Addressing The Queue Times | Idea

I guess every one here has noticed the increased queue times for Survivor vs Killer queue times.
Survivor Stats:
Many players just seem to prefer the Survivor Role over the Killer Role. Couple of minutes for Survivors vs only a few seconds for Killers.
Since this is an asymmetrical (4v1) game, for even queue times there needs to be four times as many Survivors playing than Killers are. It just seems this isn't the case right now. My idea for this issue beside ACTUAL balance is as follows. Let there be a system that works like scale/seesaw that effects the bloodpoints you get for playing the specific role, a multiplier.
For example, if there are 10x more Survivors playing over Killers, Killers will be granted a multiplier of +15% extra BP after the game (just like BBQ). The perfect scale for the distribution of the percentages of extra or even less BP just needs to be decided. In the main menu there would be a share that shows you the current queuetimes and multipliers.
The idea is to lessen queue times for the "favoured" role. Problems could be that the system wouldn't really affect really queue times, since we are already suffocating from enough BP to be honest. Maybe lessen the BP with the multiplier then? Also as of it right now, more Solo Survivors would switch to Killer infact and "only" people that play survivor would be SWFs, because why would you meet up with a friend to play Killer (basically). This can be hard for the killer. SWF op?