Borrowed time vs Freddy

When a survivor start unhooking ,
I (Freddy) hit the unhooker to pull in dream. After finish unhooking.
Does the hooked survivor get borrowed time?
(sry for bad English)
Best Answer
No, they do not.
If you have hit the survivor during the unhook, or before the unhook, they will be asleep, and therefore afflicted with "Oblivious". This prevents any effects from the terror radius from activating, including borrowed time.
As far as I know, it doesn't matter whether the survivors are awake or dreaming, the hooked survivor gets Borrowed Time when they are unhooked.
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It does matter. Being asleep gives the survivor oblivious, which means no tr, which means no bt
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How long before this gets nerfed?
I main freddy.
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Imo Borrowed Time should be based off distance of the killer not within the killer terror radius. Much like Perks like Make Your Choice.