How is the Ruin game going?

If you ask me, I say really enough! There is no build left that I haven't tried! I do my best, I try to stop them, but it does not and does not happen, they continue to do genrush! Looking at Survivor, the game may seem really fun, but when I get back to the killer, I really say it's enough!
Did you ever think why 90-95% use ruin BHVR? Borrowed time, decisive strike, prove thyself, sprint burst, pallet loop and the generators are finished, there are still safe places and pallets! I tried everything I could and as a result the same and the same! Do they really have trouble making a skillcheck with Ruin? I see my totem broken before the game starts!
I want that damn Ruini back!
and then? It gets broken just as fast ;)
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I have to agree that since the Reset it's been very hard to 4k or even 3k, I feel a lot of the optimized players have come back to get their ranks up and in a sense it's extremely hard to face Survivors that know every trick in the book.
Ruin was used to minimize this, especially with gen-times being so fast in comparison, but Survivors like that would find Ruin anyways and destroy it OR work right through it, so the perk itself didn't solve that issue.
I'm a firm believer that the maps really do need to be reworked to fit this fast pace meta that we're in right now, we should hopefully see something like that in the future. I've used Ruin Post and Pre rework and it still would break sometimes in 30 seconds of the match, even soon sometimes!
I feel Ruin's rework isn't the issue here, it's mostly got to do with the structure of the maps and some of the loops that're in said maps, but that's just my opinion.
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No need to say much :)
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I think what he means is that the perk would be broken in 30 seconds or less a lot of times, making it essentially useless for most of the game ONCE broken.
Which he's right, even Post Ruin still gets broken within 30 seconds if the Survivor is lucky and finds it, or spawns on it...
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At least I want the old ruin to come back until maps are arranged.
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Good so far, I have been enjoying ruin specially on Legion and Billy
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If I used Mori, yes, but generally it comes to me with toxic swf: /
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Understandable with how the meta has progress at the moment, but unfortunately Old Ruin will not make a return and perks like Ruin will not be made, they will consider making more gen reduction perks in the future, but they won't synergize like Old Ruin did with a lot of other Gen Stopping perks or "Anti-Gen perks".
I understand how you feel, especially with this reset bringing back a lot of skilled Survivors that're so used to every loop and map, but we can only hope for a map rework that's reasonable for both sides.
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As in my old days, I want to play 30-40 minutes with TOXIC players, which is generally called hard match. Of course, Legion again caused too much trouble for its strength, and her power no longer works! I usually play Legion as m1 but BHVR said it would bring a rework? I'm sure he'll bring the nerf again because I see they don't intend to buff. There is only one thing left to do. I can't jump rank anyway, and there is no balance in the game anyway.
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DBD's meta is constantly changing and progressing, balance is hard to keep when such a meta exists on a game as unique as DBD.
They actually did buff Legion a bit with his vault and a few of his add-ons, but a full scale change is still to be determined. I personally don't know if they will rework him anytime soon, but when they do i'm sure they've got ENOUGH information from the community to know what to change.
Some Killers don't need to be reworked either, so Legion could actually receive a buff instead. But again, I personally don't know when that will be.
It's up to you on what you'll do next, but I wouldn't give up hope on the Killer side of things just yet, i'm sure we'll see some development on the maps and/or other Killer related things soon. Something fair for both sides of course.
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I think you're saying that plugins that increase frenzy time are buffing 0.1%? Legion ate nerf again.
BHVR is making fun of this issue. I tried to make my voice heard by saying that Legion needs buff in every match. I was really happy when the change came to Legion, but you know? It is a frustration I have had, and Legion was better if it never changed.
I offered such an idea, but BHVR's reading is no longer important to me. If Legion changes again, I believe that it will eat nerf again. So I don't want them to touch that Legion anymore. I can feel that they will sink even more...
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It was a small buff to vaulting speed and other such add-ons, that's about it. I doubt BHVR is "having a laugh" about The Legion situation, it's hard to really help out a Killer that got flak from the start of their release, so they do the best they can to balance them out and than schedule a rework/buff for the future.
The fact they may or may not buff/rework a Killer means that they care, otherwise they would just let them "rot" in a sense.
Also, I was fairly supportive of The Legion when they first released back in December 2018, and the Killer itself, at least to me, was unique in how their power focused on a "rush down" concept rather than a one on one chase. Despite this, and the changes he had which I don't fully agree with, the nerf was necessary due to The Legion not being fun to face as a Survivor, which he wasn't.
The same thing happened to The Spirit, she wasn't nerfed because she was OP, she was nerfed because she wasn't fun to face and some of her Add-ons we fundamentally broken... just like some of The Legions mechanics and/or his add-ons like Franks Mixtape for example.
I doubt another look at The Legion will result in a nerf, since The Legion doesn't really need a nerf, they're relatively fine where they're at the moment but a buff is always welcomed.
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* facepalm * I noticed that I made a mistake in my message. When I look at the location again, I see that I make mistakes even in small places. Sorry I don't get into the forum very much these days and there is no time.
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Understandable, we all make mistakes sometimes, even in what we write on a daily basis.
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Ruin is actually pointless now. Unless they make it a non-hex perk or make it so that the totem can't be destroyed for the first 5 minutes of the game, there's no point in it even being in the game.
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*Corrupt Intervention joins the chat*
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Ooo, buys me a whole 2 minutes. Still leaves the others wide open to be gen rushed :) Game is balanced btw
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It actually helps a lot for the start of the game, especially for Killers that need to set-up like Trapper, The Hag, or Demogorgon.
It also stops any immediate gen-rushing that will occur when the match begins, so you won't instantly lose a few Generators when you find your first Survivor.
Corrupt Intervention might not be Pre-Ruin, but it gets the job done in it's own way. The game wasn't meant to be centered around one perk that slows down Gen times and can be combo'ed into other perks like Corrupt or Pop...
If you seek balance than we'll have to wait and see what the future holds, at the moment the Rank Rework is something that's desperately needed at the moment.
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I noticed that BHVR has finally made an update that will delight. However, there is a problem that I do not understand.
Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe, Styptic Agent and Brand New Part will we lose the item when we use them? or just delete add-on?
It would be great if it would just disable instead of deleting!
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Anything that disappears on use, such as the BNP, syringe, styptic, keys, etc. will still disappear, because they don't work based on charges, they just disappear after they're used. The only change being made is that if an item, like a map, toolbox or medkit (or a key, if it's used for aura reading rather than to open the hatch) loses all its charges, it won't disappear, it will just become useless for the rest of the match, but you will still be able to escape with it and keep the item.
EDIT: The above also applies to flashlights. I just forgot they were a thing.
Post edited by Fibijean on0 -
I thought this was for all equipment, my flashlight sometimes ends fast, especially when playing as toxic while using flashlight. If I understood correctly, is the answer to these add-on I provided yes?
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I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Flashlights work the same as all other items under the new changes, in that they will no longer vanish once all their charges run out, they will just become useless. If you escape while carrying the item, you won't lose the item itself, but you will lose any add-ons unless you have Ace In The Hole equipped.
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Survivor is way too easy now. I get bored easily when I have just used my first pallet and 4 generators are already completed.
I still manage to kill 3 or 4 survivors more often than not when I play killer. However, it is really stressful and It is usually quite obvious that I could only win because of significant mistakes that the survivors made. I also liked to use Ruin in order to be able to afford playing the match slowly, hooking everyone 3 times and getting a lot of BP. Now I sometimes feel forced to tunnel or slug in order to secure a victory.
Over all, I think that Ruin being removed was a good thing. However, something should definitely be done about the match speed right now.
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The game seems fun to you as survivor? Lucky you. Both roles suck hard to play.
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There is no point in deactivating items if we are going to lose add-ons. The tactics will continue in the same way. We will leave the items at the tip of use as always.
Be sure, I actually hate this game because it is because of the updates and changes that will make players seriously cancer. but now we can wash the walls I don't know what it means ptb will answer it.
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You lose the add-ons no matter what happens. It doesn't matter how many charges are remaining on the item.
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So, escaping with the item means we will still lose the add-on?
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That's correct, yes.
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* sigh * I guess I will not talk about this update any more, it is the same disappointment and another update that will frustrate players ... I am sure that other than me, I am sure that others will react about this issue....
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Nah, new ruin is fine. Even more than fine if you can make enough pressure. With this perk i can now hold last 4 gens for infinity period of time on pretty much every killer with mobility. All you have to do is making pressure. On nurse just blink from gen to gen, they have to run away, and blink away to another gen... then blink back to earlier gen (if it was touched). Gen will reverse faster than they will repair it = infinite loop :D. And all you need is to surprise survs so you can get that 1 hit. Then go away, they return back to repair... and again appear and try to hit someone. Often i can get 2-3 kills + every single one of these kills was from third hook. And its not only nurse - i did the same with freddy, demogorgon, oni, billy, legion (yes, him too), plague (maybe no mobility but poison shows you when they start working back on gen + it makes them vulnerable to getting 1 shot. Also if they decide to cleanse... well, pick up it, and spit near gen above walls, its free 3 or 4 hits on every single surv that were working + they cant heal it in waters if they arent poisoned... and if they were poisoned you can even get kills from this action).
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It's best to look at things more optimistically than negatively, especially if you look at all updates like this that don't immediately address and issue you're concerned with.
It's ok to be concerned or unhappy with a change, that's why we all have opinions, but if you just look at everything in a negative light than you're only setting yourself up for failure. Food for thought, this wasn't to attack you if it came off that way...
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I want to ask a single question on this topic.
Give reason to use Ace in the Hole and coin.
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It's good for an item hunter build, if you add Plunderers Instinct to both Ace in the Hole and a Shiny coin and you'll have a lot better odds in finding the items you want to keep!
Ace in the Hole gives you a 50% (At Tier lll) to find a 2nd add-on of Uncommon Rarity or lower and there's a 100% chance of an add-on of Very Rare Rarity or lower will be added to the item you pick up, so in a sense you could use Plunderer's Instinct to get better items out of the box AND get better add-ons to keep with that item when searching through boxes.
The coin just increases your odds of finding the item you want, or an item that's close to what you're looking for.
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Forget what I said. At least there is still a reason for my product and add-on farm.
Survivor Perks (Patch Notes 3.6.0)
- The Perk Ace in the Hole now adds the ability to keep the addons when escaping a trial with an item.
However, the game is still in poor condition.
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At the moment, the game does suffer from match-making issues and other such things, but it's not like it'll be like that forever...
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I hope BHVR releases an update that will fix the game. Otherwise, as I said, the game will really die.