So about the Soundtrack DLC

Other than the fact that selling the OST is pointless because there will be youtube channels uploadin' that for free and media sites uploading it for free download. Is it me or does the OST DLC seem to contain several tracks not even in the game? Like my favorite track from the OST DLC is "Stranded" yet this track does not seem to actually play anywhere in the game.
And along side not even existing inside the game. There are tracks in the game that don't really show up in the OST DLC.
An example of this would be the general ambiance for survivor. Ya know what I mean. That little track that plays when you are walking around at the beginning of the game that doesn't really play anymore after being chased and so on.
So what the hell, Developers. What the actually hell?


  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845

    I don’t care what happens, I JUST WANT MY GODDAMN KILLER THEME BACK

  • Valtiel_Redfang
    Valtiel_Redfang Member Posts: 29

    @GT_Legend2 said:
    I don’t care what happens, I JUST WANT MY GODDAMN KILLER THEME BACK

    Yeah I kind of don't like these new menu tracks. The clown theme was loud and annoying, the new track sounds like a failed edgy college student attempt at a dark metal version of the theme.
    I didn't really like the Halloween theme but by God I loved the Christmas theme.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    It would be cool if the game could recognize it's your birthday and there was a seperate menu theme and lobby for that day. Double bloodpoint birthdays please.