Why some killers think survivors are op?



  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476


    Wow that reach...... is golden.

    All your doing is reiterating yourself. I could literally copy and paste my reply to you from your OTHER post and completely close you down.... again.

    Their stats are better then your anecdotal talking points. Do you know what anecdotal means?

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I'm a pretty decent killer. 69% kill rate against average survivor ranks of 3.7. That said, I only pip in 50% of my games, because I am so pressed for time. I got a death squad earlier tonight, one hook total.

    Trust me when I say the game is still very survivor sided. If you're not winning as survivor, it's totally on you.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    It is easy to believe the other side is overpowered when you are getting matched with someone 10-15 ranks lower than you.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2020

    You know what they say about critical thinking, once you resort to insults, you don't have it.

    Perhaps if you consolidated your talking points and offered something more than anecdotal points I'd listen. But all your doing is jumping up and down saying 'stats aren't facts' but not offering anything better.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Even if i accepted your numbers at face value (which I don't) you failed to even mention the polarisation between solo and swf which is VASTLY different.

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    The game is considered survivor sided by pretty much all top players. Statistics do not indicate this because it's a skill gap issue; the vast majority of survivors can't even get on gens aggressively, let alone loop well, including SWFs, including rank 1s, etc. A decently skilled SWF, which is rare, will completely slaughter any killer but a highly skilled top tier killer.

    Games like this are 1/50, if that, but their spectre haunts every killer. Particularly when even a team of survivors who aggressively do gens & heal only when it's very efficient requires extremely sharp play from the killer.

    Even consistently outchasing these players, you must down often & slug heavily to output enough pressure & take them off gens, and the feeling is one of "I'm busting my ass and you're holding M1". Add in a key escape and a GG EZ. Bad feelings all around.

    This is then oversimplified and received as "gens go too fast, survs too strong, nothing a killer can do ever", and killers who don't understand when to drop chases or how to rotate efficiently take up the cry, and the response to it is in turn oversimplified; "the game's nothing like you're saying it is, it's easy for me, apply pressure!".

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I'm tracking all of my stats. 44 kills out 64 survivors. One 4 man came from a mori, where I moried 2 players to counter a 3 toolbox gen rush. Gotten one kill from camping.

    Swf is harder to track, but I've gotten at least two 4 man swf, and three 2 man swf.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    First of all... why necro this?!

    Second... what is wrong?

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    This is such bad bait it literally kills me

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    There are a lot of crutch and broken things on both side but honestly the main problem with this issue is unless you're playing SWF you're going to get difficult matches. I play both sides so I completely understand why killers can think survivors are op but I also play solo survivor so I understand survivors aren't op but SWF can be. If you only play one side though it can mean that you don't get that and can just end up feeling like the other side is op.

  • ClayJen
    ClayJen Member Posts: 7

    im sorry this is a bad take, both survivors and killers have their crutches: ebony moris?, yeah they're pretty balanced since the nerf, and to compensate survivors have keys which function similarly; removing the late to mid game depending on kills, but from what I've seen survivors tend to use keys alot more than killers use moris unless they're doing respective challenges. However, I will agree irri head and infinite T3 are extremely strong, but the thing is they're offerings, and not perks, unlike things such as DH, DS, BT, NM and Lithe, and therefore gave the gated or rare aspect to them, and personally I rarely ever see irri head or infinite T3, as I think they're a very boring way to pay and overall inefficient to defending gens, and things like T3 can be countered easily by gen rushing and/or staying hidden from Michael. As for kill rates, the games called DEAD by daylight, the whole point is there is a maniacal killer after you, and is based of early 80s slashers, and ifk if you've ever watched them, but usually only one of the main characters survive, like Laurie Strode from Halloween, literally all her perks are based around her being the last person standing. As for indoor maps, no... no one likes indoor maps, accept the Silent Hill one, and infect I'd so far as to say they're the stronger maps for survivors, for example when I get The Game as survivor, I know I'm only getting 1-2 kills and t-bagged at the exit gates, as i know, there's 4 god pallets/ loops, and its hard getting up from the underside of the map, so its hard to play unless you're on demo, even for nurse that map is hard to win on due to how janky her power can be. I will agree however, perks like NOED are out of the park insane, but I also look at survivors body blocking hooks and down and in all honesty i think its fair, as killers have their bs op perks, as well as survivors having their 30 second chance esc perks. So in all honesty man I think you need to step back and look at both sides equally and without prejudice and look at what both sides have at their disposal , and what they have to put up with. But in saying all that SWF 4 mans, camping, NOED and the amount of killer exposed perks do need a look at.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Sorry man. But you posted this on the "Killers good. Survivors bad." forum. You won't get many unbiased answers.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Solo Survivor player and I wouldn't say we are overpowered but we definitely hold the power roll. While individuals skill may fall short as a team we have the full favor of objective time and resources to use against the killer. Even when Killers effectively end chases quickly the allotted time allows for saves and objectives to be completed long before the killer can fairly (as some Survivors dictate) secure kills.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    if you think killers are op (with the exception of spirit cause she's busted), then you're probably a bad survivor. Once you learn how to loop and make full use of meta perks, the only time you'll lose is against a god nurse

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,016