Devs, PLEASE look into Gen Speeds.

This is starting to become more of a problem. I chased a survivor for 30 seconds and got 1 hit, but 3 gens get completed. Everyone keeps blaming the maps, but even if you did fix the maps, you will still have to chase 1 survivor at a time. By time you down that survivor, 3 gens can still be done. We need more time to build pressure, can you add a slow down mechanic, or new types of skill checks. Anything to slow down the gen speeds. I would get teased for "Not being a good killer" when I don't even get a hook before all the gens are complete. Could you please do something about this MAJOR problem.
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Nope, Just straight facts.
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Are the survivors endermen?
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It depends if there is lag or not.
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No that's the Nurse.
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Do you got a point, or are you just playing?
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They already said they won't change gen speeds. I don't blame them since doing gens are already boring as it is, I don't wanna spend 100 seconds on a gen constantly.
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Then they could add more creative skill checks, or mini games while doing the gens. Would that be something you can get behind?
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I mean anything to slow down the start of the game.
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gen speeds are fine. the toolboxes are the ones that need a nerf which will now happen. and no 3 gens is gonna pop in a 30 second chase. nice bait anyway
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80 seconds per gen, plus you have to find a survivor.
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Even if it wasn't a 30 second chase, you still have to chase 1 survivor while 3 other survivors do a gen which takes 80 seconds. If a killer is going against a really good survivor, the survivor will never be caught. The killer would waste a lot of time chasing that survivor, and by that time, the 3 survivors working on 3 gens at the same time, would complete them.
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20 sec to find a survivor.
30 sec to take a hit.
10 sec to carry a downed survivor.
90 sec to take a hook = 3 gens done.
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Being looped can take to about 45 seconds, breaking a dropped pallet can take 2 seconds, weapon cooldown can take 2 seconds also, more looping, more pallets dropped and broken, then another hit, then pick the survivor up, take them to a hook, then find another survivor
which can equal to 3 gens getting done or more.
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well if you're chasing a very good survivor you feel like will be never caught just leave him alone and go patrol gens. it's your choice to waste time or not. maybe you'll find that survivor later away from the loops.
i don't get it, usually in a chase only 1 or none gens pop. learn to patrol and push people off the gens instead of wasting time chasing one survivor on a god loop. i don't want to be that guy, but if you actually let 3 gens pop in a 30 second chase, you did something wrong.
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It also depends on the type of killer. But I faced a 4 man swf, all rank 1 with toolboxes. I tried hoping from survivor to survivor, but the ones I leave, gets on the same gen of the survivor I currently switch to. Which makes it impossible for a killer to stop 3 survivors from completing 3 separate gens. Not to mention that I was Billy on a red forest map. I'm not a new killer, I've been playing dbd for almost 2 years now (mostly killers).
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My point is that a 30 second chase can't end with 3 gens. Unless they are endermen, which can teleport.
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No, it took me 30 seconds to get a hit.
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I feel that man honestly when It happens to me i just laugh it off and either que for a another game or take a break. Not every game is like that and it'll change soon. Otherwise alot of killers are gonna leave. Myself included.
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But... You also said there were 3 gens completed?
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Is it even possible for someone to do a solo gen in 30 seconds? Not being snarky, genuine question. Or I guess it's possible that they were working on gens while you were looking for a survivor, and then during your 30 second chase, they were able to finish their gens?
I had a game today on Springwood. Purely by bad luck, the killer came straight to me at the start of the game. I didn't run, I didn't disturb any crows, I had no time to even spot a gen in the distance before the killer was on me. I saved the game and watched it back. I ran the killer for 2 minutes and 45 seconds before he hooked me that first time. You know how many gens got done? One.
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This topic should be pretty much dead now.
Once, and if, you play the PTB you will understand. Or even the dev notes will do the trick.
I took a tookbox into the PTB. Granted a brown one. This toolbox was fast but the downside was only about a 1/4 of the gen got done. Maybe a tad bit more. But not much more. Toolboxes are not going to be as problematic in the next patch if it goes live.
They are working on it.
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What are you confused on?
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Gens speeds are fine. There is no issue. Thats the only fact here.
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Yes, toolboxes are fixed, but the gens still take up to 80 seconds to complete. If you are in a chase for 1 min and 20 seconds, how many gens will get done?
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With all due respect, do you play killer?
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They did. By increasing toolbox repair speed.
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This doesnt contribute anything to the topic.
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I see toolboxes being used for topping off the last bit fast if needed or even used for endgame, saving the fast toolbox to complete the "problem" gens.
This might make Franklins an interesting choice.
The way the games are now is this:
Surv spawn together most games. They are practically sitting on a gen. They do the gen. Slower killers might lose the gen. Faster one should get there in time.
The future might be different. Faster killer can chase them off of the gen and break it negating most if not all the work on the gen as long as they dont go right back to it. If perks are used to slow the gen or disable to gen then that might be a wasted toolbox.
Imagine doing the gen with the toolbox, using most of it, then getting chased off of it and then finding out they have ruin. Ruin these days, the new one, regresses pretty damn fast.
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Don't mind him. He's the most biased entitled survivor main i have ever seen in this forum.
I doubt he ever plays killer lol
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Do you?
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New killer perk that discourages totem destruction will make gen times even worse. Really not sure WTH devs are thinking.
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Like using it to protect Ruin, or Devour Hope?
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Mark my words, gens will go even faster. Avoiding totems will become a thing. I hope I'm wrong, but this encourages even more focus on gens. Really dumb perk.
Would rather they just disguise the hex totems better than give us yet another aura perk, but one that may keep survivors from spending time totem hunting.
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At this point, the killer should help the survivors do gens lol
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If they start avoiding totems survs will complain about NOED more even though they ain’t touching totems
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His perks are not that good, I kinda feel like the devs are still bias. Just compare his perks to the new survivor's perks.
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Mark my words, gens will go even faster. Avoiding totems will become a thing. I hope I'm wrong, but this encourages even more focus on gens. Really dumb perk.
Lets see how it goes with Noed, huehue.
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Frankly, I don't like any of it. If I want to play a FPS, I won't be playing DbD. This is not a good direction imo.
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Gen speeds don’t need to be increased, it’s when survivors team up on generators when they go super fast
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Scenario: You are doing a gen by yourself, along with 2 other survivors. The killer is distracted by the best looper in the world. How long will it take to complete 3 gens?
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90 seconds and considering how busted loops are they are probably gonna loop more than that...
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U obviously don’t play killer lol
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It absolutely does.
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It's pretty standard fare for 2-3 gens to pop by the time your first chase ends. They need 5 gens, you need 12 hooks. Getting a gen done every other chase simply isn't going to cut it.
Gens are absurd right now and unless you play a high mobility or loop denying killer it's torturous.
Assuming a single chase is ~30 seconds from finding the survivor to hitting, downing, and hooking. (which is fairly generous depending on the killer) that means the other 3 survivors (or 2, because altruism) are still on gens. That means by the time you hopefully finish your second chase, 2 generators are but 20 seconds away from finishing. Great. You got maybe 2 hooks, and they've got maybe 2 gens.
Only they need 5 gens. You need 12 hooks. It's utterly insane.
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More creative skill checks? You mean like the old Hex Ruin they just nerfed? I don't think that's ever gonna be brought back.
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Calling people "survivor mains" or "killer mains" doesnt make your point any more valid. Your just saying that because you refuse to believe that gen speeds are actually fine and maybe you can't get a down fast or you gotta actually try to play the game and not have everything handed to you.
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Oh you misunderstood me. What i want to say is it's better to ignore his post because most of them are really biased and doesn't really provide any useful information or constructive feedback. Honestly i don't know if he's really biased or just trolling.
Another thing is i never mentioned my stand regarding the gen speed. FYI, i got to red rank with mediocre killers without ruin (pre-nerf), pop, corrupted, and i played as fair as possible.
I don't just post things without good reasons
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Ah I see, disregard my comment then, just tired of seeing the same killers complain about gen speed when it's really not a problem to most people.
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Cool bro.