Unfair "Pig" Add-ons



  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    He’s saying reducing the timer means very little since it’s so RNG based anyways. If they get it off on the first try that 30 seconds doesn’t matter, if they don’t find it for 2-3 boxes that timer probably didn’t matter anyways.

    In terms of traps most people consider both addons that add an extra box to be stronger, even though one actually slows down the trap timer.

    Anyone who thinks a trap popping is a real my goal of the pig doesn’t understand her well, it’s purpose is to waste the survivors time before they can get back on a gen.

    Head pops are funny but rare

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Tampered Timer doesn't do anything unless you get an RBT kill, which does not happen very often. So a majority of the time, it is as if that particular add-on slot is empty. Ergo, using Crate + Timer is almost always the same as just using Crate by itself.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    With those two add-ons, it's really not that rare. That's kind of the issue.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793
    edited February 2020

    With six boxes you have a slightly greater than 50% chance of getting it off.

    If you can’t get to three boxes in three minutes you are wasting time, most often culprit is self healing.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2020

    It is still quite rare, even with those two add-ons.

    Source: I pretty much ONLY play Pig.

  • obeymylogic001
    obeymylogic001 Member Posts: 4

    Ur litteraly complaining about one of the worst add on load outs in the game the pigs add ons are trash like most of them are related to her rbt's which have been needed twice their complete garbage it's a you thing dude

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    To words that should never be used together...pig and unfair.

  • ReapersWrath85
    ReapersWrath85 Member Posts: 18

    Survivors add ons and the map you end up makes "pig" hard to control the map.Also, if your in with a good team they repair gens close to finish so it wouldnt activate the trap.which more often then not they all get used and usually all get free..I think she needs a stronger trap or activates if you get unhooked..her perk not gives distance from the hook and a reason to go after the rescuer.using surveillance,Bitter Murmur,Im all ears and switch (havent unlocked much perks)..just unlocked discordance by mistake,cost me a (mind blank) kill all purple mori..see the potential but already have 2 for gen and not sure discordance is good enough to replace one..then again I underestimated Im All Ears...anyways,They better not weaken her up,shes becoming my main..Now with spirit,even all the different add on types threw me off at first,alone getting good .I left without a scrach vs pig and others had the whole team down and sporting new head gear.luck out at times or you get destroyed..last match after all others were dead I got picked up and the killer spent a more time then I expected looking for the hatch to set me free.This is right after he throw 15 hatches at me,but gave him a little crawl and spin dance and he watched..saved me