Running out to deny the killer the hatch closure points.

One of the all-time favourite antics of the Survivor troll gangs:

They've acted like buttock-warts all match, with all the usually tactics to annoy the killer, taking glee in their own attempts to turn people away from the game out of pure frustration. You've simply brushed it off and have attempted to play and have fun, as best you can.

But what really is intriguing is the sheer selfishness of running out at the exit gate in order to deny the killer the opportunity to find and close the hatch. You can tell when this has happened purposely: It usually occurs after a survivor has been rescued and they've ran off to escape a 99% complete exit gate. The injured survivor leaves but it's obvious the last survivor is there, desperately in the mood for a teabag. Sometimes it's just better to make the most of what's left: find that hatch and get a few extra points.

The final survivor then realises you're far away, looking for the hatch. Knowing you have no interest in sharing the hilarity of seeing them crouch up and down repeatedly, they understand you're not rising to them.

So off they go, just to spite you and to deny you them points. You can tell when this has happened, the mature post-game chat confirms it. "No hatch for you lolz". Peak conversation.

I'm in no way saying "THE LAST SURVIVOR MUST NOT EXIT VIA THE GATE UNTIL I'VE CLOSED THE HATCH!". It's just sad to know that some players will do anything and everything to antagonize others. It's just so pathetic.

Shame. The match-making and abhorrent player base are really damaging this game. Oh well.

