Buff the Demogorgon

it's not fun, a breeze for most survivors and everything it does is slow as hell with unforgiving results
EDIT: Overall from this discussion, I still think it could use some additional features to compliment stranger things a little more. There's a variety of different additions i think :D
Or maybe you dont know how to play him?
Demo is one of the killers that requires the most skill, and while unforgiving, he can be rewarding when played right
- Learn where and when to use your shred, use it to bait good survivors or to cut some loops like the shack pallet and window.
- place your portals in hills or hidden next to gens
- Be precise with your hits of you dont want to give your location.
Yes, he could use some buffs or QoL changes, but he is by no means bad
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It's shred is only good for baiting. It needs to not be so obvious when it's about to do it.
Also give it one portal already placed on the other side of the map and I think that'd do the trick.
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If he had one big portal that allowed him to always have the option to move across the map, I think he would be good.
As of now, Shred is only really useful for baiting stuff and on console he really sucks because Shred makes the FPS go to 5.
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i couldn't imagine playing Demo on console, yikes
yeah i hate that aspect about it, i just don't have fun playing it, it needs more diversity and to actually not be so easy to predict
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Demo doesn't kill my FPS. But I also play on a Pro.
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The only 2 things I can think of that Demo needs is less clunky portal placements. There are so many spots where a portal would be great and it just doesn't let you put it there because collision. Make it more lenient on where you can place portals.
The other thing is to remove a lot of the map-wide sound effects. He has sounds effects for almost everything he does. At the very least get rid of the sounds effects when he attacks because it's just not necessary, and gives survivors way too much info.
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yes and the footsteps which make undetectable useless on him all together.
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I think he just needs to give Survivors less info about what he's doing, also remove STOMP STOMP when undetectable.
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You can pull some big brain moves likes placing two portals next to each other then teleporting to the second one while survivors are on the first. But other than that, they always know when you teleport and the lunge feels like a drunk nurse.
Detection on the portals feels random. I stand there screeching at nothing for a small chance that someone decides to stand on one of them. And they're long gone by the time you teleport over to them.
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He is balance now. Learn how to use shed effectively. It can destroy many loop spot
Normal pallet loop , jungle gym , killer shack .
With portals give him some mobility.
Put them on corner near gen. Survivor like to wasting time destroy portal but you can place it in 1-2 second lol.
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Please, at the very least, make his stomping quieter.
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The one big portal sounds mush good idea. George gets a portal that destroys when he teleports away. It wouldn't affect traversing through normal portals, though.
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I've played on Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro, he always seems to kill my frames.
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I haven't played him in a while. Ill check him out when I get on tonight.
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O think you have to stop playing Demo stealthily. Teleport as much as you can they will have to ignore it afyer some time. Its a bit like bone clapper Wraith.
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He only needs Add On and QOL changes. Other then that he takes mostly skill to learn. You cant put your portals in the most obvious spots then complain that they get destroyed to quickly. Mind game with shred and stop using shred when you know the person will reach the pallet.
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Demogorgon needs to have his footstep sound lowered to the same level as other Killers, his map-wide audio cues removed (who the ######### thought it was a good idea for the entire map to know that Demo attacked), and an add-on buff. Not only does Demo have way too many portal add-ons, but the numbers on them are pathetic. It’s really sad that its best add-ons are an uncommon and common combo and the high rarity ones range from ok to trash.
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They could've copied some of wraith's addons and made them for Shred. Like have one addon that causes mangled status and another that makes blood brighter while charging shred.
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Demo needs two things done. First being his stomping needs to be gone. It's headache inducing and he was more of a stealth killer in stranger things. Second thing, he needs much better addons. His addons are nearly all portal based, which his portals are useless. I would love to see a very rare addon that eliminates his ability to break pallets with shred and adds a cooldown to shred, but gives you an instadown.
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Every killer takes skill to learn, but Demo is a special case imo. It doesn't put enough pressure on experienced survivors, it's just way to easy to feel at ease for them.
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Tks for the tip! Baiting is a nice idea.
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I don't think Demo kills my fps either and I'm using just a regular og PS4. However I noticed when I played him for a while like maybe 7 games or something the entire game was acting laggy, until I reset it. So maybe he does something? lol
Also I like Demo as a killer, I don't think he is bad at all. I feel like he is one of the most balanced killers they've made that doesn't have like a one shot, or extremely annoying factors to him that make him unfun to go against.
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otz, said it is a very balanced killer, you are either very good or very bad, I confirm it because I am rank 2 with demogorgon: 3
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Pretty much this. If I were to buff him all I would buff is most of his rarer addons.
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Nah, i shouldn't have to rely on straight skill through the sheer fact that survivors can bully everything i do as Demo and just deal. There needs to be equal ground and it needs to be an actual threat to survivors, you can bully the ######### out of it
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I think he should be able to undo a portal, when you dont need it anymore. That should make a great difference. Now, we depend on survivors to be able to make new strategic portal.
In other words, if the survivors dont undo the portals at already done gens, the power becomes almost useless. Its actually a counterplay to him not get rid of a portal, if its in a no more starategic area for the killer.
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That's more of the bad matchmaker and ranking system dude, Demo is fine. He is probably one of the most balanced killers in the game.
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I was thinking why not allow his portals to be place on walls it would allow you to hide your portals closer to gens .
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No i do not agree, he is not balanced for playing him that's for sure. How do you explain having to set everything up with your portals but now you have the gens+portals+ mayb hex's to protect against 4 people? They can undo the portals at super speed unless you have the slightly slowing addons, even then it's fast. Add-ons again are also a big factor because usually unless you wanna have even harder time you should bring the standard to keep pressure and have a somewhat easier time. Also where do you see anyone playing him? as for me i haven't
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I've run into him a fair bit lately, plenty of people playing him, hell one of the better killer streamers Bronx mains Demogorgon.
He is definitely balanced, all the experienced killer mains Otz, Tru3, Tofu, all of them pretty much agree, most of the forums agree though the universal consensus is that he could use some small quality of life improvements but nothing to raise his effectiveness too much if at all. So you are welcome to your opinion; it's just the odd opinion out versus a majority. I never bring up statistics if I can help it because they don't show the whole picture, but even by them alone he does perfectly fine if you care about that kind of view point.
No one can defend a totem as strong as demo can; not even hag, you don't have to "Worry" about portals at all you just drop them when/where you need them to be and focus on the gens if they tear them that is why you have back ups in areas you need 2 like to cross the whole map for example those ones you double up.
Undoing portals takes a while and they can only do them when you use them, you have control over what ones they can even cleanse so when you manage them right; it's basically a waste of time on their part which is great for you.
It really sounds like you struggle with some of the Demogorgon fundamentals, and are forming an opinion without full understanding of the killer yet.
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Lots of Demo talk today. Demo is one of the 3 killers I use and I largely agree with those that say he's one of the more balanced killers in the game. The only changes I personally believe he needs relate to his audio cues and lackluster add-ons (well, and his horrid frame rates on PS4 but that's another issue). The main changes I would like to see are as follows:
No more map wide audio cues when using a portal and when exiting a portal, decrease the sound of those stomps of his, and increase the base undetectable status effect after using a portal--and, in terms of base gameplay, that's it. Like I said, I think he's generally in a decent spot.
In terms of add ons, I would lower leprose lichen to a rare add-on and make his portal related ultra-rare enable him to see all survivors while traversing the upside down. Lichen is good, but I don't feel only being able to see injured survivors warrants the ultra-rare status. Then, I feel he needs more shred based add-ons. The one I'm most privy to is a rare add-on that would work as a mini infectious fright upon a successful shred hit.
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He's pretty balanced, although the main issue I have with Demogorgon is the amount of information he gives to survivors with anything he does:
-Hitting a survivor tells everyone to possibly get on gens as a chase is happening.
-If he gets stunned or misses a hit you'll know which part of the map is unsafe.
-His portals arguably shouldn't be susceptible to being cleansed. His power already has a large cooldown and screams "I'm teleporting and coming for you!!".
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you should tell me some builds to run
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why can't he get the same kind of treatment freddy did? it needs something
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All he needs is some of his addons to be made useful, and a few QoL things like his portal placement not being so picky, his shred hitbox from elevation launches to be fixed so it can collide properly, and looking into making him not give out so many audio queues/drown out survivor noises with gurgling.
I like the idea many people have posted; that when he emerges from a portal he should crawl and make no noise whatsoever for the duration of the undetectable and addons should quiet the teleport sound alongside increasing undetectable duration. It would suit the character and improve him and his ability and a few addons all at once.
That's about all he needs, he definitely does NOT need a freddy level overhaul that's way off mark.
One of the best things about Demo is he has some of the most build versatility of any killer in the game.
Some folks like to run STBFL, BBQ, Infectious Fright and I'm all ears. That's Bronx's main go to build lately and he demolishes red rank 1 SWFs with it a fair bit of the time.
Thing is you can substitute so many things in that with so many others. I like to take pop instead of infectious a lot of the time, or I might take devour hope and use the deer lung addon to basically protect the hell out of that totem when it activates (I've won games with devour hope and deer lung alone), I've ruin ruin and surveillance for something different.... I've run corrupt intervention and whispers on him a lot as well.
Sometimes I play with literally just all farm perks, Bbq, beast, thrill, etc... just for bloodpoints because he gives you so much points for shred hits it's hilarious.
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The only buff I would give Demo is an add on buff. His add ons suck, but Demo himself honestly is quite a solid killer.
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Demogorgon does not exist. Next up you'll be thinking that some killer called Clown or Legion exists.
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yes, it can't be just me that rarely ever sees Demo
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i agree with the crawling comment. that would add more flavor too him. what about in chases? how do you notice the dos and don't then? If you're fond of playing Demo, why wouldn't you want more added in to feel more attached to stranger things and the upside down. For me it just doesn't feel like it has enough to be a threat. Freddy walked around and slapped and was basic till they changed it up. Demo deserves the same imo
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Now you are leaving the realm of balance changes and just wants; if we are talking soley wants of course than yeah there is a ton of stuff I want. Not just for demo for every killer, for survivors, for the game as a whole the list is near endless. My wants for demo are pretty short though, I want add on's to be looked at, some type of cool crawl for undetectable where he makes zero noise (and for addons based around that to quiet his teleport sound too), and for some bug fixing and small qol stuff. I also want a season 3 style demo skin, the demo in that was improved greatly compared to the one the in game one is based on.
The last thing I want though is for them to buff a killer that is fine, and then survivors start complaining and it gets over nerfed and sits in an over nerfed state for months or even years.
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I think his add-ons need to be reworked. His Shred is OP if you know how to use it correctly. If you’re bad at timing your shred, you can use it to bait survivors to turn a different direction and land a hit. To make him more OP though, they should add more add-ons that effect his shred rather than his portals. His add-ons are almost all about his portals which, are not bad, but you’ll see demogorgon mains relying on his shred to end chases fast. Maybe give him add-ons that increase his shred range attack or reduce the stun if you miss an attack, and the best one would probably be an add-on(s) that increase movement speed while charging shred.
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"Mew's Guts" and "Black Heart" can be stacked? there's only 2 that effect shred which is kind of lame, i usually do like "Deer lung" and "Black Moss" If i have it
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This. He's also the only killer, that uses STBFL as a solo perk without downsides.
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Almost no one plays Demogorgon, or at least on console. The only people I've seen play him are people just wanting to try out his cosmetics. And they're usually just green and brown ranks.
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He is a defensive killer a 3 or 4 gen strat. Can win you most games. Even if you dont hit them with shred very few killers can force survivors to ignore pallets or vault in fear of being hit. His portal can track too sitting one on a gen forces them to destroy it wasting time. Hes no means top tier but under utilized like the hag
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You don't know how to actually play him if you think he isn't balanced. The only thing he needs is reduced footsteps. He's an A tier killer if used correctly.
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nope he only requires a little bit of mechanic and mindgame skill, know when to dash or not, he's one of the best killer in the game, you don't see him often, because people prefer to play something that requires much less effort, like doc, freddy, legion, spirit etc..
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i like the crawling idea with him and also a good buff would be is to give him little sheriff vest and hat
Post edited by ImJustABeeBro on0 -
While I could agree that Demo needs a teeny weeny buff with portals, he does take quite a bit of time and skill to play. He is actually amazing when you get him down and he's pretty balanced. I became a Demo main after he has been released and find him to be a challenging but rewarding killer at the same time. He's fantastic with gen pressure and ending pesky chases. Having the right perks and the right add ons make Demo deadly to go against. I usually get 3k-4k with Demo every game. Practice, practice, practice, my dude. That's all I gotta say. Demo is a good boy.
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Demo has a penis? owo.
i just think there's things that could be added to feel more into stranger things, more importantly there's things like his addons for sure and yeah portals. Demo could be a little better