combination of add-ons can change this.
The pig was not a little tunnelly if you ran into her and then she chose to chase you. You are fair game, even with the trap on. This is completely a git gud situation.
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Am I seriously going to debate which box is the right one while having that mask on? ESPECIALLY when that mask is already on a short timer? Of course not. I'm going to go the nearest box and try and get it off. If its not the right box, I'll move on. It's not necessarily my fault for choosing the wrong box when I don't even have a choice to begin with, when I'm already having to worry about a stealthy killer that could come around the corner at any moment.
And my "getting away from the killer" is a general statement since.. you know.. getting away from the killer is the objective of being a survivor in DBD. Again, she was definitely targeting me since she knew my time was limited.
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Did you try to boop the snoot?
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Its almost like a recreation of a trap from Saw where you are pressed for time and your decision is based whether you get killed. Very interesting.....🤔
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Most effective combo for The Pig based around boxes is tampered timer with a crate of gears. While crate of gears is generally good (makes so survs are forced to sit on boxes a bit longer), it's still more of a meme build that have the highest potential for a game over. It would be expected for that pig to be disruptive when you try to remove your trap (being "tunnely"), because they want you to die from a trap, one of the most satisfying moments for the Pig player.
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There's not such thing as "Pig unfair add-ons". Her add-ons are one of the weakest among all killers. Tampered Timer only reduces the timer from 2 minutes and a half to 2 minutes. So it only cuts off 30 seconds. It's very unlikely to get a head pop even with her best trap add-ons. You just got unlucky in that one game.
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There’s no way you only had 45 seconds to defuse your hat. Also, 2 of Pig’s add-ons (specifically the ones that increase the chance of a skill check while searching jigsaw boxes) are completely useless. Does that sound “unfair” to you?
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Do not boop that merry suicide stabber.
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It takes a whole 2 and a half minutes for that trap to actually do anything, and the tampered timer is 30 seconds off. 2 minutes is way more than enough time to go and search the jigsaw boxes, more often than not it seems to be off in the first or second box anyway so they're pretty useless usually.
Pig's real power is her ambush but even that's not that great as you're really loud when you crouch, and the roar as soon as you even begin charging your ambush which just defeats stealth. It's mostly used at unsafe pallets. RBTs might kill a little time but it's not like you can track them to the box and down 'em you still have other survivors to worry about - and with gen speeds the way they are they're not gonna care about the RBT anyway lol they'll just 99% a bunch of them pop their hats off and laugh at you on the way out.
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The words "unfair" and "Pig" used in the same sentence in reference to something about them being somehow OP.
Now I know I'm in the Twilight Zone.
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You wasted too much time healing yourself. Usually, its the only reason my Pig's trap kill anyone.
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Pig is just an awful unfun killer to play against in general. They tunnel like a leatherface facecamps. It's just their natural state of being.
The trap RNG is just a load of bull too, if they chase you off one like once or twice, and luck says it is the last one you check- you just die because of bad luck which is plain stupid.
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That's kind of how Pig has to play.
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I mean, when you have bad luck I have good luck. But for the most part it should average around the second box searched. As for tunneling.. ######### else am I supposed to do? You're just gonna DS me every time anyway so Pig's only plan really is to trap n' slug and hope it snowballs that way. If you go for hooks you'll have a really hard time but it's possible.
Even if you trap and slug those traps pop off like candy, takes no time at all usually and you're back to square one only you've got no power for the rest of the round lol.
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I'm no stranger to wanting the traps changed, but something that has always puzzled me is the pigs add ons for the reverse bear traps.
Exhaustion, blindness etc? In what situation are the safety helmets benefiting from those? They encourage a tunnel strategy that leaves three survivors free.
I don't get it. Maybe someone with 200iq does but I'm kerfunkled.
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*sad oink noises*
Come on! has she not been nerfed enough come on!
I'm sorry you experienced a hard time but I can assure you that as a pig main head pops no matter what add ons you bring are rare unless you brute force it to happen.
Most games the happiness helmet gets taken off the first try.
I'm sorry this pig choose to play in a manner that was no enjoyable for you.
Have a happiness boop to ease your trauma 🐽
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lol, that is just how it goes sometimes. Pig is not overpowered or unfair. If anything her power should be increased slightly.
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I will always Boop the Snoot. If it means my death, so be it, it would be worth it.
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"Chose poorly"
It's not choosing poorly, it's RNG :P
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Two? Try, like, eight.
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In short you got beat and went to the forums to cry
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You cannot choose poorly, if you have no information to base your decision on. How do you struggle so much with the concept of cause and effect? This is the second time I see you trying to make this silly point.
To clarify, the above statement does not mean I agree with OP's logic. From what I've read, he just played a little bit too immersed until the timer started running out, at which point they panicked and ran into the killer.
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WOW the misinformation in this thread is rampant. also there is GREAT information in this thread too but really the pig is not bad or good to go against. try a ghost face that reduced his exposure distance and extended his stalking distance. go against a tombstone/tuft of hair mikie that knows what they are doing.
The tampered timer does not really do much against you unless you have one extra box to search or the 4 are very far apart and more than just you are needing boxes. please the issue you had was not the timer, because as was pointed out you have 2 minutes with the tampered timer, but when the pig is around (inside the terror radius) your timer stops. You got unlucky because of the player playing the pig, not because of the add ons the pig had. if you wish to complain about add-ons, do not use a commodius toolbox with socket swivels/gen plans (or replace one with a brand new part), don't use a ranger med kit with speed addons, don't bring a key. You are doing the same as a killer does when they didn't like the fact their survivors had toolboxes.....
better luck for opponents plus the one thing you can do about this is to get better at the game, learn to avoid being downed etc. learn the right loops to run and the wrong ones to run. trust me it takes 100's of hours to get at minimum competent at the game.
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Pig is balanced because of Amanda's weird looking hands
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This is what I was thinking also 😀
And tunneling is sometimes needed for the game to be fair because Pig is not great.
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The term Tunneling probably is used and misused more than camping nowadays. Tunneling is when you are unhooked in front of the killer and they ignore everyone else, including the rescuer and anyone they run by working on gens, go get you again.
Getting found again either because the rest of your team is being stealthy or because you don’t pay attention to terror radius or look for the killer is NOT being tunneled.
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Is this Tampered Timer plus Crate of Gears? If so, then yes. It's very unfair. At the same time, the RNG is pretty unfair to the Pig player most of the time anyway. A rework the the RBT's and add-ons relating to them would be cool; I think her power otherwise has great potential, however.
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Tampered Timer + Crate of Gears is way more often than not Crate of Gears + Nothing.
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Who thinks to Pig has to or should be tunneling? If anything she does the opposite, once I trap and hook someone they are off my mind at least for a couple minutes. Once they get unhooked they still aren’t doing anything except trying to get their trap off, it’s time to pressure someone else in a chase that means at least two people not doing gens.
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Unsure what you're trying to say here?