My thoughts on the state of the game.

JC316 Member Posts: 693

I've been on forced vacation from the forums for a little while, which gave me time to just play the game and not deal with any of this. Just wanted to give a few thoughts that I've gathered in my exile.

As expected and intended, ruin is absolutely worthless and flat doesn't carry the strength to be a hex perk. Any time it's used to potential, it gets broken. As predicted, none of the killer bugs were resolved and they created new ones such as the hag teleport glitch and the instablind flashlights. Also as predicted, they're going to remove ranks to cover how atrocious the matchmaking is. You're kidding yourself if you think the MMR is going to fix this, since the only thing that will fix it is making killer easier to play.

Now, I HATED doctor when I first played him, but after working with some strategies, he is one of my favorite killers. He can still get crapped on with a bad map, but for the most part, they did a pretty good job with him. Also as predicted, the Lerys map has more safe pallets and is more survivor friendly, but it looks so good that I just can't even be mad about it, plus it wasn't a total shift in strength.

Gen times are an absolute joke, which has made the terrible map design show even worse. There are far too many pallets and strong loops for how little time you have. If you're using an M1 killer on rotten fields, red forest, ormond, badham, Ironworks of misery, Haddonfield, or torment creek with the god window open, you might as well alt tab out, because you're not going to win against decent survivors. You can pressure and juggle all you want, but at best, you're getting a black pip.

I'm having to stick to Doc, Meyers, and Ghostface if I want a decent chance at pipping. My beloved hag is just too broken to play, nothing like teleporting, seeing two different screens flash, then see the survivor hightailing it out and being too slow to catch up.

Survivor side is just boring. M1, loop killer to infinity, escape. Most of my matches don't even have a chance for altruism because the killer might get two hooks in the whole game.

So yeah, for all of the people that said "give it a chance, it might be better than you think", or "the devs have a plan, just have some faith", yeah, you're dead wrong, the only plan the devs have is $$$, and killers apparently don't bring that in.
